Chapter 45

(Madoka's POV)

(Madoka): "I am Orimura Madoka. Nice to meet you."

The moment I introduced myself, with the exception of those who already knew, the rest of the room became a racket. All the students were screaming while asking questions to both Chifuyu-nee and Ichika-nii, that was until Chifuyu-nee lost her temper, which happened very quickly.

(Chifuyu): "Silence!"

They all stopped talking at once.

(Chifuyu): "I know that everyone must be confused by the sudden appearance of Orimura Madoka, but there was an incident in our family when she and Orimura were small, that I will not tell, and I just knew that she was alive makes one time."

Everyone just looked from Ichika-nii, to Chifuyu-nee and then to me.

(Chifuyu): "Anyway, Orimura Madoka will be part of that class. Madoka, you can sit."

(Madoka): "Where?"

(Chifuyu): "On Alcott's side."

I didn't like the fact that I would be away from Ichika-nii, but it was better than nothing. I went to the empty spot next to one of the blondes from earlier and sat down.

(Chifuyu): "Now let's start the class."

Chifuyu-nee started the class, but as I went through it thanks to [Phantom Task] training, I got bored quickly, and I realized that Ichika-nii was also bored. The class passed without any repercussions, although some girls face me from time to time, I do not blame them, it must take time for my sister's fans to absorb this fact.

After class was over, I went to Ichika-nii, just for the classroom to surround us. They asked so many questions that I couldn't even get all of them, but one of them was what was the problem that Chifuyu-nee mentioned.

I didn't know how to respond, but Chifuyu-nee kind of saved our skin.

(Chifuyu): "Orimuras, Dunoa, follow me."

Ichika-nii led the way through the crowd and we met Charlotte at the door next to Chifuyu-nee and Maya-Sensei. She guided us through the corridors to the teachers' room, which was empty.

(Charlotte): "Orimura-Sensei, why did you call us?"

(Chifuyu): "Dunoa, you are a woman, aren't you?"

Charllote's face was immediately startled.

(Charlotte): "W-What are you talking about Orimura-Sensei? Hahaha... since when?"

(Chifuyu): "Just because you can fly an IS, I told you so. After all, I called Tabane when I got the news that Ichika was able to fly, and she said the chance of that happening is less than 0.01% . "

(Charlotte): "But there was still a chance."

(Chifuyu): "That would only happen in 10 years."

Charlotte just shrugged her shoulders in defeat. That wasn't the real reason, but it wasn't like Chifuyu-nee was just going to talk about the [Mosaic Project].

(Chifuyu): "Now... why did you do that?"

(Charlotte): "My father sent me..."

Then she told about the situation of the Dunoa Company and the mission that her father passed on to her. I felt like going personally to the president of the corporation and punching him in the face. What did he think his daughter was?

(Charlotte): "What happens to me now?"

(Chifuyu): "You are still going to stay at the Academy, but I am changing your room."

(Charlotte): "No!"

(Chifuyu): "You know that would happen. I will put you as a roommate at Bodewig."

Charlotte made a face when she heard that, and it was not for nothing, from what I heard the day we caught the spies of [Phantom Task], Laura Bodewig had a terrifying personality... I hope she got better with this beating that she took from Ichika-nii.

(Ichika): "Will I get a room for myself?"

(Chifuyu): "No. You and your twin sister will be roommates."

My heart leapt with joy. I was taking the lead over the three late ones.

(Charlotte): "Why can she?"

(Chifuyu): "Because they are siblings and the school saw no problem with that."

This confused me a little. After I realized that I loved my brother as someone of the opposite sex and not just as a relative, I researched if there was any chance that we could be together without anyone harassing us, and I discovered a law in Japan related to clans of honor. That if something happens to a clan of honor, the marriage between the survivors, whether they are brothers, cousins ​​or even parents and children, could be legalized in order to maintain a pure lineage. And by coincidence, the Orimura clan was on the list, after all it was because of this that they chose our family for the [Mosaic Project].

After all, the Orimura clan has achieved several merits of honor in the two world wars and in the various national battles they have had in Japan over the past 1500 years.

But as this law was not widely practiced, after all it did not have many clans of honor and those who did had several members, possibly people forgot about it and just let it collect dust. But I would not spoil this chance by commenting on that.

Charlotte did not know how to refute that statement by Chifuyu-nee.

(Charlotte): "Alright..."

(Chifuyu): "Get ready to move. Bodewig is going to spend the night in the infirmary due to the incident. Dismissed." she said as she handed Charlotte a key.

As soon as Chifuyu-nee said that she left the room, possibly to see Laura Bodewig. Ichika-nii was trying to comfort Charlotte, now that they would no longer share a room. After she calmed down, we went to my new room, which was 1025.

Charlotte took all her things and said goodbye. I fixed what I had in the closet. Snake-san tried to take me shopping, but as I had [Phantom Task] problems, so I refused, but I really would need to buy something ... although I have no idea what to buy... Alcott help me with this?

Well, I could worry about that later.

(Laura's POV)

I saw only darkness around me, no matter where I looked, so my thoughts wandered to that person who defeated me and I asked.

(Laura): "Why are you so strong?"

(Ichika?): "Because I want to protect someone ... I dedicated myself body and soul so I could be strong to protect someone."

(Laura): "Protect someone?"

(Ichika?): "Yes..."

(Laura): "Like... that person..."

(Ichika?): "Yes... and that is why... I will protect you too, Laura Bodewig."

His face appeared in front of me as it illuminated the darkness around me.

I opened my eyes and realized that I was in the infirmary of the Academy, by the sky I was seeing through the window, the classes should have ended.

(???????): "Woke up?"

I looked away from the window and saw the instructor.

(Laura): "What happened?"

(Chifuyu): "A very delicate matter ... not to mention that it is confidential information ... do you know about VTS?"

(Laura): "Valkyrie Trace System..."

(Chifuyu): "Correct. According to the IS Treaty, its use, development, research and any matter related to the system, are prohibited. That is what we found in your IS."

I was outraged, did they use me as a lab rat? Did I dedicate almost my whole life to them?

(Chifuyu): "Laura Bodewig."

(Laura): "H-Hai!"

(Chifuyu): "Who are you?"

(Laura): "I am..."

I couldn't finish that sentence, who was I really? Was I the soldier I was proud of this morning, or was I a person who was betrayed by her own homeland, a nobody they didn't bother to abandon?

(Chifuyu): "If it's nobody, great. From now on, you'll be Laura Bodewig."

I saw the instructor get up and leave, after a few steps I heard the door open and the instructor's voice again.

(Chifuyu): "And also... you can never be me."

I heard the door close and thought about the instructor's words. Currently I could be considered a nobody, so from now on I would be Laura Bodewig... that was practically an order to start my life over...

And I can never be her... in fact... no one could be the instructor, both because it is impossible and because Ichika wants to break the face of anyone who tries.

I was surprised at the same time that I thought about it... why did I refer to him as Ichika? For some reason I felt my face heat up and it only got worse when I remembered the last sentence I heard when I was unconscious.

Then I remembered that the lieutenant of my group that was a German special force Schwarzer Hase, Clarissa Harfouch, once commented. She loved anything from Japanese culture, especially anime and manga, and she commented that some characters who fall in love feel the same as I did.

It just made my situation worse. But when I could, I would call her and ask for some advice, both for ichika's case and for the best way for me to apologize for my behavior so far.

After all, this was the birth of the real Laura Bodewig.