Once the two cruisers got out of slip space. Cruiser 1 just tried to make contact on the surface below. They got no response. Captain, I don't like this. Wallace looked at the surface of the planet through the glass. The planet shows a normal planet. Something seems off about the situation says, Wallace. The Spartan who was standing there silently said I think we should prepare a ground force as soon as possible.
Oh and Spartan here's a map of the surface contact me if anything goes wrong down there. A planet is a rocky place with little to none on the planet's surface.
Wallace looked at the Spartan then he went looked at the planet for a moment. Wallace said fine take two squads of marines and two scorpions with you few warthogs. The Spartan nods and says keep watch over the obit. The Spartan begins to walk out of the bridge towards the armory. As soon as she reached the armory she walks through and sees maines getting geared up.
Kate gets a BR85 heavy Barrel service rife then she gets a sniper rifle system five Anti-Materiel. Kate also gets 4 flash-bang grenades, 5 M9 frag grenades, 4 satchel charges, 3 smoke grenades. Then she walks out of the armory. While she was walking out a marine says to another talk about a one-man army. The other marines all nod their heads.
Kate works her way to the hanger where pelican D78-TC and pelican D97H-TCL are currently waiting for the two squads of marines to come through the hanger door. Kate says "gather around marines". The two squads listen up here's what's going to happen one Alpha squad yours with me. Bavo squad take pelican D78-TC
and land at point B. The alpha squad we are going to take and land at point A.
We will have pelican decoy's we will hopefully be lucky and not get shot down. They will be on autopilot. Then a couple more pelicans take off.
If you come under heavy fire as we are dropping in then someone needs to man the scorpion asp. Take cover as much as possible because I can't help anyone who is dead. Then after we meet at the rally point, Charlie. We head to what's left of the colony. Keep your guard up at all times because you don't know went the enemy's will attack.
Kate yells "HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR". They all say YES Ma'am. Alright, move out maines oorah. Each squad got in into their pelicans then they slowly lift up into the air slowly turning around to leave. As soon as we did that the hangar door's to space slowly open. The Spartan says over the intercom Lock and Load maines.
On the surface of the planet Alluvion, the covenant is setting up AAT guns. Elites, grunts, jackals are standing and walking around at the colony base. A sniper jackal looks into the air and sees multiple pelicans into coming. The jackal tells the grunts to get on the AAT guns at this moment. The elites are setting up a force field. As soon as the pelicans are in the range of the AAT placements. Covenant opens fire at the incoming ships. The AAT placement is currently working which is about 6 placements.
One pelican gets shot out of the sky it's left-wing is on fire it lands near one of the placements. The pilot says take evasion actions and on to your seat belts. Kate just stood there unfazed by what's happening around her. Another pelican gets shot out of the sky with fire on its right-wing crashes into an AAT placement. Another got taken down its backside engine is on fire and it exploded in midair parts of what's left pelican killed some elites and grunts. all that's remaining right now is four pelicans two decoys two, not a decoy.
One decoy drops two warthogs and crates full of guns. It gets shot down by a grunt with a fuel rod Canon as soon as it was in the air it exploded in pieces every was killing a bunch of jackals. Then Alpha's pelican got to land and drop the scorpion off. Bavo's pelican wasn't so lucky they took heavy damage to the right wing and little damage to the left but it's not going be able to fly again unless the pilot is able to fix the damage. The last decoy pelican manages to drop off the last scorpion but then got shot down right after it drops it.
Kate said to form a 360 to the marines. Yes ma'am. she tells two marines to man the scorpion then head straight to rally point Charlie. I am going to go to Bavo's pelican because it looks like they got hit pretty hard from what I saw. While this was happening two hunters and squad of elites headed towards Bavo's pelican. Bavo's squad is getting their bearing as the medic of Bavo squad is working on the machines that are bleeding.
The other half of the marines that are wake are forming a defiance barrier. The elites sent a sout on up head to look at the damage. They sent an elite with active camo. The Spartan is making her way towards the Bavo squad at this moment. The marines were not paying close enough attention to the area. The elite with active camo manage to get behind a Maine and snapped his neck with his hand over his mouth.
Then proceeded to drag the body away. One Maine notices something was a miss. He went to tell that Benjamin is missing sir. Go to where his patrol was. Find him at any cost. Yes Sir. As soon as he gets here he contacts the officer.
Sir, there is a trail of blood sir u want me to follow it. Yes, follow it we need every man just until the Spartan comes here to help us out. The officer looked at the engineer and said how's the radio going can you fix it. The engineer says give me 20 minutes to fix it. No, you got 10 minutes to fix it.
Because the longer we stay here too long the enemies might come here sooner or later. I haven't heard anything from Alex yet. Since he went to go find Benjamin. Kate is just a few clicks away somewhere near Bavo's team was an explosion. Kate saw the warthogs then she proceeded to jump inside one of them. She bolts towards the explosion.
When Kate got There were blood and guts everywhere.
(10 minutes before Kate got there)
The marines
took a fighting pose after Alex told them what happened to Benjamin. Then He got cut off by a gun fire at the elite sout. Another one so happens to behind him and stab him right in the back with the energy sword. The elite held the marine by the neck the proceeded to toss the lifeless body on the ground. The elite squad took the high ground shooting at the maines in cover next to their pelican.
The marines threw M9 grenades at the elites in which killed a few but some of them rolled away or threw the grenades back at them. Then this one elite held on to an M9 frag grenade just as he was about to throw it. It exploded his whole left arm off and killed him on the spot. The two hunters blasted what left of the pelican. (BOOM) Is all the Spartan heard in the distance? One person manages to live and it was the medic of the group. She was a little ways away as she saw the whole thing go down.
She is shaking behind a rock with a radio. That the engineer handed to her after she worked her magic to keep the people in the pelican alive. Then she tried to use the radio for help but no good it was being jammed. The elites squad two hunters left the area and she let out a small breath of air. Five minutes have past and the medic starts to hear a warthog coming her way.
She looked around the rock to see if it was the Spartan and luck would have it. It was her. The medic stood up and walked behind the warthog. Kate saw something in the corner of her visor. Kate turned around to look who was behind her. She had her BR85 at the ready in case it was an enemy.
The Spartan said come out slowly I know you are behind my warthog. The medic slowly walks out from behind the warthog to see a 7foot tall Spartan staring at her. Kate sees marine gear than she knew this was the main part of what's left of Bavo squad. Kate lowered her weapon but feel like she needed it. The medic yelled, "BEHIND YOU SPARTAN"!!!
Kate turn around quickly to see an elite on top of the remains of the burning wreck of the pelican. The elite roared at the demon. The Spartan jumps back a couple of feet with her MB85 points the elite. While the elite pulls out two energy swords. Kate felt a cold sweat down her neck because she only felt this way on reach.
She fought an elite among elites. (Flash Back) A place somewhere on reach. Kate's mission on reach was to gain information about a prototype shield generator that the covenant was made. There she saw an unknown elite guarding the shield generator. Just by himself, no other elite would go near him.
The elite said come out Spartan I know you can hear me. Kate comes out behind the wall with a shotgun pointed at the elite. How did you know I was here no one should have known. It doesn't matter what he said. The elite pulls out two energy swords. They both rush at each other. (Flashback Ends)
Kate says so we meet again elite among elites. He says so it would appear. Kate fires a few rounds at the elite. He manages to dodge the rounds fired at him. He Rush's towards Kate with both swords in hand. Kate dodges to the left to fire more BR rounds at the elite.
He ducks then he went to the right tried to cut the Spartan's arm off. Luckily Kate was a bit faster than the elite she jumped backward a few feet. Kate threw a Flash band near the elite and an M9 frag grenade. The elite was blown back a bit. He dodges the flashbang but he was lightly damaged right side. She picks up a shotgun of the floor with very few rounds in it she guesses about 5 rounds before she has to pick up another weapon with more rounds in it.
Kate rushed at the elite after he was pushed back by a bit not wanting the elite to recover. Kate shot two shotgun shells at him he dodges the first one but the second shot grazed after countshree left. she shoots another at his legs. He dodges it. She fires her lasted two shots the first shot grazed on his left side. He dodged to the right and the second shot miss him.
Kate threw down the shotgun just as she did that she when to pick up an assault rifle that was next to her. She picks up one magazine for it with 32 bullets in the magazine already. So she tried to shoot the elite but he ducks behind the burning wreck of the pelican. The elite says to the Spartan. You fight like the other Spartan I used to know he says. Kate says oh really what was his name. She gets ready to throw an M9 frag grenade to where the voice is coming from.
His name was John-117. Just as she heard that name she threw an M9 frag grenade to the last location the voice was. He dodges away until we me again Spartan.
(Boom) She turns the corner to where she last heard the elite's voice expecting to find a body or a dead body but it is gone. Kate searched for the area only to find nothing.
Then a covenant ship flew over the head so they that it be best to follow the ship to see where it is going.
As Kate makes her way back to the medic and the warthog. Kate said it's time we are off to find what the covenant is here excepting to find. The medic nods in agreement. As they get to a high location above the colony. Kate lays down in a prone position she takes out her sniper rifle.
She looks threw the scope of her rifle and sees the covenant moving technologies along with weapon crates and high explosive crates as well. At another location on the Allu, vi, on Alpha squad has tried to contact Kate multiple times and no response so the marines think it is a jammer of some kind. The Alpha squad hasn't seen any enemies since they had landed. They saw one grunt so they just killed it. They also saw AAT placement so they took out one of them. There were no enemies at the AAT placement. So they just took it out to be safe. Since Alpha squad is almost at rally point Charlie.
So they decided to take a short break from walking they then get in the warthogs. Little did they know a jackal was keeping taps on them. The elite's set up a team of four sniper jackals. Then two plasma turrets in placements little farther ahead. Then two elites with fuel rods and few grunts with a fuel rod as well. Four Elite's stood at a hilltop looking down at the unexpected UNSC forces about to be an ambush.
The leader of the covenant on this planet is called Eza' Kovamee. A Great warrior of the Sangheili. Do u know where that Spartan ran off? To he asked the three Elites next to him. They all look at him and say no we do not we have no idea where the Spartan went. He just looks at the marines below. Is everything ready for the ambush? The three nod their heads in agreement then say yes it is.