(Houki's POV)
I didn't even know how to start reacting, I was seeing a totally one-sided battle, and the strangest fact was that Alcott-san, who has a unique exclusive IS, which should have the advantage, was practically dancing in Ichika's hand, who had only a sword and a pair of boots.
It reminded me of when Ichika had spoken to me when I went after him after challenging her, those words were true, I really decided to apologize to Ichika.
When Ichika left the arena, the bench became a mess, all of them asking how Ichika got that way, which I was asking myself, and I wondered if he would teach me too.
Alcott-san just looked at where Ichika had gone, despite not being able to see her face right, I still felt a twinge in my heart, it seems that the number of rivals had increased, that is if I had not already spoiled my chances with my attitude, but I hoped not, after all he acted like everything was normal.
(Cecilia's POV)
I was facing where Orimura-san was, no, where Ichika-san had gone, without even looking away or blinking. I admit that I was surprised when I realized the way I was referring to him, even if it was mentally.
But I couldn't help it, not only the way he overcame me, with a margin too big for my taste, but for some reason my heart was beating too fast just thinking about him. I wondered if I had just fallen in love and how could I fall in love so fast, and when I heard him calling me, even if it was my last name, and not in the mocking way of before, I thought my heart would explode.
I just stood there in the arena, although this new feeling was forming, my pride as a representative was crying with such a humiliating defeat, he didn't even have an IS, and I didn't even get it right.
I was lost in thought when I heard Yamada-Sensei's voice.
(Maya): "Are you all right, Alcott-san?" - she said while going to my side.
(Cecilia): "I am, Yamada-Sensei... except for my pride as a national representative..."
(Maya): "I know what you're talking about, but if you want something like that to not be repeated, you just have to try harder."
Something told me that this would be a little useless, after all Ichika-san was clearly taking it easy with me almost the entire match, he could have ended the fight before I even realized it, but Yamada-Sensei's kind smile improved my humor.
(Cecilia): "Thank you Yamada-Sensei."
(Maya): "Call me Maya, I don't like being called by my surname, it makes me feel old."
(Cecilia): "Okay, Maya-Sensei."
I decided to try, even if I couldn't reach Ichika-san, I would try to at least fight him seriously next time. At least it would show that I was close to him.
at that time Orimura-Sensei appeared, and she seemed a little sad, which left me confused, as she should be very happy for her brother.
(Chifuyu): "I see that Alcott is doing better But don't forget that you have a report to deliver."
(Cecilia): "Understood!"
(Chifuyu): "And that goes for you too!" - She raised her voice while staring at the rest of the room, which was a racket because of Ichika-san's performance.
(Class 1-1): "Understood!"
(Chifuyu): "The rest of the class is free study, so I recommend that you use it to make your reports. I will see how Orimura is doing."
(Maya): "Good luck, girls."
The two teachers went towards the dressing room that Ichika-san had gone to. I just stood there, when I heard a voice.
(????): "Could I talk to you Alcott-san? '
I turned around and saw the girl Ichika-san had talked to in the room, who from what I heard was his childhood friend, Shinonono Houki.
(Cecilia): "What would be the subject, Shinonono-san?"
(Houki): "Your impressions of the fight."
It was just another nudge in my wounded pride, and I wasn't in the mood to talk about it.
(Cecilia): "And why would you like to know about my impressions?"
(Houki): "For the report. I took some things from a third person's point of view, but I would like to hear your point of view as a participant."
I saw no reason to refuse if we were going to exchange views, after all I could have missed something while I fought, which she shouldn't, and vice versa.
(Cecilia): "Okay."
(Ichika's POV)
After the battle I went straight to the dressing room, that battle against Cecilia until it was fun, served as a warm-up.
(Ichika): "Iris, something to tell me?"
(Iris): "Yes, Ichika-sama. There were two students who appeared before the fight started, but went straight to the room where Chifuyu-sama and Maya-sama were, after the fight was over, Maya-sama left the room first and then the two students."
That meant that those two were clean, and they were known to my sister, as I doubted that the spies would be that hard-headed.
(Ichika): "Keep analyzing, please, I don't want to miss this chance."
(Iris): "Understood, Ichika-sama."
(Ichika): "Well... I think I will have to make that report... although it will be a little difficult to put 500 words in it..."
(???????): "I am happy to know that you have not forgotten my activity."
When I heard my sister's voice, I turned off the display and looked towards her to see that she was accompanied by Maya-Sensei.
(Ichika): "Orimura-Sensei, Maya-Sensei, did you come to congratulate me?"
(Chifuyu): "That, and ask some questions."
(Ichika): "I already imagined that... what do you want to know?"
(Chifuyu): "Although I am very curious about the training you did, something tells me that you will not talk about it much."
(Ichika): "Not at the moment at least..."
(Chifuyu): "I already imagined... can you explain to me about the boots, the visor and the sword?"
I considered Chifuyu-nee's request, and realized that there was nothing much, although at the moment I was not going to expose Colonel and Iris.
(Ichika): "Very well. I created these boots in order to always have a floor, no matter where, as for the display I designed it for field analysis and how much the sword I myself forged with the help of my Sensei. "
(Chifuyu): "Sensei?"
(Ichika): "Yes."
(Chifuyu): "Who's your Sensei?"
(Ichika): "At the moment, I can't speak."
She looked at me with a sad and disappointed look, which made me feel bad, but at the moment I couldn't speak, because then I would have to talk about [Zodiac Beasts].
(Chifuyu): "Do you plan to tell me one day?"
(Ichika): "But of course."
(Maya): "So, was your display showing the weaknesses of Alcott-san's drones?"
(Ichika): "Exactly... and Maya-Sensei, why do you refer to the other students by their last name and me by my name?"
When I asked this, Maya-Sensei was confused for a while and then it turned red. My sister looked at her with a sulky expression.
(Chifuyu): "Anyway, the rest of the class is free, feel free to make your report."
(Ichika): "Okay, Orimura-Sensei."
The two left me alone, and I decided to do the report with Colonel's help and finish it by the end of the class.
(Chifuyu's POV)
I didn't know exactly what I felt.
My little brother is clearly hiding something from me, and he didn't want to tell me, not to mention the Sensei he commented on, who he clearly had respect for, made me feel worse.
I knew that again I was being a hypocrite, after all I never told the truth about our family, and I don't even plan differently from him who said he was going to tell me one day, I just made up a story, but I couldn't stop that feeling.
(Maya): "Please calm down, Chifuyu-Sensei."
I stared at Maya who was still a little red from Ichika's comment, which did not improve my mood.
(Chifuyu): "This is kind of impossible, Maya-Sensei."
(Maya): "I understand why you're jealous, but you need to calm down."
I stopped and turned to look at her a little confused.
(Chifuyu): "Jealous?"
(Maya): "You are clearly jealous, Chifuyu-Sensei, you could see when Ichika-san talked about his Sensei. You are jealous of him because someone can take Ichika-san from you, after all, all his attention was on you. "
I didn't know how to respond, because when I heard it, I realized it was true. Just to think that Ichika wouldn't pay me more attention or wouldn't need me anymore, it was enough for me to agonize.
(Chifuyu): "And should I consider you as one of those 'someone'?"
I felt even worse when she blushed.
(Maya): "W-W-W-W-What are you talking about, Chifuyu-Sensei?"
(Chifuyu): "I'm talking about your red face and the fact that the Academy has no problem with romance between students and teachers. After all, there are a couple of teachers going out with their students."
Maya opened her mouth to try to defend herself, to no avail. It was possibly getting even more confusing, as I was sure I was seeing steam coming out of her ears.
(Chifuyu): "I think I said too much..."
However, that feeling was not so strong anymore, possibly because I had discovered what it was, although I was still agonized over the only person I really called a friend in that place.
(Ichika's POV)
After class ended, I met my classmates outside. The moment they saw me, I was surrounded. Everyone kept asking questions about how I got that speed, how I created those boots and everything. I responded in the same way that I answered Chifuyu-nee.
After that, I managed to make my way to Houki, who happened to be with Cecilia.
(Ichika): "I didn't think I would see the two together."
(Houki): "We were talking about the report."
(Cecilia): "Ichika-san, could you give an impression about the fight too?"
I raised an eyebrow while looking at her. I was staring at her for the way she called me, but it seems that she was uncomfortable because she looked away a little red.
(Ichika): 'Rooster-san will want my soul if he sees this.'
I didn't think things would end this way, but I decided to let things just go with the flow and see what happens.
(Ichika): "Okay."
I told them what I thought of the battle, and I even praised Cecilia's strategy regarding drones, claiming that if it was slower I would have been hit, which made her a little redder and Houki more sulky.
The rest of the day went on without a problem, obviously the girls were whispering more than usual, apparently my fight with Cecilia had already spread. After classes ended, I decided to train, first the gym, then the sword and then the martial arts.
When I got back to the room, Houki was already there, and she already had the robe on. I took a shower and got dressed to sleep.
(Houki): "Ichika..." - she called me when I sat on my bed.
(Ichika): "What is it?"
(Houki): "Sorry..."
Even though she said nothing, I knew she was referring to how she reacted yesterday and this morning.
(Ichika): "It's okay."
It wasn't like I was angry, after all the IS kind of became invincible in people's minds, so I didn't blame Houki for the reaction.
(Ichika): "But I'm happy that you care about me."
(Houki): "Of course, I care about you."
I looked at her. She was a little red, but she had a serious face.
(Ichika): "Just do us both a favor, see if you relax a little."
(Houki): "...I will try... good night Ichika." - she said with a smile.
(Ichika): "Good night Houki."
We both turned off the lights and went to sleep, but I was sure that my school life would have several twists and turns.