Chapter 21

The next day, I woke up alone in the room, Houki was nowhere, it seems that she is still angry, or she could be worried, but with her personality it was difficult to differentiate.

I bathed and changed clothes, but I put the clothes I was going to wear, which were more comfortable for me, and my things in a bag with the sword hanging from it.

As I was going to the living room, I managed to hear Cecilia's voice from the hall.

(Cecilia): "The commoner-kun has not arrived yet? You must have realized how arrogant he was, and that this was already a losing battle."

(Ichika): "I hope your skills are as big as your mouth, little princess, because I could hear your arrogance in the hall." - I said to her as I entered the room.

Everyone looked at me when I entered the room, I looked at Houki's place, who was already there to see her look at me with a worried expression. I felt a little bad for leaving her like this, but she would understand after the fight.

(Cecilia): "I'm going to love sweeping the floor with you."

(Ichika): "Just don't be too disappointed when the opposite happens. Hi Houki." - I said as I passed her and went to my roommate.

(Houki): "Ichika..."

She seemed to want to tell me something, but Maya-Sensei's voice interrupted her.

(Maya): "Good morning, everyone. I hope you are rested."

(Chifuyu): "Follow us, we will go to the Combat Arena for the fight to begin. While Orimura and Alcott fight, I want you to analyze their movements and give me a report for tomorrow about what you saw... was I clear? "

(Class 1-1): "Yes!"

(Chifuyu): "And as for those who will fight, I want them to analyze their opponent's movements and give me a report with at least 500 words."

(Ichika & Cecilia): "Understood!"

(Chifuyu): "So let's go."

We followed Chifuyu-nee and Maya-Sensei to a building that looked like a stadium. Chifuyu-nee turned and faced the students.

(Chifuyu): "Maya-Sensei and I will take the combatants to the dressing rooms while the rest of you will go to the benches. After that, Maya-Sensei and I will go to the central room to control the arena's shields, I don't want to know of you doing something stupid... was I clear? "

(Class 1-1): "Yes!"

After saying that, she took Cecilia while Maya-Sensei guided me.

(Maya): "Ichika-san, how do you plan to fight?"

(Ichika): "I don't want to spoil the surprise."

That will definitely be a surprise. She just looked at me worried, even though she saw my strength she still didn't believe I was capable of something like that.

(Ichika): 'This is going to change today... although I'm pretty sure Chifuyu-nee will want answers.'

(Maya): "This is the dressing room. Good luck."

(Ichika): "Thank you Maya-Sensei."

She looked at me worriedly one last time before leaving. I entered the dressing room and started to change, I put on my favorite clothes, a white jacket over a slim purple hoodie and a black base layer shirt with black jeans, I put on my boots, which I hoped to improve when I saw it as a IS works and I attached my sword to my waist.

After preparing, I put the display on my face and activated it.

(Colonel & Iris): "Good morning, Ichika-sama."

(Ichika): "Good morning people, today we will fight for the first time against a third generation IS, and I want your support."

(Colonel): "What do you want us to do, Ichika-sama?"

(Ichika): "Colonel, I want you to analyze Cecilia's IS, and give me all of her functions, as well as possible weaknesses, and tell me how much I should hold on to when I hit her."

(Colonel): "Understood Ichika-sama."

(Ichika): "Iris, I want you to analyze my opponent's condition and, if possible, do a sweep at the school. I will cause a certain commotion and our targets may make a mistake this time. And check if there is anyone that is not in my class nearby, and I would like a report at the end. "

(Iris): "Understood Ichika-sama."

(Ichika): "Thanks guys."

I considered these two to be true friends, possibly because of the missions I've done with them since I programmed them, and how much they ended up saving my friends from [Zodiac Beasts], but even so, to me they were much more than that simple AIs.

It was at that time that I heard Chifuyu-nee's voice.

(Chifuyu): "The fight is about to begin, do not approach the barrier."

So, it was time to show the school, and possibly the world, some of my abilities.

(Ichika): 'It's show time!' - I thought while going to the arena.

(Chifuyu's POV)

I was heading towards the central room to start the shields. I had just left Alcott, who was already apologizing that he would make my brother kiss the floor, and I ran into Maya.

(Maya): "Chifuyu-Sensei!"

(Chifuyu): "Maya, how is Orimura doing?"

(Maya): "Very confident, which makes me worried."

I admit that I was in doubt if I should let Ichika fight without his IS, that I had received the news that would arrive in three days, but the confidence he showed when he challenged Alcott made me want to see how far he managed to go.

(Maya): "Why did you allow Ichika-san to fight without an IS?"

(Chifuyu): "Curiosity. I wanted to see how strong he was to have that confidence."

(Maya): "Still, don't you think it was a little extreme? Ichika-san can get hurt. How is he going to hit something that will always be in the air?" - She asked at the same moment that we entered the room.

(Chifuyu): "That's exactly why I allowed this fight. If you were at the time he spoke, you would understand." - I said while going to the panels to be able to start the fight.

At that time I heard the door open again, when I turned around I saw two members of the student council. The Seitou Kaichou, who had blue hair and red eyes, and was also the national representative of Russia, Sarashiki Tatenashi, and the vice president, who had braided hair, which gives off a "resolute yet efficient" aura and wore glasses, unlike her younger sister, who by the way was in my class, Nohotoke Utsuho.

(Chifuyu): "Why are you here? Shouldn't you be doing the student council's job?"

(Utsuho): "Seitou Kaichou wanted to see this fight..." - she said while working on the glasses and sighing.

(Tatenashi): "And how could I lose this? Ichika-kun claiming that he could defeat someone using an IS without even having to use one, I had to see it with my own eyes."

(Utsuho): "You are going to finish the job alone this time."

(Tatenashi): "It is a price that I am willing to pay." - she said while opening her fan, which was her IS's form of rest.

(Chifuyu): "Since you have come this far, feel free to see." - I said while adjusting the shields.

(Utsuho): "With all due respect Orimura-Sensei, but I think your brother is going wrong this time."

(Chifuyu): "Let's see."

I turned on the microphone and gave my message.

(Chifuyu): "The fight is about to begin, do not approach the barrier." - I said while pressing the button to activate the shield.

I stood, with Sarashiki and Nohotoke at my side, while Maya went to the computers to monitor the conditions of the participants.

I really hoped I didn't overestimate Ichika, because if that happened, he really would be screwed, and just thinking about it, I was more distressed than usual.

(Houki's POV)

I was going with my classmates to the bench to see Ichika's fight with Alcott-san. I was really worried about what could happen to Ichika, that I was even angry at him when he said he was able to do what he said.

At that time I realized that he was right, I really needed to control myself, but the shame was so great that I couldn't apologize last night, I left before he woke up today and I couldn't even say 'good luck' before we left the room .

I wish I had the chance to wish him 'good luck', my heart was racing with this anguish, and whenever I thought about it, my head would go until the morning of the previous day where he even praised me, even after that I attacked him, which made my heart beat even faster.

My classmates talked to the benches.

(Student 1): "How do you think things will end?"

(Student 2): "Although I love to see Orimura-kun win, it is obvious that it will be Alcott-san who will win. After all, she has her own IS while Orimura-kun has not yet received his."

(Student 3): "How did Orimura-Sensei allow her brother to do such a crazy thing?"

They continued to talk to each other until we heard Orimura-Sensei's voice.

(Chifuyu): "The fight is about to begin, do not approach the barrier."

When Orimura-Sensei finished speaking, a barrier started to expand from the center of the battlefield, and right after that I saw Alcott-san appear at full speed, only to rise with a grace that I confess was impressive. And I hadn't been the only one.

(Student 4): "Incredible..."

(Student 5): "As expected of a representative."

Alcott-san continued to make some movements in the air, which showed all his skill and only served to make me more distressed, I was staring at the door of the dressing room from which Ichika was going to leave, while my colleagues continued to praise Alcott-san.

The doors opened and the moment they finished opening completely I saw Ichika entering the arena in a suit that I had to admit, it matched him very well, with his visor, a pair of boots that almost reached his knee, and a katana around his waist, he walked to the center of the arena while Alcot-san was in the air.

I had seen Ichika with that visor before, he used it in the room sometimes, but I never understood why, and I hadn't even asked either. But seeing Ichika just there while Alcott-san was on the air, only served to increase my distress. I just prayed that Ichika wouldn't get hurt too much.