Chapter 25

Ling and I went straight to the cafeteria and placed our orders, with Houki, Cecilia and other girls in my class right behind us, possibly to be sure of our relationship, which I wasn't exactly sure about either. I liked Rin as much as Houki, although it was not exactly the same level as Tiger, Snake or my sisters, but even so, if asked, I would say I liked her.

Not to mention that I had that promise, which according to the staff was practically a marriage proposal, but I didn't know how she would react when she learned that I already had two girlfriends.

When we were in line to pick up the food I decided to start the conversation.

(Ichika): "You could have contacted me that you were coming, since you knew where I was."

(Ling): "I didn't want to ruin our dramatic reunion."

(Ichika): "Are you still afraid of my sister?"

(Ling): "I-I'm not afraid of her... I just don't get along with her."

The cook delivered Ling's order when she finished speaking, which happened to be ramen.

(Ichika): "Are you still enjoying ramem? How have you been in this 8 years?" - I asked while she took the ramem and the cook handed me my order.

(Ling): "I-I was fine... what about you? Shouldn't you be sick or hurt yourself every now and then?"

(Ichika): "And why do you want me to be sick? Do you plan to be my nurse?" - I said while taking my order.

She blushed and headed for a table. I followed her, while feeling the eyes of others on us. Ling and I sat alone at a table, and the group in my room sat at the next table, Houki and Cecilia didn't even try to hide it and just stared at us.

(Ichika): "How did you become a candidate for national representative?"

(Ling): "And how did you get into all this? I heard several rumors about you in the room."

(Ichika): "What did you hear?"

(Ling): "That you defeated someone who had an IS without having your own... that you managed to make your IS a fourth generation... and... that you train a lot..." - she said the last part and got a little red, it seems that they talked about how my body was.

(Ichika): "They are all true."

(Ling): "Really?!"

(Ichika): "Yes."

I told her what happened on the days that I was at the Academy, as well as how I ended up getting into that mess on the entrance exam, and her mouth was forming a big O as I spoke.

(Ling): "When did you become a monster genius?"

(Ichika): "I don't know, I just studied and trained, and when I found out, it was like that. Well, I answered your questions, now my turn. How did you become a candidate for representative?"

(Ling): "A friend of mine is the Head of the Chinese Support Team, she decided to see my skills and I managed to get here."

(Ichika): "Speaking of connections... what about your parents? You came back to China because of them, didn't you?"

(Ling): "Yes... my parents broke up so I had to go back... but after a certain event they returned to the relationship but decided to continue in China."

(Ichika): "What happened?"

(Ling): "My mom was kidnapped."

(Ichika): "What?! By whom?"

(Ling): "It's okay. [Zodiac Beasts] dealt with Yun Shaoran before he had a chance to do anything with her."

I almost choked on the food when she said that. Was the woman Yun Shaoran's accomplice wanted to 'break' Ling's mother? How likely was that to happen?

(Ling): "Are you all right, Ichika?"

(Ichika): "Yes, I'm fine."

(Ling): "Hey, Ichika..."

Whatever it was that she was going to say was interrupted by Houki and Cecilia who hit everything on the table that we were eating.

(Houki): "Ichika! I demand an explanation."

(Cecilia): "That's right, Ichika-san. Don't tell us that you are going out with this girl...?!"

(Ling): "W-W-W-We are not in a relationship."

(Ichika): "In fact, the last time we met was 7 years old."

She was a little sulky when I said that, but I didn't want a mess in the cafeteria, although something told me it was going to happen whether I like it or not.

(Houki): "So they are childhood friends..."

(Ichika): "Yes, I became friends with her after you had to move. Ling, this is Shinonono Houki." - I said while looking pointed at Houki

(Ling): "So you are the dojo's friend..."

(Houki): "Yes."

(Cecilia): "And I am Cecilia Alcott. The candidate for England's representative. Ichika-san and I had an intense battle a few days ago."

(Ling): "Intense battle? From what I heard it was a massacre on one side."

Cecilia froze when she said that. It seems that it had leaked as the fight had been.

(Ling): "Now where I was... it really is... hey, Ichika."

(Ichika): "What is it?"

(Ling): "Did you get a girlfriend in the meantime?" - she said with a look that could kill someone.

The mood got heavy at the time, with all the girls who heard Ling, staring at me, while I saw the oni mask behind Houki and Cecilia again. But it was better to make things clear before I got into trouble later, more so at least.

(Ichika): "I will be honest... I have two."

There was a silence and then a scream that I thought was going to be deaf.

(Girls): "WHAT?!"

(Houki & Cecilia & Ling): "TWO?!"

(Ichika): "Yes. They were already friends and they didn't care about that."

(Cecilia): "You act like they don't care about you getting more girlfriends!"

(Ichika): "And they don't care."

Again there was a silence that was broken by Houki.

(Houki): "Don't you mind?"

I could see a spark of hope in her eyes, as well as Cecilia's and Ling's.

(Ichika): "No, as long as I don't neglect them, they won't care how many girlfriends I get."

(Ling): "That means..." - she said very red.

(Ichika): "If it's about that promise that we made before you left, I plan to keep it." - I said looking right in her eyes.

She got so red that steam started to come out of her ears.

(Cecilia): "Ichika-san! What is that promise?"

(Ichika): "I'm sorry, but this is something between Ling and me."

Again a silence came over the room.

(Ichika): "I'll be honest, I was hoping that they would try to hit me."

(Houki): "The will is great."

(Ling): "My mom had told me to prepare for something like that, so it's easier to accept." - she said in a tone of surrender.

Thank you Ms. Huang, you paid your debt when Taiga and I saved your life.

(Cecilia): "Could you show us a photo of them at least?"

I didn't see any harm in that, so I took out my cell phone, and unlocked it. The lock screen had a picture of me with my sister, and on the home screen there was a picture of me with Tiger and Snake.

(Ichika): "Here."

The three stared at the photo, especially Ling, possibly because of their breasts in the photo.

(Houki): "What are they called?"

(Ichika): "The one with white hair with highlights is called Hiroshima Taiga, and the one with green hair Mizushima Hisui."

(Cecilia): "Ichika-san ... do you have a fetish for older women?" - She looked at me a little disappointed.

(Ichika): "No ..."

(Houki): "Why do I feel a hesitation?" - She said with a sharp look.

(Ichika): "Why am I not sure?"

And I really wasn't sure, because I never stopped to think about it, I just fell in love with both, but I couldn't say it was a fetish because I always remembered Houki and Ling.

(Ling): "Let's change the subject, it's getting uncomfortable."

I knew very well what was making her uncomfortable, but I thanked her for the breach, since Houki and Cecilia decided to follow Ling's line of thought.

(Ling): "You became the representative of Class 1-1, didn't you?"

(Ichika): "Yes."

(Ling): "Have you ever practiced with your IS?"

(Ichika): "Yes, with Houki and Cecilia, and after I touched him."

(Ling): "Is it okay if I join your training?"

(Ichika): "It is."

(Cecilia): "Wait a moment, Ichika-san! This girl just arrived!"

(Ichika): "But she is one that I have known for the longest time."

That made her freeze again, because of that group, the most delayed would be Cecilia, at that time the bell rang, showing that it was already running out of time for lunch.

(Ichika): "I suggest finishing your food. You will not want to take Orimura-Sensei's scolding." - I said getting up while talking to the two in front of me with the tray in hand.

I went to put the tray in place and go to the living room, with all the girls staring at me, but I knew that my problems would only get worse.

The rest of the day was normal, with the exception of the fact that the girls only commented even more than usual, Maya-Sensei giving me a slightly hurt look and my sister as if she wanted to pluck mine by the hand. I think I would have to give some explanations.

On the way to my room, I made Iris give me a report, which I had forgotten to check when I started messing with Ouri, and she said that Daryl Casey, was talking to three people, in a corner that was close to the blind spot of the cameras. What made me still have more doubts about her, I was sure that I had never seen her, it was as if I had heard someone describe a person and it fit a little. I was halfway there when I heard a voice behind me.

(?????????): "It looks like our celebrity has his hobbies."

I turned off the display and turned to face the person who decided to speak to me. She had blue hair, dark red eyes and a very voluptuous, mature body, which rivaled even that of Tiger. She was the same girl that Iris showed me out of the arena control room in my fight against Cecilia.

(Ichika): "Can I help you?"

(?????????): "I just wanted to meet you personally Ichika-kun. I am Sarashiki Tatenashi, the Seitou Kaichou of the student council."

(Ichika): "Seitou Kaichou? So you are the strongest student in the school ..."

(Tatenashi): "Although after that fight I feel like I don't deserve that title ... especially after the change he made to his IS ..."

(Ichika): "I ended up getting excited ... and I don't think I decided to have more work on the student council just to get to know me ..."

(Tatenashi): "Believe me, it was for this very reason ... although I planned to do this later, but after the last gossip, I couldn't resist."

(Ichika): "And I'm sure that my life expectancy will decrease a lot during my time at the gym ..."

(Tatenashi): "This is the price you pay for being ambitious ..." - she said while opening her fan with a wry smile on her face.

(Ichika): "I won't even try to argue ..."

(Tatenashi): "Well, just know that you far exceeded my expectations. I hope we can have a calm conversation next time. Bye Ichika-kun."

She simply turned and headed for the Academy. I just sighed because I realized that my problems were going to increase. I went to my room and changed to train, when I got there, Cecilia and Ling were waiting for me, and Ling had the same reaction as Cecilia when she saw me without a shirt.

(Ichika): "Where is Houki?" - I asked after Ling regained consciousness.

(Ling): "She said something about the dojo, and that she apologized for not being able to come."

I had nothing to do, so we just trained, without using IS, after all the championship was close. When I got to the room, Houki was already there and had the kendo steal.

(Ichika): "Hey, Houki. How was the training?"

(Houki): "I am seriously cojecting to leave..."

(Ichika): "Are you going to leave because you don't see any improvement... or because I'm not close?"

She blushed at that, but her response surprised me.

(Houki): "Bo-... both..." - she was almost shining so red that she was.

(Ichika): "It makes me happy."

(Houki): "You already have two girlfriends!"

(Ichika): "However, both you and Ling always came to my mind."

She was even more self-conscious, but said nothing. We bathed and went to sleep, but before we went out, she spoke again.

(Houki): "If... if I said that I want this kind of relationship with you... would you accept it?"

It seems that the desperation to stay behind was making Houki very bold.

(Ichika): "Yes."

(Houki): "I see..." - I could hear the happiness in her voice.

We were silent for a while longer, I didn't expect her to ask us to start dating from scratch, possibly she asked this question to guarantee her place.

(Houki): "So... could you wait... until I ask?"

(Ichika): "If that's what you want..."

(Houki): "Thank you... good night, Ichika..."

(Ichika): "Good night Houki."