Chapter 34

I guided Charles through the school, we both managed to prevent the girls from surrounding us, so I could show her the whole school. The first place was the cafeteria.

(Ichika): "Here is the cafeteria, you can order dishes from anywhere in the world, since the Academy receives students from different countries and is financed by them."

(Charles): "Thankfully. I don't think I would be able to go long without eating something from my country."

(Ichika): "It is natural, when you get used to a type of food, it is difficult to change."

The girls stared at us while I talked about the place, and as Charles was starting to feel uncomfortable, I decided to continue the tour. We went to the gym.

(Ichika): "Here is the gym, if you want to exercise, or look for me, just come here."

(Charles): "Do you train here?"

(Ichika): "I rarely fail to train. If I'm not training with the IS, I'm training here."

(Charles): "I see."

I took him towards the club rooms, but first we ended up going through the girls' bathroom and the infirmary.

(Ichika): "Since we are here, it is better to tell you ... this is the girls' bathroom, and if you want to maintain your virginity, I suggest not approaching you."

(Charles): "WHAT?! B-But wouldn't they just hit us if they ended up discovering us?"

(Ichika): "In normal schools, yes. But things are different here, they chased me for a long time when I ended up running alone."

(Charles): "Let's continue..."

(Ichika): "Okay, a little ahead of here is the ornament."

We walked a little further until we were facing the infirmary, which was empty.

(Ichika): "This is the infirmary, and it is usually always this way."

(Charles): "I thought I would have at least one nurse." - she was quite surprised by this.

(Ichika): "All teachers are nurses, after all they received classes to be able to give all kinds of first aid assistance, I myself have some knowledge in this area."

(Charles): "Why?"

(Ichika): "A friend of mine is a doctor, with a diploma and everything, and she thought it would be good for me to know these things."

(Charles): "How did you know this doctor?"

(Ichika): "My girlfriend introduced me to her."

(Charles): "Do you have a girlfriend?" - she asked in surprise.

(Ichika): 'I have two. "

(Charles): "TWO?! How did they accept that?"

(Ichika): "They were the ones who encouraged this."

She was looking at me with a stunned face when I said that.

(Ichika): "Shall we continue?"

(Charles): "H-Hai!"

We arrived in the club room area.

(Ichika): "Here is the club area, if you want to join any of them, they always accept new members, especially freshmen."

(Charles): "Do you have a music club?"

(Ichika): "Yes, it's the last room over there. Do you play any instruments?"

(Charles): "I acquired a certain passion for the piano thanks to my mother. Can I have a look?"

In the two of us we entered the club room, where there was only one girl practicing with the guitar, but she did not pay much attention to us as she was on the shore and with a headset.

Charles played the piano a little and I had to admit that she played very well, after that, we continued our tour.

(Ichika): "Here are the empty rooms. It is used as a meeting place for couples to have a moment of privacy."

I opened it up to show the interior, but I ended up seeing two girls deepening the relationship even further, and I recognized both. It was Daryl Casey and one of her accomplices, according to Iris, she is a sophomore. When I opened the door, the sophomore girl screamed and turned very red, Daryl didn't seem to mind.

(Ichika): "I'm sorry."

(Daryl): "Orimura-san... I didn't know you were playing both ways. Do you want to join here?" - Her tone was a little seductive, while the sophomore was a little upset.

I saw Charles go red, it looks like she didn't think the girls at the Academy were like that.

(Ichika): "First, I don't play on both sides. Second, I'm just showing the place to Charles. And third, a committed woman for me is a man."

(Daryl): "Bad memories?" - she asked in a playful tone.

(Ichika): "No. I just saw a friend try and always get beaten up. I'm sorry to disturb them. Keep enjoying each other's company."

I closed the door and went on dragging Charles who was still standing and very red. After we were a little far away, Charles spoke again.

(Charles): "Is this normal?"

(Ichika): "Yes, more than you think."

(Charles): "Why among girls?"

(Ichika): "Because there is no man here. Since almost everyone who pilots an IS is a woman, they have a better relationship with women. Does that mean that all IS pilots are lesbians? No. But because they don't have much relationship with men, that makes them end up becoming lesbians, that's why most girls were chasing us."

Charles was silent after I said that, possibly seeing the logic.

(Ichika): "We will continue."

I showed the rest of the school.

(Ichika): "This is the last place to see ... or at least the important ones. The Arena is where we will have our practical classes, duels and other events."

(Charles): "Can we use it to train?"

(Ichika): "Those who do get permission do. I think the girls are training here."

We both entered the Arena, and in fact, Houki, Cecilia and Ling were training.

(Charles): "Is that Shinonono-san's private IS?"

(Ichika): "No, she doesn't have a private IS, but she got permission from the school to use this one."

(Charles): "Shinonono-san is Shinonono Tabane-san's sister, isn't she?"

(Ichika): "Yes."

(Charles): "So how does she not have an IS?"

(Ichika): "Tabane-san must be trying to make a fourth generation for Houki."

After all, Tabane-san's level of siscon was very high when we were children, and possibly only increased in recent years. When they took a little breath, Charles and I went to talk to them.

(Ichika): "Hey girls."

(Houki): "Ichika. Are you showing the place to Charles?"

(Ichika): "Yes, and you are still training, right?"

(Cecilia): "We need to make the difference, even if it is just a little."

After a short rest, the three went back to training. I decided not to join them this time.

(Ichika): "Well, I'll show you where our room is."

I guided him to the dorms and took her to room 1025.

(Ichika): "This is it. I will train a little in the gym, if you want to join, feel free."

(Charles): "Tomorrow are you going to train with IS?"

(Ichika): "Yes."

(Charles): "Can I join? I have a private IS."

(Ichika): "Good for me. See you later."

She entered the room while I went to the gym. I thought about teasing her a little bit, but I didn't want to push the envelope or make her hate me. After training I went back to the room, Charles was already asleep. I showered and went to sleep, but something told me that the next day would be a little more busy.

(Tatenashi's POV)

I was sorting out the student council paperwork with my colleagues. After the incident at the inter-class tournament, things got pretty hectic. And now the student council that had to plan when the next tournament would be held.

I thought about weeks, three at the most, so I would take the tournament for the next month too, and the students would only have to worry about the trip that always occurs after the first exams.

But doing the same thing would be kind of boring, and I wanted to do something more innovative, but for some reason the reminder that Ichika-kun owed me a date made me have a great idea. I ended up with a playful laugh, which made the rest of the student council look at me suspiciously, especially Utsuho.

(Utsuho): "Am I the only one with a bad feeling?"

(Secretariat): "You don't even have to ask Utsuho-san. Just from the laugh it is clear that Tatenashi-san is planning something."

(?????): "The question is... what are you planning, Tatenashi-nyan~?"

I looked at the door where a brown-haired girl stood, combed in two small braids made by two fox-shaped pins, together with sleepy yellow eyes, was Utsuho's little sister, Honne-chan.

(Honne): "Nyaahooo~!"

(Utsuho): "Honne-chan ?! What are you doing here?"

(Honne): "I came to see you, Onee-chan~!"

(Utsuho): "That doesn't explain why you came."

(Tatenashi): "I called her. Easy, Utsuhi, she did nothing wrong."

(Utsuho): "Why did you call her, Tatenashi-sama?" she asked curiously.

I hated it when she used the '-sama' with me. The Nohotoke sisters were childhood friends of mine and my little sister, but their family saw themselves as servants of mine as well as the same, and that made me feel a distance between us, one that friends shouldn't have, however Honne-chan she was more open-minded, or carefree, and she didn't mind that.

(Tatenashi): "I want to know more about Ichika-kun."

(Honne): "About Orimu?"

(Student council): "Orimu?"

(Utsuho): "That's what she calls Orimura-kun."

Honne-chan just nodded.

(Honne): "What do you want to know Tatenashi-nya~?"

(Utsuho): "I already told you not to talk to Tatenashi-sama so casually, Honne-chan."

(Tatenashi): "Easy, you know very well that I don't like formalities. And answering your question Honne-chan, it's simple... how is he in the class?"

(Honne): "It's cool! He talks to everyone, especially Honono and Liacchi."

(Student Council): "Honono and Liacchi?"

(Utsuho): "Shinonono-san and Alcott-san."

(Tatenashi): "What do you think of him?"

(Honne): "Orimu is that kind of person who is always there to help you, but never asks for the same back... but I have the impression that we should never irritate him. I feel like I'm looking at one of dragon of legends, those who help you if you ask, but can end you if you piss him off... but as he never really got angry, I'm not sure. "

(Tatenashi): "What about the incident with Alcott-san?" - I asked confused, and by the expression of the others they had the same opinion.

(Honne): "Orimu didn't look angry at all... he was more for someone who lost his temper, but not angry."

So he was a beast that shouldn't be pissed.

(Utsuho): "Did you happen to ask about the changes to his IS?"

(Honne): "No, but we talked about mechanics."

Honne-chan was excellent in this area, I even asked her to modify my IS a few times.

(Tatenashi): "And how did you come to this theme?"

(Honne): "Orimu saw the ears of one of my hats move and asked me if I used it."

(Tatenashi): "Well... I think I will continue with my plan~"

(Honne): "What plan, Tatenashi-nyan~?"

I told my plan only to her, very quietly in her ear.

(Honne): "No! This is unfair! Not everyone can use an IS!"

(Tatenashi): "That's why there will be changes. It will be in pairs and they will be able to choose someone from the support area. The prize will be the same for everyone".

(Honne): "You are a genius, Tatenashi-nyan!"

She sped out of the room. The rest of the student council was looking at me suspiciously and inquisitively.

(Utsuho): "What did you say to her?"

(Tatenashi): "Secret, my friend."

I did my job again, just wondering what Ichika-kun's expression would look like when he found out, and I hoped he wouldn't be angry about it.