Chapter 33

Charles and I managed to get to the locker room after we lost the girls.

(Ichika): "We managed to lose them."

(Charles): "I'm sorry for causing you problems on the first day." - he had his hands on his knee to catch his breath.

(Ichika): "Okay. They would do it anyway. Besides, you will be of great help. It is difficult to be the only man in this school."

(Charles): "Really?"

(Ichika): "I think we can introduce ourselves now. Nice to meet you, I'm Orimura Ichika. You can call me Ichika."

(Charles): "Yes, nice to meet you, Ichika. You can call me Charles."

I looked at the clock in the dressing room and saw that we were running out of time.

(Ichika): "Shit! We have little time!"

I started to undress, when I took off my shirt Charles let out a shout and turned around. Which made me even more suspicious if he was really a man.

(Ichika): "You better start changing or you will be late. Orimura-Sensei is very strict about being on time."

(Charles): "O-Okay, I'm going to change. But, well... don't look here, will you?"

I decided to give him or her a break. I stayed on the coast for him.

(Ichika): "I had no intention of watching you change ... in any case, be quick." - I turned around and was surprised.

Charles was already wearing a pilot suit.

(Charles): "W-What happened?"

(Ichika): "Are you really quick to change... did you have your clothes underneath or do you have any tricks?"

(Charles): "N-No... none..." - he said while moving his hair and laughing nervously.

I looked at him as a whole, if it was a woman disguising herself as a man, then she had small breasts, because I couldn't see any difference in the breastplate, and it certainly wouldn't end well for her.

(Ichika): "Having to be naked to wear this is complicated. Down there it is all rolled up..."

I tried to change the style of the clothes, but I couldn't, to be efficient it had to be with that one.

(Charles): "Rolled up?"

(Ichika): "Yes..."

He immediately blushed, which was enough for me to consider her a woman, even with that attitude and everything. But then I noticed something in her clothes.

(Ichika): "These clothes seem to be easy to put on."

(Charles): "It is a special model of the Dunoa corporation."

(Ichika): "So... are you the president's son?"

(Charles): "Yes."

(Ichika): "Weird..."

(Charles): "What do you mean, Ichika?"

(Ichika): "I don't remember any news that the president of the Dunoa corporation had a son."

(Charles): "Things... are a little complicated..."

She looked sad, and I realized that she was the mistress's daughter. It seems that her life was not easy at all. I finished changing and we both went to the arena.

(Chifuyu's POV)

I was in the arena with my students and Class 2-1 students lined up in front of me. Ichika and Dunoa arrived just in the nick of time, possibly having to flee the girls.

(Chifuyu): "We will start today's practical classes."

(Students): "Hai!"

(Chifuyu): "First, we will watch a training match. Huang! Alcott!"

(Ling & Cecilia): "Hai!"

(Chifuyu): "Since you have exclusive units, you should be ready to start immediately. Step forward."

Even though they were a little far away, I could hear their grumbling as they came towards me.

(Ling): "What a bag. Why does it have to be me?"

(Cecilia): "How can I have the courage to do something that is just a simple demonstration?"

They were clearly unmotivated, and I knew how to motivate them.

(Chifuyu): "You both need to show more enthusiasm. It is the perfect chance to show off for him."

At the same time, their spirits soared, which again made me jealous, what I thought was that jealousy that I felt about Ichika's girlfriends, or future girlfriends, totally meaningless, but he just showed up.

(Cecilia): "It's time for the big show of the candidate for national representative for England, Cecilia Alcott."

(Ling): "It is a great opportunity to show the difference between our powers as carriers of exclusive units."

All the students were silent looking at the two, I even saw Ichika and Dunoa talking to each other, possibly about what I told the girls.

(Cecilia): "And who will my opponent be? I don't mind facing Ling-san."

(Ling): "I say the same thing. Get ready to cry."

(Chifuyu): "Not so fast, idiots. You will fight against..."

At that time I heard a scream, and I sighed realizing that Maya-Sensei fumbled again.

(Ichika's POV)

In the middle of Chifuyu-nee's phrase I heard a scream, everyone looked up and saw Maya-Sensei in an IS spinning wildly towards the ground.

(Maya): "Please, get out of the way."

I knew she wouldn't be hurt even if she fell flat on her face, but I would feel bad if I just let it happen. I jumped towards her, when I got close I took one of her arms, made her stop spinning and have her balance again, instead of falling face down on the floor she managed to land on her feet.

(Ichika): "Are you all right, Maya-Sensei?"

(Maya): "Yes, thank you Ichika-san."

The other girls were staring at Maya-Sensei when she called me by name, when she realized that she was a little red. At that time I heard a trigger and bent down, dodging shots from Cecilia. I turned to face her, she had her IS and a huge pulsating vein on her forehead.

(Cecilia): "It's a shame. I missed."

Then I heard another noise and saw Ling with her IS joining the two of them together.

(Ling): "ICHIKA!" she shouted as she launched a double-bladed scmitar.

I was going to swerve but I heard two shots and saw Ling scmitar going the other way, when I looked in the direction of the noise, it was Maya-Sensei with an IS gun in hand. She said nothing and just smiled a little red. At that time my sister decided to speak again.

(Chifuyu): "Yamada-Sensei is a former candidate for national representative. The accuracy demonstrated here is something simple for her."

(Maya): "It was a long time ago... and I was never more than a candidate."

(Chifuyu): "So girls, let's get started." - she said while looking at Cecilia and Ling, who had taken to look at her and went to Cecilia's side.

The two were surprised by Chifuyu-nee's sentence.

(Cecilia): "Ah? Well... two against one?"

(Ling): "This is a little..."

(Chifuyu): "Don't worry. As they are now, they will lose very quickly." - she said with a little smile.

Something told me that that was true, after all, Maya-Sensei was a teacher, but Ling and Cecilia will take that as a challenge.

(Chifuyu): "So... start!" - She said while raising her arm and lowering it with everything.

The three went up very high, and stopped in midair.

(Maya's POV)

I went up really high with Alcott-san and Huang-san in front of me. We stopped at a time considered safe where students could see us and not get hurt. My heart was still a little agitated by the fact that Ichika-san helped me when I almost crashed into the ground.

(Cecilia): "I will not take it easy on you."

(Ling): "That previous attack was just a joke."

I managed to calm down and focus on the fight that was going to happen.

(Maya): "I-I'm going."

The moment I said that, each one went to one side. Alcott-san had his drones fire at me, but I managed to dodge each shot. Soon after, Huang-san shot me too, but I also managed to deflect. I dodged their shots and decided it was time for the offensive, I was shooting Alcott-san and making her take the path I wanted, which was to meet directly with Huang-san.

When they collided, I went to a position above them, and switched my equipment to a grenade launcher and fired at the two, who were still a little tangled up with the bump. The shot hit them both in the face and I only heard Hunag-san and Alcott-san scream until they hit the ground.

When I went down to Chifuyu-Sensei's side, they were arguing with each other.

(Cecilia): "I never thought I would lose like this to someone other than Ichika-san."

(Ling): "It's your fault for being so predictable."

(Cecilia): "You too! This is what happens when you try to attack without using your head."

(Chifuyu): "Now you could get to know the level of an instructor. From now on, show some respect."

I thought it would be a little difficult, especially for Shinonono-san, Alcott-san and Huang-san, as I admit that I was starting to fall in love with Ichika-san, or at least to recognize that feeling, I was just with afraid of how Chifuyu-Sensei would react if I told her that.

(Chifuyu): "Next, we will do group practice. Owners of exclusive units will be the leaders. So separate."

(Ichika's POV)

The moment my sister talked about group practice, she had to share the room equally, otherwise I was sure they would be just for me and Charles. Obviously Houki was in my group, and I saw Ling and Cecilia's envious looks, possibly they didn't want to have a private IS at that time.

I had a little problem with my group, when they were performing, they would bow and extend their hand saying things like 'I fell in love with you since the first time I saw you!', At the same time, an oni mask appeared after Houki, but either the girls ignored it or didn't see it, my only console was that Charles seemed to be going through something similar.

The class took place without any problem, the only confusion that happened was when I had to carry Houki to the pilot's seat, because she couldn't go to the seat with the IS already activated.

At lunch, Charles, the girls and I went to the terrace for lunch, the three of them were carrying a bento and were staring at each other. I could already imagine where this was going to end.

(Houki): "Ichika... why is everyone here?"

(Ichika): "As you seem very friendly to me, I saw no problem."

(Charles): "Is it okay for me to be here Ichika?"

(Ichika): "Of course it is. I would not leave you to fend for yourself at school, besides we will be roommates."

(Charles): "Thank you."

Each of them gave me a part of her bento, and Cecilia's almost knocked me unconscious, but the rest of the day was normal. When the day's classes ended I went to Charles.

(Ichika): "Do you want me to show you the school?"

(Charles): "Yes, I would like to."