I'm really sorry for the delay.
My computer gave a hell of a problem, and I don't feel comfortable typing on my phone.
Thanks to computer problems, I lost this chapter so many times that it made me angry to continue.
Not to mention that I only have one computer at home after the motherboard of the other one burned and my mother has a home office because of the pandemic, and sometimes she stays late, or she stops and then uses it at night.
And my college has restarted and we are trying to make up for lost time since March, so it will be a little more difficult to post.
Not to mention that another story started to form in my head and I end up deviated from that story and the Empire of Heroes.
Anyway, I apologize again for the delay, and I will try to post the next chapter as soon as possible.
Good reading.
(Ichika's POV)
I was watching Madoka finish packing her things, which by the way weren't many.
(Ichika): "Are you finished yet?"
(Madoka): "Yes Ichika-nii."
(Ichika): "Didn't you go out with the girls to buy some clothes?"
(Madoka): "Hisui-san volunteered to take me... but I decided to wait to sort things out with [Phantom Task]. I didn't want to run the risk of bumping into them in the city before picking them up."
(Ichika): "I see... why don't you ask to go out with the girls tomorrow? I'll see if I can change your IS ... any preferences?"
(Madoka): "What do you mean?"
(Ichika): "Focused on long range or short range?"
(Madoka): "A little bit of both."
(Ichika): "Something about appearance?"
(Madoka): "Something between the current appearance... and the appearance of Shirokishi."
(Ichika): "The Shirokishi? The first IS of Chifuyu-nee?"
(Madoka): "Yes, but I would like him to be completely black, like Bodewig's IS."
I wondered why that was, but possibly it was for her to have a kind of connection with Chifuyu-nee, just like I had with Byakushiki.
(Ichika): "Okay ... I'll see what I can do with your Kuroshiki."
(Madoka): "Kuroshiki?"
(Ichika): "It's what we will call him after I'm done with him, after all we cannot continue with the old name."
She came over to me and hugged me again with a smile on her face, I just hugged her back and we stayed like that for a while.
(Madoka): "What do you usually do at these times, Ichika-nii?"
(Ichika): "Either I train with my IS or I train at the gym. Do you want to train a little?"
(Madoka): "Yes!"
We left the room and went straight to the gym, which was empty. I never understood that, girls rarely used it, they focused more on piloting training, and they forget what physical condition can help.
Madoka's reaction to seeing me without a shirt was different from Ling and Cecilia, instead of passing out, she just started getting blood out of her nose while she got extremely red. I found that reaction funny.
At first we lifted weights, then we did some exercises. After the exercises Madoka asked for a sparring, I didn't care, after all I also wanted to find out how far she had managed to go with the [Phantom Task].
We went to a part of the gym that didn't have enough equipment and enough space for us to fight.
(Ichika): "It can come with everything."
(Madoka): "Right!"
We fought for almost half an hour, and when I say we fight, I meant that I just dodged while Madoka tried to hit me, but it seems that my friends trained her a little, her fighting style reminds me a little of Horse -san.
In the end Madoka was lying on the floor, totally breathless.
(Madoka): "I didn't even get a scratch ..."
(Ichika): "It doesn't look like that. I'm sure you are above Laura."
(Madoka): "Only from Bodewig?"
(Ichika): "I didn't see the others fighting, so I can't tell you exactly, but I'm sure you are in the top 10 at school, considering your years in [Phantom Task]."
She was silent for a while before speaking again. I lay on the floor as well and our heads were next to each other while we stared at the ceiling.
(Madoka): "I think in the top 10... even more with Sarashiki Tatenashi."
(Ichika): "Tatenashi? I know she is strong, otherwise she would not be Seitou Kaichou."
(Madoka): "This is not why."
(Ichika): "What do you mean?"
(Madoka): "Do you know the group that has been giving problems to [Phantom Task] since its creation?"
(Ichika): "I don't know the name of the group, but I heard Autumn talking about them when I eliminated the Semyonova sisters with Snake."
(Madoka): "Sarashiki Tatenashi is the leader."
(Ichika): "Are you sure?"
(Madoka): "Yes. I remember Squall talking about her... Squall called her, or her IS, 'Moscow's Deep Mist'."
(Ichika): "'Moscow's Deep Mist'?!"
It reminded me of the mission in Moscow five years ago, after the elimination of the Semyonova sisters, that something or someone made a fog that left everyone blind, allowing me and Snake to leave without a problem.
(Ichika): "So... I think I have to thank her if the mask falls off..."
(Madoka): "What do you mean?"
(Ichika): "I count in the room. Do you want to continue?" - I said while getting up.
(Madoka): "Yes."
She got up and was in a fight again.
(Ichika): "First a question. Did Horse train you?"
(Madoka): "I was a little bored and asked someone to help me with training... Horse-san volunteered and trained me a little..."
We continued for an entire hour, until Madoka was unable to move properly due to tiredness.
(Ichika): "Are you alive?"
(Madoka): "Yes... but I don't know how..."
(Ichika): "Let's end the day. I will help you."
I carried her in the princess style and took her up to our room.
(Madoka's POV)
I was being carried by Ichika-nii as he took me to our room. Despite the various looks of envy that I received, some even hurt, my heart was in the greatest joy.
It wasn't long before we got to the room.
(Ichika): "Can you stand up?"
(Madoka): "I think so..."
He put me on the floor and went to shower, after he finished, I used the bathroom. I took a shower and put on pajamas. I don't remember what made me wear one, but since I was ten years old I wear a fantasy style pajamas, mine was a white fox, had ears and tail too.
When I left the room, Ichika-nii stared at me so much that I was a little embarrassed.
(Madoka): "I look like a child using this, don't I?"
(Ichika): "No, you look really cute with that. It fit like a glove."
My heart raced and I felt my face heat up right away.
(Madoka): "You fool." - I said with a smile on my face
I went to my bed and sat on the edge.
(Madoka): "Now... why did you say that you would need to thank Sarashiki-san?"
(Ichika): "She facilitated my escape in eliminating the Semyonova sisters."
(Madoka): "What do you mean?"
Then he told me the whole mission, how they used the helicopter to get to the terrace, about the Semyonova sisters' conversation with Autumn and finally, how they got out of there.
(Madoka): "Do you think it was Sarashiki-san?"
(Ichika): "Possibly, that fog was artificial, it was clearly caused, possibly by her IS ability, otherwise, why the hell would she be called 'Moscow's Deep Mist'?"
It made sense to me, possibly she had come there with the same goal as my brother, she just arrived too late.
(Madoka): "Wouldn't it be better to tell her everything, at least?"
(Ichika): "For a cooperation? I came to think of it, after all they certainly must know a lot about the [Phantom Task], not to mention the fact that they have been enemies for a long time, but I still want to avoid that kind of thing . "
(Madoka): "Do you think she would turn against you?"
(Ichika): "She doesn't seem like that kind of person, but like I said, I want to avoid ... do you know if Squall has any sub-leaders?"
(Madoka): "Like ... branch leaders?"
(Ichika): "Yes, after all [Phantom Task] acts worldwide, it is impossible for just one person to organize all attacks."
(Madoka): "Squall never commented on that ... but ... I remember that she called someone ... and she was clearly nervous at times."
(Ichika): "Isn't Squall the leader? Who would make her nervous in the organization?"
At that time a thought occurred to me.
(Madoka): "What if ... Squall is one of the branch leaders?"
(Ichika): "Do you think the person she was talking to could be the real leader?"
(Madoka): "It is possible, after all, it was rare for me to be left alone, the missions I spoke to you were the ones that Squall distributed with me in the room ..."
(Ichika): "Did she say a name?"
(Madoka): "Not with me close."
A silence came over the room and I felt a little bad for not getting information about it.
Ichika-nii sat next to me and hugged me.
(Ichika): "Stop making that face of guilt, you did what you gave. We can find a way to resolve this."
I looked him in the eye, and I saw only love and affection for me, and I couldn't take it. Maybe I was throwing everything out the window, but I didn't care. I took courage and kissed him.