Chapter 44

(Ichika's POV)

I carried Laura to the infirmary. I felt the looks of all the people who were present, it seems that my notoriety would increase even more, but I didn't care about that.

As always, when I arrived at the infirmary, it was empty, so I put Laura on the bed closest to the window. Her face was calm, even cute in my opinion. When I left the infirmary I came across Chifuyu-nee and Maya-Sensei.

(Chifuyu): "Orimura, what about Bodewig?"

(Ichika): "She is just sleeping, I managed to get her out of the IS before it affected her brain."

(Maya): "But how did you achieve this with VTS enabled?"

(Ichika): "So you knew..."

Maya-Sensei just looked at the floor in shame.

(Chifuyu): "You know about democracy that something of this level involves, after all it breaks the IS Treaty, so we had to have overwhelming evidence, both to do something against the German government and to change its IS."

(Ichika): "And her using the VTS was what you needed."

I couldn't blame Chifuyu-nee with something like that, after all we needed Madoka to denounce the members of the [Phantom Task], just accusing them wouldn't have helped, and even with some members clearly delivering on their reactions, those responsible could say that they were scared of Chifuyu-nee, but with Madoka there, that excuse wouldn't work.

(Chifuyu): "Yes."

(Ichika): "Answering your Maya-Sensei question, when VTS activated, a basic AI took control while Bodewig was out, it was like facing a training robot."

(Chifuyu): "Even if it weren't for a training robot, you would have won easily." - she said with a smile.

(Ichika): "Sensei's training was hard... and I went overboard sometimes..."

(Chifuyu): "I won't even ask..." - she said with a tired and angry expression.

If she knew about the waterfall or rock training, she would have a stretch.

(Maya): "If I may ask... how much of your true strength did you use?"

I didn't have to worry about [Phantom Task] and Maya-Sensei was clearly a true friend of Chifuyu-nee, so I decided to speak the truth.

(Ichika): "About 20%."

(Chifuyu): "How fast can you go?"

(Ichika): "I never measured, but at maximum speed, the number of afterimages is greater than 100."

Chifuyu-nee just stared at me with a little open eyes while Maya-Sensei had a shocked expression on her face with her mouth forming a big O.

(Ichika): "Now I want to ask a question, why is Madoka here? Wasn't she supposed to come tomorrow?"

(Chifuyu): "She managed to get in early. We have to deal with Bodewig's IS, go see Orimura. And just to be on the record, there will still be classes even with this incident. And I will have a conversation with you, Madoka and Dunoa. "

(Ichika): "Yes, ma'am. See you later."

I passed them, with Maya-Sensei still with the same shocked expression. As Madoka would possibly want to see me, I decided to go to the Arena.

(Madoka's POV)

I left the Arena and tried to go to the infirmary, but I stopped in one of the school corridors with a voice that came after me.

(?????????): "Madoka-chan."

I turned around and saw the same group I was in when Ichika-nii fought Laura Bodewig, being led by the girl with blue hair and red eyes. I knew who she was. Sarashiki Tatenashi, Seitou Kaichou of the student council and the leader of the [Sarashiki Family], an organization that has been an enemy of the [Phantom Task] since its creation. If I remember correctly, Squall has already faced it and called it, or called its IS, 'Moscow's Deep Mist'.

(Madoka): "Can I help you, Sarashiki-san?"

(Tatenashi): "We just want to accompany you to Ichika-kun." - she said it with a smile.

(??????): "This is not necessary."

I turned around and saw Ichika-nii walking towards us.

(Madoka): "Ichika-nii!"

I went to him and hugged him, while he answered the gesture.

(Ichika): "You should have told me you were coming, I was really surprised when I saw you in the audience."

(Madoka): "I wanted to surprise you!" - I said happily as he patted my head.

I felt stupidly happy about just that.

(?????): "Ichika..."

I looked over my shoulder and saw Shinonono Houki looking at us with a look of envy, just like some other girls... my brother was really popular... I wonder if I still have a chance with so many women behind Ichika- nii.

(Ichika): "What's up, Houki?"

(Houki): "She..."

Ichika-nii didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence.

(Ichika): "Possibly she has already introduced herself, but if you wants confirmation, then yes, she is my twin sister."

The shortest of that group, a brown hair girl tied into twin tails, who if I'm not mistaken is called Huang Lingyin, the IS Representative Candidate of China, exclaimed indignantly.

(Ling): "You never said you had a twin sister!"

(Ichika): "I only found out that Madoka was alive at 8 years old, before that I thought I only had Chifuyu-nee in the family."

(Houki): "What happened?"

(Ichika): "This is already a family matter Houki, but if you really want to know, you'll have to ask Chifuyu-nee."

They were silent and didn't ask any more questions, I didn't know if it was because of fear of Chifuyu-nee or because of Ichika-nii, but I was still happy that they didn't press any further.

But one of the blond girls, the one with the loose hair that was shaped like a drill in some parts, was staring at me. I think she was the IS Representative Candidate of England, Cecilia Alcott. I was happy that Rain Meusel kept talking about the candidates in the reports.

(Cecilia): "Orimura-san... how long do you plan on hugging Ichika-san?"

(Madoka): "Until I think it's fair."

This only made a black aura come out of some of them, and one that looked like a man, but according to Ichika-nii and Chifuyu-nee, it was Charlotte Dunoa.

(Ling): "''Don't you think you're going too far?"

(Madoka): "First, I am his sister. Second, you have had it so far."

I have to guarantee a position in that... it made me wonder if Chifuyu-nee was going to get into this story... or was she already there?

(Ichika): "Everyone calms down. Look, give Madoka a rest, besides Chifuyu-nee and Maya-Sensei said that even with this incident there, classes will take place normally."

(Tatenashi): "Since it is like that, we are going back to the council room. And just a reminder Ichika-kun, you have to wear the uniform in the room. See you later."

The student council members followed Sarashiki and left us, one of them waving to Ichika-nii.

(?????): See you later Orimu~ "

The blonde with the ponytail, Tina Hamilton, took this as a cue to leave too.

(Tina): "Well, I'm going to go too. I hope I can have a conversation with you later, Ichika-san."

When she disappeared following one of the corridors and Ichika-nii stared at the girls who stayed.

(Ichika): "Who was that?"

(Ling): "Tina Hamilton, IS Representative Candidate of USA, my classmate and roommate."

(Ichika): "I am not surprised to put you together..."

(Houki): "Well... shall we have lunch?"

(Ichika): "I'm going to change first. And Char, Orimura-Sensei wants to talk to you, me and Madoka at the end of the class."

The girl who was dressed as a man that Ichika-nii called Char, whose real name was Charlotte Dunoa, just nodded. It reminded me of Snake-san's message.

(Madoka): "It reminded me of one thing. Hisui-san said she wants compensation when you meet again."

(Ichika): "I already imagined... well, I'll work it out with her later. I'll be going."

He made me release him, against my will, and went on his way, leaving me alone with one of his girlfriends and his three suitors.

(Houki): "So... Orimura-san?"

(Madoka): You can only call me Madoka... as far as I know, it won't be long before you are part of the family."

The four blushed with my comment. They just nodded and we went together to the cafeteria. I received amazed looks from all the students that we passed, possibly because I was Chifuyu-nee's face. Ichika-nii joined us in the school uniform and the six of us had lunch together.

(Chifuyu's POV)

The teachers took Bodewig's IS and took it to the same area where Ichika made his IS a fourth generation. It reminded me when I told Tabane this, she went into denial right away.

We removed the VTS from the IS and denounced the German government for breaking the IS Treaty. Now it was just waiting. I wondered how much information the Germans managed to get to make this VTS, but the analysis would take a while.

I was surprised that they didn't ask about Madoka after handing over the [Phantom Task] spies, but then I remembered that Madoka acted as an informant for Ichika, so the [Zodiac Beasts] must already have something prepared.

Would that be considered me to be in debt to them? No, Ichika clearly would not consider it, and the others seemed to be very good friends with him ... well they were doing jobs where I could end the death of one of them for 8 years, so a friendship would be kind of impossible not to form.

But I still think I should do something for Ichika ... but should I do it like his sister or his lover? I decided to stop thinking about it when I felt my face temperature rise.

After lunch, I went to my class with Maya. Everyone was present with Madoka waiting outside. Stopping to think... I still haven't told Maya about the fact that she is my little sister ..

We both entered the room, and the students fell silent and went to their seats, possibly discussing Ichika's fight, or about Madoka being the same as me. I stayed in the corner while Maya went to the usual place.

(Maya): "Very well, guys. Today our room will increase again."

(Chifuyu): "You can come in."

The door opened and Madoka entered with everyone staring with a surprised expression, with the exception of Ichika, Shinonono, Alcott of Dunoa and, for some reason, Nohotoke.

She went to Maya's side, where a hologram appeared with her name as she introduced herself.

(Madoka): "I am Orimura Madoka. Nice to meet you."