Chapter 39

(Ichika's POV)

I was following Chifuyu-nee through the Academy. I just hoped Char wouldn't be mad at me for leaving her alone when I was going to tell the truth. We went straight to the teachers' room and only Maya-Sensei was there.

(Ichika): "So is it today?" - I said after the teachers' room door closed.

(Chifuyu): "Yes, Maya, did you find the person I asked for?"

(Maya): "Yes, she is already in the training area ... but who is she?"

(Chifuyu): "Someone important."

(Ichika): "How are we going to take the spies to the training room without raising suspicion?"

(Chifuyu): "Their teachers will call them, and we will wait there... do you want to participate?"

(Ichika): "But of course."

There was no way I could let this family moment pass. I could talk about it, but I didn't care now that Chifuyu-nee already knew, besides, if the governments of the countries tried something with me or with my friends ... they already knew what to expect from them. [Zodiac Beasts].

(Chifuyu): "Okay. Can Maya monitor everything from here?"

(Maya): "But of course."

We left the teachers' room and went to the underground training area, hopefully no one followed us, according to Iris. When I entered, everything was lit up, it was just a hall, there was nothing special, but there must be something hidden to make the training intense, and there was a hooded person in the middle of the coast room for us.

I realized right away who it was.

(Ichika): "Madoka!"

She turned, took off her hood and walked over to us and hugged us.

(Madoka): "Ichika-nii! Chifuyu-nee!"

(Chifuyu): "I'm glad you're well."

(Ichika): "Was the people nice to you?"

(Madoka): "Yes, especially Snake-san, although she made Rooster-san pass out a few times."

(Ichika): "I'm glad they are still well."

(Madoka): "What do we do now?"

(Chifuyu): "Wait. Ichika, stay near the door and pick up their private ISs when they enter the room."

(Ichika): "Right."

(Chifuyu): "The room will be all dark, so I'll show up and then Madoka, then if you want to show up, feel free."

(Madoka): "What if they want to fight?"

(Chifuyu): "We fight back. I can handle some students, and Ichika has nothing to say and you have your IS."

(Ichika): "Speaking of which, I would ask to be able to modify Madoka's IS, so England would not go after her, after all it is still a stolen IS."

(Chifuyu): "You can do it."

(Madoka): "How long do we wait?"

(Chifuyu): "At the most ten minutes."

(Ichika): "Chifuyu-nee, do you keep in touch with Tabane-san?"

(Chifuyu): "If it is about why you are able to use an IS, Tabane believes that it is because of your origin, although she is sure that it would not be enough for you to be able to fly one."

(Ichika): "So even the creator is not sure..."

This would be a little more complicated than I thought, but it could wait, I had another question to clarify.

(Ichika): "Chifuyu-nee, you knew the truth about Charles, didn't you?"

(Chifuyu): "That he really is her? Yes, after all, your case is a special one, there was no way to have another man capable of piloting an IS."

(Madoka): "Are Snake-san and Tiger-san going to have another sister?"

I said nothing and just looked away.

(Madoka): "You work fast, Ichika-nii."

(Chifuyu): "She hasn't been here for a week."

(Ichika): "It just happened."

They both looked a little upset about it, but there was nothing I could do. At that time Chifuyu-nee's face became serious, possibly Maya-Sensei was talking to her.

(Chifuyu): "They are coming."

Madoka and I nodded, I went to the door, Madoka put on the hood and went to where she was and Chifuyu-nee stayed in the corner. It was time for the first strike of the Orimura family united against the [Phantom Task].

(Chifuyu's POV)

I stayed in the corner of the room and then turned off the light. I was still a little jealous of the fact that Ichika had another girlfriend, it seems that my heart really couldn't see Ichika anymore just as my little brother. But that could wait.

We were waiting and the door to the room opened, with four figures coming in, I could see the faces of each one and they were all the students that Ichika showed me at the base of [Zodiac Beasts].

Then the door closed and I heard Daryl Casey's voice calling me.

(Daryl): "Orimura-Sensei, are we training already?"

(Chifuyu): "Not exactly."

I made two parts of the room light up, where I was and where they were, I could see that Daryl Casey's IS was not with her, Ichika was really fast.

(Daryl): "If it's not training, why did you call us?"

(Chifuyu): "A few questions... that I didn't want others to hear."

(Accomplice1): "What makes you think you can just call us here to ask? It looks like you have planned an ambush."

(Chifuyu): "As members of the [Phantom Task], you must be very familiar to recognize one right away, right?"

Daryl Casey's accomplices were wide-eyed at my comment, but Daryl Casey was calm.

(Daryl): "Orimura-Sensei, this is a serious accusation, and even if it is true, what about the special article that no student belongs to any organization or group?"

(Chifuyu): "If you remember this article, you must remember the condition that as long as the group does not attack the Academy, and that mechanized IS was sent by the [Phantom Task]."

Daryl's accomplices were even more agitated, but I had to admire her iron nerves.

(Daryl): "And how can you be so sure that we are members of the [Phantom Task] or that she was after what happened in the championship between classes?"

(Chifuyu): "Taking reactions from his accomplices? My youngest sister who was with the [Phantom Task] told me."

I lit the part of the room where Madoka was, she was without a hood revealing her face. All, without exception, were wide-eyed.

(Daryl): "M ?! What are you doing here?"

(Madoka): "Helping my family. Besides, Daryl Casey, or better saying Rain Meusel, calling me M denounced you." - she said with a smile.

Rain Meusel couldn't even pretend anymore with the arrival of Madoka.

(Rain): "You traitor!"

(Madoka): "The niece of someone who is the granddaughter of a kidnapper spoke. How can I be a traitor if I have never really been part of the group?" - she said with disgust in her voice.

(Rain): "You-!"

She tried to activate her IS, just like the others but it came to nothing.

(Rain): "Wait! Where's my IS?"

Ichika decided to show up at that time.

(Ichika): "Looking for this?"

I lit the part of the room where Ichika was standing that was close to the door, where Ichika was juggling their ISs' rest forms with just one hand.

(Ichika): "You should be more aware of this type of thing."

(Rain): "Orimura Ichika?!"

(Ichika): "I wouldn't miss this family moment, would I?"

(Rain): "Do you really think you won?" - she spoke to the others staying in battle position.

(Ichika): "I suggest reconsidering, Rain Meusel. What you saw me fight in the championship was only 15% of my capacity, Madoka has her IS and Chifuyu-nee is here. She really thinks that only the four of you will be able to cope with us three? "

(Rain): "How can you two believe Orimura Chifuyu so easily? Don't you know what secrets she hides from you?"

(Ichika): "I don't care, after all we are a family."

(Madoka): "And if you think that commenting on the [Mosaic Project] is going to shake us, I already notice that we already know about it."

She activated her IS, he was a lilac, who looked like a butterfly and even had a mask and the energy rifle was the IS arm.

(Rain): "But what about the fact that she abandoned you M?"

I almost jumped on her neck for telling such a lie, and I realized that Ichika and Madoka herself almost did that too.

(Madoka): "If you tell that lie again, I'll shoot you right in the middle of your forehead." - she said while pointing to Rain Meusel.

(Ichika): "And if Madoka misses, know that I will not miss when I kick your head off your body." - he said in a colder voice than when he argued with Bodewig

All the students who worked for the [Phantom Task] shuddered, clearly realizing that Ichika was not bluffing. They lost their motivation at that time.

They knelt and raised their arms, in the next second, Ichika was on their side, and they fell unconsciously.

(Chifuyu): "Did you knock them out?" - I said going to them.

(Ichika): "I want to prevent any of them from having any surprises for us."

We tied her up and I contacted Maya to call Japan's special force, as they were from [Phantom Task]. As everything was recorded there, there was no way for them to escape, and the fact that Madoka was a spy, she would be free, at least I hoped it would be so.

After everything was settled, the three of us went to the teachers' room. Maya-Sensei and other teachers were there, too.

(Chifuyu): "Thank you very much for your help."

(Teacher 1): "It was our obligation as teachers."

(Teacher 2): "Not to mention that [Phantom Task] put our students at risk."

I was happy that none of them commented on Madoka, after all it would be a little complicated to talk about this subject, but they just said goodbye and left us alone.

(Ichika): And now? Is Madoka going to go to school? "

(Madoka): "I want to!"

(Chifuyu): "You can go to the Academy in three days. And since Dunoa is a girl, you two will be sharing a room."

Madoka jumped for joy and hugged me and Ichika.

(Madoka): "Good! I'm going to the base. See you later."

(Ichika & Chifuyu): "See you later."

Madoka left the room and left me alone with Ichika.

(Ichika): "Things are going to get a little excited."

I just nodded and faced Ichika, my heart started to accelerate with just that. I couldn't handle it anymore, I stood in front of him, closer than I should have been.

He said nothing and just looked at me in a confused way. He was a little taller than me, so I stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips.

I just stayed like that, he didn't push me away or anything. When we broke up, he looked shocked. It looks like I managed to screw it up. But he grabbed me around the waist and kissed me. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and answered the kiss.

My heart almost burst with joy when he kissed me. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but when we parted, he touched his forehead to mine and we stared at each other.

(Ichika): "If we continue, there will be no turning back."

(Chifuyu): "I don't care. I just can't stop this feeling."

(Ichika): "...I don't either."

He kissed me again and I lost track of time again, but I felt like the happiest woman in the world.