Chapter 40

(Ichika's POV)

I admit that my brain almost stopped when Chfifuyu-nee kissed me. At first I was shocked, but then happy. I loved her just as much as I loved Madoka, I always admitted that, but it seems it was another kind of love and I ended up confused by a family love, and I only realized it now, although now I suspected if the love I felt for Madoka it was really a family member.

When she stopped kissing me, she looked a little embarrassed, but I didn't care. I held her by the waist and this time I kissed her again, I felt her arms around my neck and we continue like this for how long.

When we stopped kissing I put my forehead against her forehead and we were looking at each other.

(Ichika): "If we continue, there will be no turning back."

(Chifuyu): "I don't care. I just can't stop this feeling."

(Ichika): "...I don't either."

I kissed her again, and we just stayed like that, just enjoying each other's presence. When we broke up again, she was as red as a tomato. As I saw her more with that neutral expression of hers, I was captivated by that new side of her.

(Ichika): "You look really pretty blushing like that."

She didn't say anything and just hid her face in my chest. After a while she returned to her usual expression, although she was still a little red.

(Chifuyu): "Well... we already solved what we had to do... does Dunoa plan to tell the truth to the school?"

(Ichika): "The day after my fight against Bodewig."

(Chifuyu): "Then she can re-intoduce herself again with Madoka."

(Ichika): "What about us?"

She blushed again at that comment.

(Chifuyu): "It's not like we can just say that two siblings are in a relationship..."

(Ichika): "I don't care about that, although if they find out I wouldn't care in the same way. I'm talking about us spending time alone."

(Chifuyu): "I see if I can find time..."

Her speaking in that shy way while keeping her expression neutral was very cute.

(Ichika): "Then I'll see you later."

I gave her another kiss and left the teachers' room. I went straight to my room and came across the girls talking. Char was dressed as a woman and they were even in a friendly conversation, it seems that they managed to resolve.

(Ichika): "I see that everything is in order."

(Houki & Cecilia & Ling & Charlotte): "Ichika(-san)."

(Charlotte): "Have you solved everything with Orimura-Sensei?"

(Ichika): "Yes, now we just have to wait until the fight."

(Cecilia): "Ichika-san."

(Ichika): "Yes?"

(Cecilia): "You two didn't cross the line, did you?"

She blushed when asked just like the others, especially Char, but she had a serious face.

(Ichika): "No, we just kissed."

(Ling): "What about Hiroshima-san and Mizushima-san?"

(Ichika): "With them, yes."

A black aura appeared around the girls when I said that.

(Ichika): "Even this?"

(Houki): "You can't avoid it..."

(Charlotte): "So, let us get it right to relieve that anger." - she said with a dark smile while invoking part of her IS.

Ling and Cecilia followed Char at that point, with only Houki sitting on the bed. I didn't know if it was because she was trying to control herself, or if it was because she didn't have an IS or if she knew it would just be a waste of time and energy.

(Charlotte): "Stay still! We calm down after hitting you at least once. We promise"

(Ichika): "I am not a masochist to simply take a hit from someone else."

The three were trying to hit me for about fifteen minutes, but with my speed, Char and Cecilia ran out of ammunition and Ling got tired, Houki went to a corner of the room and was not hit by a bullet. But the room was almost completely destroyed although I didn't have a scratch.

(Charlotte): "My bullets are over..."

(Cecilia): "I should have brought a bazooka..."

(Ling): "I didn't even get a small scratch..."

(Ichika): "Have you calmed down? Great, because now it's my turn." - I said while snapping my fingers

(Cecilia & Ling & Charlotte): "What?"

(Ichika): "Did you think I would not return the favor? I have tolerated it until now, but I have reached my limit. Welcome to the real world, where you reap what you sow."

(Charlotte): "Wait, Ichika." - she said with panic in her voice as she walked away from me and Ling and Cecilia.

(Ichika): "It's okay, I won't hurt you too much."

I managed to see Houki breathe a sigh of relief when I said that, it seems that she was very happy for not having joined the 'hit Ichika' activity.

I removed their skirts and slapped their asses. I saw that Houki was very red with that scene.

After the punishment the three stayed on the floor.

(Charlotte): "I won't be able to get married anymore..." - she said while crying.

(Ling): "I never imagined that I would go through this..."

(Cecilia): "Punishment..." - she said with a very red face and was lost in some fantasies.

When I heard Cecilia I was amazed, it seems that I started the process to transform her into a masochist, I just hoped she wouldn't attack me out of the blue just to receive a 'punishment'.

(Ichika): "You deserved it... and come back to reality Cecilia."

(Cecilia): "S-Sorry!"

She jumped up and seemed to remember that she was showing off her panties, as she crouched down again.

(Ichika): "You should be thankful for being my acquaintances... if you weren't, I would have guaranteed a stay in the hospital for a month."

The three said nothing, just went to their skirts and put them on while looking sulky at me.

(Ichika): "Well... now, please explain to the teachers why this room is in that state."

(Ling): "Why us?"

(Ichika): "Because you are the ones who destroyed the room."

They just went silent, and with an expression of defeat they left the room, leaving only me and Houki.

(Houki): "Don't you think you overreacted?"

(Ichika): "No, I think I took it easy, and if you try Houki too, the punishment is the same."

I saw her wince a little when I said that.

(Ichika): "I just hope Cecilia stays on the line..."

(Houki): "I don't think it will be possible..."

It seems that Houki also noticed Cecilia's new fetish.

(Ichika): "Do you want to train a little?"

(Houki): "Yes... at least I can relieve myself of this anger without suffering retaliation."

We both went to the gym and stayed training. Cecilia and Ling got together a little later, it looks like the school would charge them, and possibly Char too, for room repairs.

When I got back to the room, I saw a slightly sulky Char there.

(Ichika): "Are you still sulking?"

(Charlotte): "Any girl would stay if the boy she loves says she is having sex with other women."

(Ichika): "I'm happy to hear you say you love me."

She turned red immediately, it seems that embarrassment has taken the place of anger a little.

(Ichika): "And just to be clear, the times I had sex with them, were before I met you, so this anger is a little unjustified."

(Charlotte): "I can't help it..."

(Ichika): "Just do me a favor and don't become a Yandere, okay?"

(Charlotte): "I will try..."

That phrase didn't give me much confidence but it was better than nothing. I give her a good night kiss, which seemed to calm her even more and decided to end the day.