(Ichika's POV)
I entered the arena with my display already on for Colonel to analyze Laura's IS. I realized that the Arena had more people than it should have, but it was not the time for me to worry about it now.
I stopped in front of Laura, who was looking at me with a confused expression.
(Laura): "Didn't you hear the instructor say that the battle is about to start? Put your IS!"
(Ichika): "I don't need my IS to finish you, little doll."
Laura got a furious expression right away, and right after that, Colonel gave me the report on her IS.
(Colonel): "Ichika-sama. The IS of Lauara Bodewig is a third generation called Schwarzer Regen. The basic configurations of a third generation IS are different from the ISs of Cecilia Alcott and Huang Lingying, possibly because it is under development but his military potential is greater. The cannon on his shoulder fires rays of energy higher than Huang Lingying's IS. It has six daggers that can act as whips. It also has two arm-mounted beam sabers for physical combat. of the illegal VTS system, which is currently inactive, I also found an AIC system, Active Inertia Canceller, it allows you to cancel the movement any project or body that she has a notion that will go to her, but if she cancels a body she cannot cancel I suggest using a lot of speed to avoid getting caught by the AIC system, I suggest using 27% of your strength to end the game in just one stroke, or use only 14% and focus on moving to stretch r the battle. "
This impressed me. That IS was in an early development and held up longer than Cecilia and Ling's ISs. If Germany ends this, they will really have a lot of firepower.
(Ichika): "Any chance of VTS activating in the middle of the fight?" - I spoke quietly just for Colonel to hear me.
(Colonel): "According to what I was able to analyze, a great emotional shock, or Lauara Bodewig being close to losing consciousness, then the VTS will automatically activate, taking her place in the fight."
In other words, I will be struggling with a machine that follows only small commands if this VTS activates.
(Colonel): "Do you want to know the vulnerable points in the IS force field?"
(Ichika): "No, thanks Colonel, just show me the energy of her shield."
Laura was still looking at me with blood in her eyes when her shield indicator appeared.
(Laura): "Do you happen to be underestimating me?"
(Ichika): "Of course not. I'm just being realistic."
It just made her even more furious. And I realized that the audience was agitated, I looked for Houki and the others, just to be surprised to see Madoka with them. Wasn't she supposed to come tomorrow?
I was going to give a wave but Chifuyu-nee's voice made me change my mind.
(Chifuyu): "Participants, get ready."
I drew my Nichirin Blade and Laura invoked an arm-mounted beam saber on her left arm and prepared the cannon on her shoulder.
(Laura): "I will erase your arrogance and show that you are not worthy."
(Ichika): "I want to see you try."
(Chifuyu): "START!"
By the time my sister spoke to start the game, Laura already fired with the energy cannon. I could very well deflect it, but the metal on my Nichirin Blade also served to repel energy, which just made me even more confused about what kind of metal it was, so I cut that shot in two.
Laura looked at me with a shocked expression, but she quickly returned with the expression she had before. She fired again and an idea popped into my head.
I wanted to avoid using breathing techniques to avoid being recognized, after all I could even summon a water dragon out of nowhere, but if I used her attacks, maybe I could disguise it, they might think it was just my sword.
When the shot was close enough, I ran it through my sword blade until it came close to the tip.
(Ichika): 'Go no kata: Netsu Kairai'
The Netsu Karai is a single concentrated electric cut made by my blade that comes out of it in the shape of a lightning bolt, and thanks to the shot that was on the blade the blow came out a little stronger, obviously I did not use all my strength with this attack.
Laura was so shocked by what she did not even activate the AIC to avoid that blow and received it in full, she even cried out in pain at that time, which made me a little confused, because her shield should have prevented her from feeling pain, and only the energy of the shield was lowered, which happened to fall to 79%.
Germany was really going to do well if they finished developing this IS.
(Laura): "W... what did you do?"
(Ichika): "I have no obligation to tell you."
She summoned a dagger and threw it at me, I saw that this dagger had a string of energy, it seems that it was one of her six whip daggers. I easily repelled the dagger, but she moved forward with the beam to know it and tried to pierce me, but I changed the path of her attack to the right with my blade, I turned and kicked it.
It was launched but recovered quickly. I had to admit, she deserved the honors she had.
She looked at me and summoned the other arm-mounted beam saber and attacked me again. I was defending and changing the trajectory of her attack, which was only making her more anxious, because the attacks were starting to lose the professionalism of before.
After changing the trajectory of her attack, I kicked her again, making her go right back. Her shield was 52% now.
(Laura): "This is just not happening."
(Ichika): "Of course it is."
(Laura): "So, whatever!"
She tore off her eye patch, revealing a golden yellow eye, which I thought matched her red eye for some reason.
She moved forward quickly, faster than before, and attacked me with her right arm, I defended, but right after that I had to take a step back because the other arm almost hit me. It seems that her body adapted to the improvement of her cognitive abilities, which made me wonder what the hell she went through in the army's hand.
Her attacks have improved so much, that for the first time I had to use 20% of my strength in a fight since I entered the Academy. At that time she started to falter a little, it seems that my speed was too much even for [Eye of Odin].
(Laura): "How...?"
(Ichika): "I think I can play a little."
I quickly pulled away from her, and before she could reach me, I took a deep breath.
(Ichika): 'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen'
I started running in circles around it with that. I had achieved a certain technique with Hekireki Issen, if I moved the feet at certain times and kept going through them periodically, I could create several images of myself at the same time, as if I had cloned myself, although these images were just to distract .
With the Hekireki Issen base, I could create up to 20 images, and with Shinsoku I could create more than 100.
I created one image after another, and Laura's expression was only getting more shocked with each image created.
(Laura): "What is that ?!" - she asked when I finished creating
(Ichika): "Afterimage, never heard of it?"
(Laura): "Impossible, do you know how fast it must be to create so many?"
(Ichika): "Am I too slow by any chance? Well, know that I can go much faster."
(Ichika): 'Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen - Rokuren'
With Rokuren, I could create about 50 images in total, but I only created ten more images. She looked even more shocked as she moved her head trying to find the real one.
She launched one of her daggers, where one of my images was, and spun around trying to hit a certain time. Once again I was impressed as she was, after all that reasoning was right, because either she hit me or she stopped me, anyway she would know where I was.
Unfortunately for her, I already had a countermeasure for that. Instead of deflecting, I held her dagger and started to spin, making it spin with me, after a while spinning with a movement of the arm that was holding the dagger I made Laura hit everything on the ground, raising a cloud of dust, her shield had gone down to 30% with that.
I stood there, waiting for the dust to clear and for it to come out, but when the dust cleared, she stood completely still, then Colonel gave me a news that I didn't want to hear.
(Colonel): "Ichika-sama! Laura Bodewig's IS VTS has been activated!"
I cursed myself instantly as I saw a stickiness cover Laura. I could have ended it right there, but I didn't know what a sudden stop in a system like VTS could do to her brain. I could only watch in silence, so that I could end it later.