Chapter 22

(Ichika's POV)

The doors were closed, but I could hear the sound of Cecilia's IS flying, possibly she was showing off to our colleagues.

(Ichika): "She really has a princess complex."

This only served to make me more motivated about the humility lesson I would teach her. At that time the doors started, when they were really open, I entered the arena, and went to the center of it and looked up.

In the air, Cecilia had an IS all blue, acting as if nothing could touch her. I stared at her until Colonel finished the analysis.

(Colonel): "Ichika-sama, Cecilia Alcott's IS is a third generation who, according to the data, is called Blue Tears. It is focused on the sniper position, and has four drones, they have a basic AI, the moment it catches a target, the drones acted according to the situation, it seems to use energy ammunition. They are designed to withstand even shots of energy, but they have an opening five centimeters below their center, which is the point where they come together to carry out a powerful attack, where you can finish with just one lunge. I recommend using less than 10% of your strength and focusing more on moving if your intention is to spend time, but you can make the shield energy of it going to 5% if you use it if you hit it with 21% of its strength in a medium protected area. I found all the vulnerable points of the shield at the moment. Do you want to see them, Ichika-sama? " - while he was speaking several parts of the IS, which were in my field of vision glowed, to specify what he was talking about.

(Ichika): "No, thanks Colonel. Can you show the energy level of her shield in real time?"

(Colonel): "But of course, Ichika-sama." - he said that and immediately afterwards a circle with a '100%' in the middle appeared just below the Colonel.

When I was going to fight or when they were going to explain the things I asked for, Iris and Colonel didn't get the full body image, they just showed their faces in squares, Colonel was on the upper right side and Iris was on the upper side left.

So I could end that battle with just one blow, but I had to teach her a little something, so I would follow Colonel's first alternative, but only when I attack, on the move would I be reasonable, without depending on Hekireki Issen power up forms.

(Cecilia): "So commoner-kun, you can start."

(Ichika): "Thank you, princess." - I said while preparing to jump.

I jumped at a speed that was already slow for me, but for others I should be very fast, as I decided to play, I hit the right arm of the IS with a light cut, after going through it I adjusted myself to be able to make a second attack, the boots created the 'ground' I needed, I jumped again and hit the other arm, when I checked her shield level, it had dropped to 80%, that is, each blow of mine was taking 10%, and me holding on even more would start to feel uncomfortable.

I managed to stand in front of her, she was still looking down, but with a confused expression since she could no longer see me, as well as the audience.

(Ichika): "Hey, little princess!"

When she heard my voice, she raised her head, and the confused expression vanished, giving way to shock.

(Ichika): "What is it, princess? Aren't you going to fight back?"

(Cecilia): "How can you do that? And when did you end up there?" - she said in shock, it seems that she didn't even realize that I had already hit her, I would have to slow down a little.

(Ichika): "For the first question, because of my children here." - I said while tapping my boots with the sword.

(Cecilia): "Did you create this?"

(Ichika): "Do you think it's time to worry about that? I already hit you twice and you didn't even react."

She was confused then looked a little to the side, possibly to see the energy of the shield, while her expression slowly went to shock.

(Cecilia): "W-When did you hit me?"

(Ichika): "Between the moment I was on the ground and the moment I was here. I practiced all the muscles in my body a lot, to get that speed."

This was true, as breathing techniques serve as a multiplier, if I have a base force, techniques multiplied that force while slowly increasing that same base force, which is why Dragon-Sensei made me use breathing techniques until sleeping, as I would also be improving my body during sleep.

(Cecilia): "I-Impossible!"

(Ichika): "It seems that I will have to go to you since you don't want to come to me."

She called out her sniper rifle, and started to move. I held on tight, not to the point of being hit, but enough that this time she realized I was moving. I even managed to hear my colleagues' screams.

(Student 1): "How does Orimura-kun manage to be so fast?"

(Student 2): "He spoke about the boots."

(Student 3): "But he talked about training too."

I almost felt like kicking Cecilia so she could hit the ground just so I could show them that it was my speed, not the boots.

After shooting so much and I kept dodging, she called her four drones, which came out of her IS 'wings.

(Cecilia): "I want to see you manage to avoid it." - she said while firing along with her drones.

If I didn't have the speed I had, that strategy would work, since the drones moved as Cecilia's shots, or to try to take me to a place where her shot would pass. However, they were very slow, it was very easy to avoid them.

At that time I had an idea to use a form of thunder breath to finish off all the drones at once, but I was a little bit afraid, and this was that they would discover that I was the 'Dragon' of [Zodiac Beasts] . Even though I didn't leave survivors to tell me about my abilities, I wasn't sure if anyone was looking at me from afar, although I have already made my identity clear only with my physical abilities and boots.

But I dismissed that idea, first I will destroy each drone one by one, and then throw Cecilia on the ground.

I jumped towards the one closest to me and lashed the region that the Colonel had shown me, causing the drone to explode on the spot, I was lining up and jumping from one to the other until everyone was destroyed.

(Cecilia): "How did you do that? My drones were designed to even withstand bullets."

(Ichika): "However, they needed an 'Achilles' heel, right? Which is actually five centimeters below their center."

(Cecilia): "How did you find out?"

(Ichika): "Good eyesight. Now how about we go to land?"

I advanced towards her and stood a little above her, I turned my body and kicked her, making her go straight to the ground. When it hit the ground a cloud of dust rose, and I went slowly down until I reached the ground. When I checked her shield, it was 40%, and I kicked it with just 14% of my strength.

The cloud was disappearing, showing a crater with a shocked Cecilia in the middle of it. She just stared at me as she got up, and then her expression became more calm.

(Cecilia): "I apologize for my previous behavior."

(Ichika): "I'm glad there was a change in you." - I said while taking off my boots.

(Cecilia): "What are you doing?" - She said with a confused expression.

(Ichika): "Confirming that the speed I have shown so far is mine, not the boots." - I said while putting the boots behind me and was in position.

Cecilia seemed to realize that it was not going to end well for her, but before she started taking off again, I went forward and cut into the IS leg regions. I took shield her with this blow. However, she didn't even realize it was over but I grabbed her leg with the hand that didn't hold the sword and prevented her from flying.

I stayed like that for a while, staring at her back, until she turned and saw me preventing her from leaving, her eyes were very wide.

(Ichika): "Checkmate, princess."

At that same time, I heard my sister's voice, which should have the same expression as Cecilia, because she even stuttered.

(Chifuyu): "C-Combat finished, winner, Orimura Ichika."

I let go of her leg, and she landed on the floor and deactivated her IS while still looking at me with a shocked expression, but I realized there was something more there than the shock.

(Ichika): "Well ... is there another fight scheduled for us?" - I asked out loud for Chifuyu-nee to be able to hear me while going to my boots and put my boots on.

(Chifuyu): "No. Both are dismissed."

(Ichika): "It was kind of fun. We should do this more often. See you later, Alcott-san." - I said while going to the dressing room I was in before going to the arena and waving to Cecilia.

I didn't see any more reason to provoke her with the 'princess', since she even apologized to me, it seems that she is not that bad without all that pride.

(Chifuyu's POV)

Shocked would be little to define my state, I was watching my brother defeat a person with an IS, with just a sword and a pair of boots, who according to him, was the one who created them, it was not for nothing that he was interested inside an IS.

And as if that weren't enough, he shocked me even more by demonstrating that the speed he demonstrated in the entire duel was his own, the boots possibly only served him to stay in the air, and he prevented an IS from starting with just one of the hands.

(Chifuyu): "What is his condition?"

(Maya): "Low, but not as much as with the weights ... this battle was practically a warm-up for Ichika-san."

I should have been proud, but the sadness and the feeling that I lost my role as a big sister, which just grew, didn't let that happen.

(Tatenashi): "Ichika-kun is incredible! He didn't even receive a scratch."

(Utsuho): "I admit that I didn't expect this ... what will happen when he receives the IS?"

(Tatenashi): "Possibly won't even use it."

I faced Tatenashi when she said that, after all, an IS was to improve the user's capabilities, there was no reason for Ichika not to use it.

(Utsuho): "Why do you think that, Seitou Kaichou?"

(Tatenashi): "I don't know... it's just a feeling that the current generation of ISs served more to hinder him than to help him, after all can you imagine any IS matching his speed?"

And in fact, his speed was something to be proud of, I hardly realized that when he moved, and something was telling me that he could go a lot faster.

(Maya): "I will see Alcott-san's condition." - she said as she got up and left the room.

(Tatenashi): "Well... I think it's time for us to go to the student council room, until another time Orimura-Sensei."

(Utsuho): "Sorry for the inconvenience."

The two left and left me alone, I was supposed to go downstairs and see Alcott's condition and remind everyone about the activity, but I just couldn't move.

For some reason I was frustrated. I knew it was stupid, almost hypocritical, but I couldn't help feeling that way. Because my little brother became dependent too quickly, and the fact that this led me to believe that he no longer needed me, was like a stab in the heart.

(Chifuyu): 'I'm being quite pathetic now.' - I scolded myself mentally and went to the arena where my students were.