Alluvion Colony Part 2

As Alpha squad move to rally point, Charlie. They saw two banshees heading towards the convoy. The marines in the scorpion fired at one of the banshees hitting it. As soon as the scorpion destroyed one of the banshees. Grunts, Jackals, and elites all rushed over the hills. The two warthogs in the front are machine guns hogs started lighting up the at the main infantry.

The scorpion fires another shot at the other banshee. It hits making it exploded in midair. Banshee debris starts falling on the battlefield. The scorpion switch targets the two plasma turrets that are laying down fire at the UNSC infantry. Some of the main hop out of the warthogs firing at the covenant infantry in front of the 200m-250m they closing. A marine with a sniper says.

After the scorpion fires another round at the current turret in placement it destroys one of them. A marine sniper lay prone next to the scorpion. Takes out an elite who was on the other turret in placement. Then the scorpion fires around at the other turret in placement. As one warthog takes off into the fay of the battlefield. The hog is running and gunning while running the covenant infantry over with the warthog.

The scorpion is laying down covering fire for the main infantry to move up trying to take down any covenant at any cost. The Jackals Start sniping the UNSC infantry. A jackal sniper shoots at the stationary machine turret on the warthog next to the scorpion. Kills Maine manning the turret on the spot. One marine sniper saw where the shot came from. He started sniping the jackal snipers.

The other team of jackal snipers tries to snipe the moving warthog. They shoot one of the wheels on the warthog making driver losing control while going up a rocky hill and done a few flip's Knocking the gunner and the driver out. While heavy damage on the passenger but still wake. The UNSC snipers takeout the Jackal snipers teams.

The leader of the ground forces on the ground is watching this unfold before these very eyes. The scorpion takes out the most infantry with each round that it fires. Making the covenant bodies go flying everywhere and blood flew across the grounds and rocks alike. Two more banshees come out from behind a mountain while two hunters come out of an outpost not far from where this battlefield is taking place at the moment. The scorpion switch's to the two banshees just came from.

The marine moved his fallen friend off the turret of the machine hog. Three marines hop on in this warthog trying to go save the people in the other warthog. As they drive right next to the flip over hog with covenant body's laying everywhere near the down hog. On the hill next to them five elite Ulta's rush down the hill as fast as their legs can move. The passenger and the driver hop out while they load the three marines.

They put them in the back seat. while the gunner is not letting up but the machine gunner needs to refill his rounds. He takes a rocket launcher off his back aim it at the five elites charging down the hill at a fast pace. He fires it. It hits three of the five elites killing three.

They just got done loading the knocked out cold marines body's. The other one who is still holding his own even tho he is about to pass out due to blood loss. The passenger who came with them said I will hold them off go. The marine starts loading shotgun shells into the gun. Then he has his secondary is a magnum.

He yells don't worry I'm right behind ya. Come on you silt jaw's he yelled as he charges right at them. He shoots one in the face then he shoots the same one in the chest. Killing the elite on his second shot. The second comes right up into his face grabs his shotgun out of his hands.

The elite Punch's the man's face with his own shotgun. The marine looks back at the elite that just punched him. He spits out blood and his mouth is bleeding. He takes out his magnum and a combat knife from one of his pockets. He then proceeds to shoot his magnum at the elite chest.

The elite got mad at him. The marine shot him as many times as he could before he had to reload his magnum. The elite saw this as an opening rushed straight forward towards him. The elite stabs the elite in the left side of his chest while the elite stabs his stomach with his energy sword. They both fall to the ground with heavy damage to both of them. The elite looks towards Maine that's lying there lifelessly.

The elite slowly gets up and starts to pull out the combat knife that Maine used to hurt him. he looks at his own purple blood then he throws the knife down next to the enemy's body. He walks away to tell his report towards the leader or sub-leaders. The scorpion starts firing again as soon as the banshees come into his range. A marine is next to the left side of the scorpion locks on to one of the banshees with his rocket launcher gotcha mother f***.

The pilot of the banshee gets locked on to starts doing evasive action. While Maine fires two rockets one rocket Missed but the other one hit in the nose of the banshee. The other gets shot down by the scorpion. The two hunters finally get to the battlefield. The two hunters start to focus on the scorpion. Two ion green Canons shoot towards the scorpion across the battlefield. One Maine yells at the tank crew get out.

Two marines tried to get out but it was too late as the scorpion exploded. The nearby maines either got killed by the blast or heavily damaged. The main yelled fall back. They started to slowly fall back while shooting but also losing ground. The main take cover while falling back but also shooting like their life depended on it.

The officer in command gives the retreat order while the machine hog gives covering firing to the remaining UNSC troops. Meanwhile, at cruiser 1 captain Wallace begins to get a very bad feeling so he gives transmission to captain Andrew. In which responses to what is it, Wallace. Sir, it just we have not heard anything from the ground force in awhile. One of the officers says there are multiple ships coming out of slip space.

Sir it the covenant they have found us sent reinforcements to the ground force because they are going to need it. Yes Sir. Sent one platoon and all the vehicles we can spare. Get all men to the battle stations and sent more men to the front lines as back up. The transmission just ended as one of the officers for Wallace says that there are covenant ships coming threw slip space.

The Oni operatives have arrived today sir. An officer comes up to the doors of captain Andrew's office and says that. Andrew said there should be only one why are there two. Andrew comes to the hangar where two Oni operatives have to arrive. They are both wearing black Recon armor with a gold visor for both of them. One is a tall male by the way his body is shaped and height is taller then the small female one is a little shorter and is shaped as a female.

The man says he wants to speak to captain Andrew about a private matter. A sergeant says I will lead you to his office. Captain Andrew says there is no need I can handle from hearing. He said to the sergeant. Follow me to my office he said towards the two people dressed in black armor.

(Captain Andrew look like He has Dark Black hair with dark brown eyes his height is 5'7)

Then they followed captain Andrew to his office. The male Recon says to the female recon stand guard outside she nods. The male Recon looks back towards Andrew and says have you found a spartan that *looks like this* His eyes widened as the picture looks very familiar. Andrew says what if I have what are you going to do about it. I may have seen a spartan that just looks like that on a ship I know very well.

The male Recon looks at Andrew and says what if I told you that Spartan is the last chance we have for the hope of humanity. In killing the covenant forever. Andrew looks at the male in black and says I wouldn't believe you at all that just crazy. Have you ever heard of the saying one Spartan is equal to 100 people? We this Spartan is equal to 10,000 people Andrew well if you want to know more here's a file on that Spartan in particular just so you know it's not perfect or pretty. Well, you are Oni operatives boogie man some call you and hidden operations.

It matters not what people call us just as we get it done and get results. The male Recon stands up then says those files on the Spartan just contact me when you are ready for the whole truth about her. The file is the majority of the information we have on her. There has been another file at one point but it when missing and was never seen again, but I know one thing is for sure is that nothing happens without a reason. I will wait two weeks before I make my visit again and hopefully you will make up your mind.

Until next captain Andrew. The male recon taps the shoulder of the female she just nods before following the male recon down the hall and into the hanger bay. Where r ship is. Not another word was said from the two Oni operatives. They walked towards the ship and take their seats. The male is the pilot then the female is the passenger.

the ship begins to slowly take off than they slowly go

threw the hangar's doors. Then next thing the people in the hangar know is that the Oni operatives is gone but will be back. Somewhere on the ground was a spartan and a medic Maine. Over watching on the top of the hill. While Kate was watching the covenant and waiting for there next move. Kate took out some binoculars and looked tow jammer tower.

Then Kate looks towards where she was pointing. we have our next target then don't we. Kate says then I will make a very convincing decoy then. Maine looks very dumbfounded because there are at least 1,000 troops from what she sees can and that is not counting the enemy's inside of buildings. Kate hands her sniper over to the Marine and says you are going to need this more than I. Kate stands up reloading her BR.

Hand me your magnum she says to the marine. The marine does what she says. Kate hands the marine two satchel charges. Then Kate puts one satchel charge in the front of the warthog and one in the back. Kate tells Maine if things don't go as planned just be sure to destroy the tower at all costs understand Maine. She nod as to say yes.

Kate says well when you here a really big explosion that's your sigh to go destroy that machine. Kate turns on the warthog she ties a rope around the trigger of the machine gun on her warthog then she found a rocket launcher in the back of the warthog. Kate drove the warthog over the other side of the of tain catching a lot of air as she going down the hill some of the enemies are alerted by her presents. As she is pulling the rope around the machine trigger. The machine gun starts firing bullets into the unlucky covenant. While she's doing that at the same time she takes out a magnum to her left-hand starts head shooting the closest enemies to her warthog.

Just as she ran out of machine gun rounds she let's go of the rope. She is angling the warthog towards the explosive crates. Then she pops the pin off of an M9 frag. Then she jumps out of the warthog while putting that one frag grenade in the passenger seat. The warthog is doing flip's as it exploded in midair crashing multiple enemies.

Kate has a magnum in her left hand and a rocket launcher in her right hand. Then she has another magnum on the right side of her. Two wraths come out of the underground mines of some sort. She Rush's with lighting speed. She shoots two rockets at each wrath bellowing them up on the spot. She throws down her rocket launcher. Get her magnum on the right side of her leg.

She is now dual-wielding her magnums. When the covenant shoots at her she either Dodges their bullets or does a flip over the elite's head. Grab the elite waist while holding two magnums in each hand running and gunning. That is anything in her way. After she runs out of rounds for the magnums.

She would pick up a jackal's shields use those as weapons stabbing anything that got close to her. When those shields didn't work anymore she would pick up the closet gun to her. In which was covenant weapons. Then after the covenant weapons would overheat or run the output of plasma bolts. Then she would use her fists. Kate would not stop killing until everything is dead. After a few hours of killing everything in her path.

Kate just stood above all the bodies she killed and cover in covenant blood from purple to blue. Looking at the rising sun threw her helmet visor. She walks to the underground mines from the looks of it these are the colony body's deeper inside the mine. Little did Kate know there was a forerunner artifact in the deeper of the mine. On the Maine medic before Kate literally killed literally anything in her path.

Maine heard a loud explosion in the direction where the Spartan took off. So it's my turn then.

It took an hour or so for Maine to reach the jammer tower. She looked threw her sniper rifle scope that Kate gave her. To make sure there was no enemy to her surprise no enemy insight from what she can see. She probably knows there are at least a few enemies. She takes out her assault rife slowly comes to a wall will a control panel.

She places her hand on the panel. Then the door opens then she looks inside before she clears her left and her right. Before proceeding forward. She is looking around inside the tower for any enemy contacts and yet she couldn't find a single one. Then she proceeded with planting the two bombs.

That Spartan gave me. As she is planting the second bomb she heard something make a noise behind her so she quickly turned around looking in all directions to find what made that sounded. She has to keep her guard up at all times now. Point her gun at anything that moves. She goes to finish the second plant.

She gave a quick look around once more because she didn't know if she is alone or not. She just got done putting in the code for the charges. She made a run for it to the exit for what felt like forever in running she blows up the tower from a safe distance away. In a ship in orbit of Aleria. Captain Andrew starts to look through Kate's Oni file.