Chapter 41

The days passed, and the girls were calmer, although Cecilia tried to beat me, possibly due to her new fetish. I managed to spend time alone with Chifuyu-nee, although Maya-Sensei almost caught us.

There were only two riots.

The first uproar was with the news that four falling representatives were part of the [Phantom Task]. They were quite popular, but the teachers managed to calm the students' spirits, they left out the fact that the attack in the tournament was caused by the [Phantom Task] because otherwise things would get a little out of control.

The second was with Laura, it seems that she was disdaining and disparaging everyone she met, to the point that my sister had to go and talk to her.

I also got a call from Mice about Laura. Apparently she was chosen only to become a weapon. She joined a German project to create super soldiers from a baby, with the goal of creating the perfect soldier.

She was always on top until the introduction of the IS, where it seemed that her affinity with her IS was not very high, so she was subjected to a project called [Odin Project], where she modified one of her eyes to increase the affinity with ISs and improve their cognitive abilities, he named him [Eye of Odin].

However, there was a problem with [Eye of Odin], it could not be disabled, and with that it started to affect her performance, both as a soldier and IS pilot, it seems that it would negatively affect her brain if it was kept on for a long time. That's when my sister came in. Under her tutelage, Laura recovered her post, and so her purpose, that explained her adoration for my sister, although that still doesn't explain why she hates me.

It seems that her IS has undergone a certain modification that was banned by the IS Treaty, the VT System (Valkyrie Trace System), which was basically all the experiences of Chifuyu-nee that would go directly to the brain of the person who used it, but the price it was almost worse than that of [Eye of Odin], so that information was sealed, but there was a chance they would go with everything.

I was angry with the German government for this, because it seems that she never had a 'normal life', her situation was similar to that of Madoka. They were clearly treating her like a disposable. I even asked if anyone could do anything about them.

This made my image of her better, after all with what she went through, having that mentality was quite normal, now it was just a matter of solving her pride problem.

The day of combat has arrived. In the morning our class went to the Arena, and I went straight to the locker room, not without first receiving a look of disdain, it seems that she did not believe what they said about me. I thought about using my SI, but as I wanted to demonstrate that she wasn't above everyone, not to mention that something told me that the wear on Ouri's energy wouldn't help me here, I put on the same clothes and equipment that I put on my battle against Cecilia .

I stood in front of the door waiting for the signal. It took about ten minutes and came as the voice of my sister / lover.

(Chifuyu): "The battle between Laura Bodewig from Germany and Orimura Ichika is about to begin."

The doors started to open, I waited until they were completely open to enter the Arena, where Laura was waiting for me with her IS on the floor.

(Ichika): 'It's show time!'

(Houki's POV)

Our class went to the Arena, where Ichika and Laura went to prepare. The others and I asked Ichika how he was going to fight, but he didn't give us any tips. We just went to a few seats in the stands to watch the fight.

As the fight seemed like it was going to take my colleagues started to start a conversation.

(Student 1): "How do you think Orimura-kun will do?"

(Houki & Cecilia & Charlotte): "He will win easily."

I realized that my colleagues agreed with me, not only because of Ichika's ability but also because he was much more popular than Bodewig-san.

At that time I saw people who were not part of our class enter the arena. I found it strange, and I found it even more strange when I saw Ling coming towards us.

(Ling): "Hi guys."

(Charlotte): "Ling? What are you doing here?"

(Ling): "The people at the top of the Academy gave permission to all the falling representatives to watch this fight."

She started to point to the people who were arriving. I recognized some, but the one that surprised me most was a woman with long red hair, yellow eyes and a body that rivaled that of my sister, the falling representative of Greece, Velvet Hell. I also recognized Sara Welkin, who was also a candidate for England's representative like Cecilia.

(Houki): "Even from the years above are coming?"

(Ling): "It's Ichika we're talking about, whether it's hiscapabilities or his IS's, everyone wants to see."

I couldn't argue with that, because it was the truth. At that time I heard a voice calling Ling.

(????): "Ling-chan!" - said a girl who was going to her.

This girl had blonde hair in a ponytail, blue eyes that felt innocent, which I found ironic because her breasts were as big as mine.

(Ling): "Tina?" - she exclaimed in surprise.

Tina hugged Ling the moment she was close enough for that.

(Ling): "Let go of me, you big-chested demon!" - she said while trying to free herself from the hug.

(Tina): "Mou! Don't be mean to me!" - She said sulkily while puffing her cheeks.

(Cecilia): "Ling-san, who is she?"

(Ling): "My classmate and roommate."

(Tina): "Hello~! My name is Tina Hamilton!"

I was surprised that she decided to speak English out of nowhere.

(Ling): "Tina..."

(Tina): "Oops! I'm sorry! It's a little bad habit that I have... whenever I speak to a person for the first time I speak in my native language."

(Cecilia): "Easy, this is something that happens." - she said speaking in english too.

(Ling): "Tina, just introduce yourself..." - she said while holding the bridge of her nose.

(Tina): "Okay! As I said, my name is Tina Hamilton, I am a first year student, and I am a candidate for US national representative."

Me and the others stared at Ling.

(Ling): "You shouldn't be surprised, considering the fact that the representatives are related to each other."

(Cecilia): "Tatenashi-san is coming."

I looked in the same direction as Cecilia, as well as the others, and saw Tatenahsi-san with some girls coming towards us.

(Tina): "Tatenashi Kaichou and the rest of the student council... now that I think about it, why didn't they put Ichika-san on the council?"

Tatenashi was close enough to hear that comment and decided to answer for us.

(Tatenashi): "Because he is still in the first year, when he goes to the second year, possibly they will put him like in Seitou Kaichou."

However, a person I didn't expect appeared in Tatenashi's group.

(Honne): "Hi girls~"

(Class 1-1): "Nohotoke-san?!"

(Honne): "Mou! I already told you to call me Nohohon!"

After that sentence a girl with brown hair and glasses hit Honne's head with a book.

(Girl): "Behave yourself, Honne-chan."

(Honne): "It hurt, Onee-chan." - she said while stroking her head.

(Houki & Cecilia & Ling & Charlotte & Tina): "Onee-chan?!"

These two were not so similar, but if I stop to think, my sister and I were not so similar either, possibly seeing the face of Ichika and Orimura-Sensei, which are very similar made me forget this little detail.

(Girl): "Nice to meet you, I'm Nohotoke Utsuho, Honne-chan's older sister and vice president of the student council."

At that time I saw a girl very similar to Tatenashi, just wearing glasses, look at her, just to see Tatenashi herself look away.

(Cecilia): "Is there a problem?"

(Tatenashi): "Nothing... I just lost myself in thoughts..."

(Tina): "How do you think the match Tatenashi Kaichou will be?"

(Tatenashi): "Well... it depends on how Ichika-kun will fight."

(Houki): "What do you mean?"

(Tatenashi): "This is not a school tournament, he may well not use his IS in this fight."

That possibility never occurred to me, but it was true. Ichika could fight with that equipment that he fought against Cecilia.

(Houki): "What do you think of Laura Bodewig?"

(Tatenashi): "I think she will be interesting... not only was she trained by Orimura-Sensei herself but she was the only one to survive a certain German secret project..."

At that time another voice entered the conversation.

(?????): "But that will not be enough to face Ichika-nii."

We turned to see the person who spoke and I was amazed, because I saw a person who was the face of Orimura-Sensei, only with short hair and was wearing a school uniform like Ling.

(Houki): "Who are you?"

(??????): "I am Orimura Madoka, the twin sister of Ichika-nii."

Nobody reacted for a few seconds, but everyone present reacted the same way.

(Everyone): "WHAT?!"

(Houki): "Wait a minute! Twin sister?! Ichika doesn't have a twin sister."

(Madoka): "Yes he does, he just didn't know, after all both he and Chifuyu-nee thought I was dead."

(Charlotte): "How did they come to that conclusion?"

(Madoka): "There was an accident involving the family... and some people caught me. Ichika-nii only knew about me when we were 8 years old, just like Chifuyu-nee."

I realized that there was more there, but I decided not to ask, I could interrogate Ichika after the fight. I saw that the others would ask more, but Orimura-Sensei's voice stopped them.

(Chifuyu): "The battle between Laura Bodewig from Germany and Orimura Ichika is about to begin."

They all sat down, with Madoka sitting next to me.

(Tatenashi): "This is going to be fun."