A Alone Spartan

The year is 2577 and Humanity is on the losing side of the war with the covenant. The Spartans all are either Missing in action or gone like they have not ever existed in the first place without a trance.

When Dr. Jones was exploring the ship he came across a spartan cryopod like the cryo pods in the year 2534. When he looked into the cryopod he saw a spartan of old. It looks like the cryopod has not been fooled with for a good 5-6 years. A few days later they are being attacked by the covenant, lucky he saw a cryopod with a spartan in it.

A long-forgotten spartan from the spartan II program was on a ship call UNSC prophecy. The spartan was in cryogenic sleep for a while now and now there are red alarms going off. A group of 8 marines and one scientist come through the door and are trying to close the door. While two marines are holding the door down as they get blasted back and killed by an explosive.

Dr. Jones opens the cryopod by pressing a lot of buttons on the side of the cryopod. As the spartan awake's from cryogenic all spartan can hear is the sounds of fighting and yelling. When the cryopod door opens it takes a minute or two to regain the Spartan senses, but when I do I take cover by the cryopod. Dr. Jones is right next to the Spartan in cover while being fired at. Dr.Jones looks at the name tag on the Spartan on the right side of her chest it says Kate -290. Dr. Jones Rush's over to the next door and it trying to open it. (The Spartan is a 7-foot tall humanoid wearing blue armor)

She yells at a marine, "give me a weapon". The closet marines tossed an assault rifle with two magazines aRollansslan M9 grenade towards her. she pulls the pin then she throws he M9 grenade at the door (BOOM) just as this was happening the Dr. got the door open, Kate yelled "GO MARINES" "I will lay down cover fire against the elites then the marine next to her got shot in the head. She grabs his assault rifle. She starts firing at the aliens with each assault rife in both hands. The rest of the marines made it through the door while she was laying covering fire. As soon as one of the assault rifles reached zero she throws it on the ground.

She killed so many aliens that are laying on the floor as she ran towards the door while she reloading. An elite Ulta runs behind her and breaks her over the shield in one punch in her back. The marines say we're laying down covering fire for her. She takes a combat knife that was on the left side of her chest. She said let's dance slit jaw as soon as she said that the elite Ulta takes out an energy sword. She moved to the right just as the UCLA is running at her she throws the assault rifle at the UCLA.

The ultra cuts the assault rife in half with his energy sword she slides on the right side of the elite then jumps on his back and stabs the elite Ulta in the neck killing him on the spot. Then she makes a spirit for the door as fast as she can. One of the marines closes the door behind her. The Spartan loads her guns. The Spartan says "get to the escape pods there is no time". They all nod in agreement.

The Spartan asked a marine for a magnum. He hands it to her no problem. She looks at it then heads to the armory she can see the ship is on fire and has wall blasted open. She makes her way to the armory with no problems which she finds odd she looked behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed and for a split second, she could have seen something move, but she wasn't sure so she kept her guard up at all times.

When she got to the doorway that said armory she walked through the doorway cleared right and left but nothing. She quickly grabs a shotguns loads it quickly because she felt that she wasn't alone. Then out of nowhere, two elites were that was camouflage is not anymore. She quickly rushed one of the elites. The elite she rushes is rushing back at her.

She has a shotgun in one hand the other hand she has her combat knife. She shot the closet elite point-blank before they could use their energy swords. She then stabs the elite she shot point-blank in the neck. The elites scream in pain as he dies. The other elite got angered by his lost brother.

The elite rushes her as he wants to really kill her the elite shot his plasma rife at her she got into cover. When she looked at where the elite had been standing. She quickly spirited towards the shotgun that got shot out of her hand. As she picks up he shotguns the elite was behind her the elite quickly tried to stab her with his energy sword, but she ducks then she elbows his chest knock the elite back a few feet then she turns around shoots him once with a shotgun then takes out her secondary weapon which was a magnum shoots the elite two times in the face at point-blank range. She loads her weapons then she heads straight towards the bridge while killing grunts, jackals, minor elites.

She is at the bridge doors as soon as the doors open. she looks around for any enemy's and she doesn't see any. she checked behind her nothing other then the dead body's everywhere the captain of the ship is dead. she signed (Flash Back) she sees a Dr. talking to someone she is female she comes up to me and says Kate do you have any parents or people you can trust Kate just said nothing. The Dr. took that as a no. How about I give u people you can trust would u like that Kate nods. Good do you want to protect people like captain Allen here Kate nods? (Flash Back End)

Kate heard something behind her and saw two grunts looking at her in fear then they both said "run away the demon is here run for your life's". She turns around takes out her magnum shoots both of them in the back killing them both. She runs to the bridge controls then she sets a course towards the covenant flagship. As both ships collide. Kate looked on at the Carnage with a simile. Everything Exploded Kate's armor set to lock up.

A few days have passed since the UNSC Prophecy had lost contact with the main UNSC force since they last heard. The UNSC was starting to wonder and if it is best if they sent two UNSC heavy cruisers. In a UNSC ship around Aleria orbit. Captain on deck as the officers and other people salute Captain Andrew. "ladies and gentlemen it appears we lost contact with the Prophecy a few days ago". "It is my understanding that the covenant may have attacked them when they were on a supply run to the closet colony" because a colony nearby needed some supplies real bad from what I have heard.

SIR, there is an incoming transmission and it is from cruiser 1. "Alright sent play on the big screen". YES SIR it's one of the cruisers we sent to look for the Prophecy. "Report Cruiser 1 what have you found in your search". We have found parts of ships from covenant ships and UNSC ships. It may be what left of the Prophecy and three other ships here as well that have been destroyed along with one that appears to be a flagship but it's uncertain Sir.

Putting it on screen now Sir all we can see is destroyed piece of ship everywhere. Andrew asks "are there any survivors at all," he said with a serious tone. Sir, we are scanning right now. Andrew says "keep me updated at all times". We have barely any time to be doing this at all because a person from Oni is coming by real soon and I need you to find survivors at any cost. Meanwhile at a secret base on an unknown moon.

??? Do we have the girl yet question an older looking man? ??? looking at the younger man No Sir we do not have her yet she was on A UNSC ship called prophecy sir. When have you heard from our contract on the ship yet? No, not yet Sir we are still waiting for her to keep me updated at all times. It's the best time I leave I need to go see captain Andrew contact me through my Holo net if anything happens. I will let you know sir if anything happens SIR.

At the debits field cruiser, 2 have you found anything or anyone yet. No, we have not it is about the same over here no life signs. Cruiser 1 I am picking up life signs behind some debris over there. how many just one sir let's go get whoever that is and get them on board and contact Andrew while you are at it and tell him we found a life sign. This is cruiser 1 contacting captain Andrew coming over. This captain Andrew go ahead report.

Sir we have found a life sign out here. Andrew is there any others or just one. Just one sir. Sir the life sign we are picking up belongs to a spartan sir. With while eye's captain Andrew said Get the Spartan on your ship at any cost. We are losing too much as it is. We need any Spartan we can get because we don't have enough to go around these days.

As they found the Spartan floating through space they sent a pelican to receive the package. Cruiser 1 is picking up readings more ships coming through slip space drive. Sir it the COVENANT. Pelican D78-TC

do you read me. Yes Sir we have the package good let make a slip space jump NOW as three more covenant cruisers come out of slip space.

Every Body on Cruiser 1/2 let out a small breath of air Jacob go see how the new guest is doing yes sir. The pilot and Jacob look at the Spartan in Surprise because they have not seen a spartan ever. Woah all Jacob could say. The pilot pressed a button on the Spartan armor because she wondered what it did it so happen to unlock the armor button. Kate woke up after a few minutes as Jacob watched in awe.

As Kate looked around she saw a guy sitting there watching her. Kate asked what ship is this? This is cruiser 1 part of captain Andrew fleet Jacob salute towards the Spartan. (Flash Back) Dr.Halsy are you sure about this captain Allen said. She is just a little girl Dr. Halsy says she is a person of great value Allen as she puts drugs into Kate's body. Kate screams for hours as the drugs took effect really quickly. She saw captain Allen in a char watching her all the way through like a father figure that she never had. (Flashback Ends)

Jacob looks at Kate with curiosity as she just stood there lost in thought as Jacob kind looks like captain Allen brown hair blue eyes but he was a little shorter. while captain Allen had brown hair green eyes and was a little taller. Kate turns to leave but Jacob quickly stopped her he said I know where the bridge is. Kate nods. Jacob says not much of a talker are ya. Kate said only when I need to be she said.

As Jacob was leading the Spartan to the bridge he was getting weird looks from people everywhere. Jacob said the bridge is through those doors. Kate nods in thanks and walks through the door everyone was silent all that you would hear is the Spartan large footsteps coming from a large armor beast, of course, no one said any of this out loud. Kate was taller than anybody in the room. Kate walked up next to who she thought was the captain and salute then Kate said Spartan 290 reporting for duty Sir.

The captain said at ease Spartan. The names captain Wallace. Get me into contact with captain Andrew yes sir right away. In a few moments later captain Andrew is on the screen. Yes spartan time is of the essence at the moment I can't meet you in person sadly but that's not important right now we are sending the two cruisers that you are currently on we are sending those ship.

To a colony we just lost contact with we will then we will send those ships on the mission that he Prophecy was on. Is that understood everyone says yes sir even Kate says Yes Sir? As the ship gets out of the slip jump. Oh, and the colony is on Alluvion. There have been a lot of covenant attacks in that area. So be careful.

The screen turns off and the captain says sent a course to Alluvion. They all said "YES SIR".