The days passed more calmly than I anticipated. I thought my sister was going to come and interrogate me, but she just looked at me a little offended, just like Maya-Sensei. I thought about spending the weekend with Tiger and Snake, but the two were on a mission and wouldn't be back anytime soon.
I managed to call Madoka, who was still a spy. She told me she got something about Squall's niece, it looks like she was an IS Representative Cadet, although she couldn't figure out where, at that time, I asked what Squall was like.
When Madoka talked about how Squall was, a little confused because according to her I had already asked that, she described it and I found out who the spy was.
It was Daryl Casey, which is why she seemed familiar, because she looked like her aunt. When Madoka had to hang up, I was thinking about how to get them without getting screwed with this one. I would need the help of a teacher ... but I think things would get a little ugly, as I would have to reveal myself.
I continued training with the girls. Cecilia was well committed to training, possibly because I was already friends with Houki and Rin and she felt left behind. Tatenashi-san came to talk to me but it was just hi, nothing more.
A week after I talked about Tiger and Snake, it was the day of fighting between classes, which from what I heard, happened every month, but some involved the entire class and others only representatives, which was the case. And coincidentally, I would face Ling in the first battle.
I was in the hangar, since I would have to use the IS to fight this time, with Houki and Cecilia at my side.
(Houki): "No matter how much I see your IS, I'm still impressed with what you managed to do with it."
(Ichika): "Yeah, now everyone is going to see my Ouri, and I'm sure I'll hear from your sister after that." - I said looking at her.
The only disturbance I had received was when Tabane-san called Houki, saying a warning that I shouldn't be making up stories about the fourth generation, because she was the only genius in the world.
I didn't say anything, after all it didn't seem right for me to get a lot of credit, because I hadn't created Byakushiki from scratch, but she didn't even want to know.
At that time I heard my sister's voice.
(Chifuyu): "The championship between classes will start. Class 1-1 and Class 2-1 representatives, get ready."
(Cecilia): "We will have to go. Ichika-san, I know that you don't need luck, after all you managed to defeat me, but still good luck."
(Ichika): "Thank you."
The two said goodbye and left the hangar, but something told me that this fight would not be as calm as it should have. And I activated my display and the hangar doors opened and I went to the arena. Soon after, Ling appeared in front of me with her IS. The moment she was in front of me, Colonel started to analyze her IS
(Chifuyu): "The first battle of the tournament between classes will begin."
(Colonel): "Ichika-sama, Huang Lingying's IS is a third generation, called ShenLong. It is focused on short combat, but the spheres on the 'wings' have the ability to carry out long-range attacks, and they have a function of increasing the shots. My recommendations for the battle are the same with Cecilia Alcott. Use less than 10% of your strength and focus more on you to move to lengthen the fight, or use 21% to activate the security system and disqualify it. Do you want to see the weakest points on the shields? "
(Ichika): "No thanks Colonel."
I got used to the information on my display with the information that my IS provided.
(Ling): "You really committed to that..." - she said impressed.
(Ichika): "I ended up getting excited."
At that time, I heard Chifuyu-nee's voice again.
(Chifuyu): "Participants, get ready."
I called Yukihira and Ling called the pair of Chinese scimitar.
(Chifuyu): "START!"
Ling came straight towards me, and made a vertical attack with one of the scimitars, I blocked with Yukihira and she tried to hit me with the other. I made one of Ouri's wings as a shield, as they had the function of defending and attacking as well, but that made my shield drop by almost 10%.
Byakushiki's only problem. Even though I got another One Off Ability and ended up replacing Reiraku Byakuya with the 3rd Shift, both Yukihira and Ouri's wings still had characteristics of Reiraku Byakuya, both the attack and the defense were powerful herons, but energy consumption was insane, and I couldn't use the wings without wasting energy.
Her eyes were wide open, and I pushed her and this time I went forward, she tried to defend herself by crossing the scimtar, but my blow made her go far, she managed to regain her balance and stared at me.
(Ling): "It seems that the short distance I will not achieve much."
At that time the same spheres on her IS 'wings' changed a little and pipes came out inside them. They started shooting, normally it would be invisible, but thanks to Colonel I could see the shots, besides they followed a straight line.
I thought about going for distance combat as well, after all Ouri's 'wings' had this function, but there was a small problem, Reiraku Byakuya's disadvantage was in them too, both to attack and to defend, that is, I would spend a lot energy.
I decided to keep some cards up my sleeve before anything, I just dodged as I approached Ling, whenever I got close she tried to hold me with their scimtar and use the cannons to hit me, but I raised Yukihira and her hit their own scimtar, causing both to fall.
I took advantage of the fact that I raised my arm and brought it down with the blow. Obviously I did not hit too hard to happen the same thing that happened to Cecilia, but it came close, she managed to regain her balance before touching the ground and picking up her scmit. She joined the two by the handle to form a double-blade scmitar.
(Ichika): "Cool trick."
(Ling): "What about those wings over there? They don't do anything?"
(Ichika): "Doing does, but the energy consumption is absurd, I may very well lose it to myself if I neglect it."
I stepped forward again and entered hand-to-hand combat. She was holding up well, even if it was only 15%, as expected from someone who focuses on physical combat, and Ling's balance and stability were much greater than Cecilia's in relation to the bumps.
I attacked and she defended with one of the blades, just to turn her gun and try to hit me with the other, and she managed, just once, but she did, it seems that the training helped at least. However, my bad feeling became true when Iris decided to speak.
(Iris): "Ichika-sama, there are three objects coming at high speed towards this arena."
As soon as he finished speaking, the shield of the arena opened at the top in three parts, each came a beam of light that hit the ground, and when that happened an explosion occurred, I could hear the screams of the girls on the benches, like this like Ling's voice of surprises.
(Ling): "What happened?"
I was surprised, as I got to see a shape within the light beams, and I was pretty sure it was an IS.
I heard Chifuyu-nee's voice through the IS communication system.
(Chifuyu): "The match is canceled! Orimura! Huang! Return immediately!"
After that, some metal barriers covered the bleachers, I admit, I didn't imagine that the Academy would suffer an attack so soon, and that made me wonder if it was because I showed off too much.
I was about to obey Chifuyu-nee, after all I didn't want to risk my luck with her any more, but a warning from Byakushiki made me change my mind.
[An unidentified IS has caught you as a target!]
It seems that now the thing was serious.
(Houki's POV)
I was watching Ichika's fight with Huang-san alongside Orimura-Sense and Yamada-Sensei. Cecilia and I managed to convince our teachers to watch Ichika's fight from there, and I was almost sure that Orimura-Sensei looked a little ugly at us.
That battle was incredible, obviously Ichika was taking it easy, but Huang-san, I still couldn't call her or Alcott-san by name, was managing to fight back at least and I was even more surprised when she managed to hit Ichika, it was just a scratch, possibly taking only 2% of his shield at most, but she still managed to hit him.
However, at that time, something happened to the barrier. From what I could see, something managed to break it and invade the arena. The whole place started to shake and to emit an alert sound.
(Cecilia): "What is going on?"
(Houki): "Ichika!"
He was strong, I couldn't deny it, nobody could deny it, but even so I worried because he was still human, there were still things that if he got it right, he would die.
And Maya-Sensei made it clear to us what had just happened.
(Maya): "System failure! It looks like something crossed the perimeter of the arena's shield!"
(Chifuyu): "The match is canceled! Orimura! Huang! Return immediately!"
It only served to make my heart squeeze even more.