Alluvion Forerunner Artifact ? Then the War Rages on

Kate is walking down a long hallway with a plasma repeater aiming downward but still has an uneasy feeling in her gut telling her to back. Something is telling her to keep pushing forward. An hour has passed and nothing has happened yet. Then she comes to a big room before she enters the room she looks both right and left. Kate then proceeds to come to a panel of some kind.

Kate places her hand on the panel then the artifact starts to glow a dark red color than in gulfs her. When Kate opens her eyes it shows past events on a halo ring. First, it shows a spartan destroying the first ring of halo along with the flood and how they ate all organic life forms. In a second a white flash appears. Second, it shows the Gravemind holding spartan and the elite then a flash appears just like the last one. Third, it shows spartan and the elite fighting a brute leader of some kind then after they kill him a woman does some jumping to the platform to platform to reach a forerunner artifact.

A flash happens once again the forth to show Kate is that the Arbiter killed the leader of the covenant then the flood turn on the spartan and the elite. While it is showing they escape and the spartan goes into a cryopod while the spartan is talking to an AI. A flash happens once more then it shows me the Fifth thing it is showing is a team of spartans on a ring then each spartan death is shown to Kate. A bigger flash appears then the last one. The Sixth thing it shows is a spartan talking a forerunner being after that shows he kills a forerunner being the AI Talks to the spartan then everything went white.

The seventh thing it shows Kate that two spartan squads are fighting each other while killing the covenant then after that big forerunner objects start moving threw big portals and ends up nearby the UNSC cruiser then slip space out. Then Kate falls down on the ground in pain while holding her head with both of her hands. The things from past events are flooding her mind and she doesn't know what to do. After an hour in pain, Kate tried to stand up lucky she a spartan that can withstand more pain then a normal human can. Then she saw a vision of a planet in an unknown system of space.

Then in the old UNSC base is shows a cryopod with one person appears to be in the cryopod. Then it just stops. Kate takes a few moments to think about these new events to happen to her she thought about it. While she heard a sound from behind her she opens her eyes to turn around quickly and point the plasma repeater at the sound it was the marine medic she forgot about. The spartan asked how the jamming tower go.

Alright, she replied. Kate and the medic marine walked out of the excavation site. Leaving the big forerunner artifact here for now. As they walked out of the site they could here and see fighting from where they were at they could see UNSC pelicans then covenant phantoms cashing in the air. While falcons fought with banshees. Looks like our work is never done.

As the spartan and the medic walked up the hill. Kate asked can I have my sniper back. The medic nods. Kate said can I ask you a question? The medic said yeah sure.

Kate asked what is your name medic? It's Sophia she said. Well, let me get going then. UNSC needs our help. Sophia nods in agreement. As they walk for what it felt like forever they come across a small UNSC outpost.

The spartan comes up to the door panel places her hand on it. Then it opens with a bunch of marines seem to be dead because there is blood everywhere and gunfire that came from some assault rifles that they were holding. They were no covenant body's everywhere so they put this to a stealth elite with active camouflage. They both have guns at the ready. Kate puts down the plasma repeater and trades it for an Assault rifle and a magnum on the ground next to the body of a marine. She looked closer at the body was plasma burns on his back.

They go to the room to room clearing the rooms. All they found was more dead marines with plasma burns and plasma cuts. They come to the control room with a computer screen. They try and contact a bigger outpost. Then they get a response from an officer. Saying that their position is beginning to get attacked. They are sending their coordinates to all and UNSC placements.

Or what left of them. Let go check the garage to see if they have any vehicles left. As they get to the garage it has two warthogs and one scorpion. Kate says to the marine take a warthog and go towards the marine outpost I will meet you there go, Sophia. Kate walks towards the armory. While Sophia made her way towards the warthog.

Sophia turned on the warthog then the garage doors open. She is on her way towards the outpost that's getting attacked at this moment. Kate was at the armory at no time. Kate picks up a spartan laser and puts it on her back. While putting two magnums on each side of her legs. She takes an Assault rifle with a couple of rounds.

She loads the rounds into the magazines. After she reloaded her guns. Kate put her sniper rifle and her assault rifle with a lot of magazines in the storage compartment in the scorpion. Kate's favorite weapon is the shotgun with 20shells. After Kate is ready she hops into the driver seat of the scorpion. Kate starts heading towards the battlefield in which

Kate's blood started pumping. It takes her two hours to reach the outpost. The covenant is hammering the outpost with bombing runs with banshees. Kate is sitting at the top of the hill with her scorpion aiming at the banshees. Kate fires at the banshee closer to her. Kate destroys one of the banshees with a round from the scorpion.

Kate takes down two more banshees before they notice because of all the sounds that are going on in the war. The marines took notice of this. All the marines look towards the scorpion on the hill just destroying the enemy air. Then they are filled with the hope of winning. After Kate deals with the banshees. She switches to the phantoms then she loads round after round destroying phantoms left and right.

The covenant leader took notice of this and said we found our spartan to the other three elites next to him. If you can capture the spartan alive. They all three said Yes Sir. Two banshees switch targets to Kate. Kate destroys one but the other banshee disables the scorpion treads and part of the main canon. Kate hops out of the driver seat with her spartan laser in hand. Kate kneeling on one knee and she points her spartan laser at the banshee flying over the the the head about to make a second pass. Kate was quicker than the banshee before it could turn around.

Kate fired her laser at the banshee in which destroying it on the spot. Two squads of elites rushing at. Kate pulled two pins of flash-bang grenades and threw them towards the elite squad. Kate also threw two M9 frag grenades. The elites jump right and left trying to dodge them but one squad got caught in the blast of both the M9 frag grenades.

While the other squad got light damage. Kate rushes towards the elite squad with shn in hand and before the elites knew what was happening. Kate blasted them with her shotgun. Two shots per elite to make sure they were dead. Kate probably had guessed that the elites had some sort of armor on.killeddddlled without mercy. Kate was like a machine that didn't know how to stop working. Somewhere else on Alluvion on the planet. The Alpha Squad was in full retreat because they have had been fighting non-stop since they were ambushed going towards rally point, Charlie. Well, that didn't go as planned for alpha.

They didn't know what had happened so they just thought the spartan did something that helped them transmission to other areas that were getting attacked so they thought it would best if they regroup and attacked again.

Since the jamming tower was offline now they contacted the two cruisers above before they got into contact with the covenant ships. Alpha gave the locations of the remaining AAT guns so cruiser one got two long swords to bomb the positions of the AAT guns. After that had happened three covenant ships had just jumped out of slip space and the ground forces thought they would not get help from the two cruisers had their own problems now. So all the remaining ground forces decided to go to rally point Echo.

(Kate's point of view)

Kate thought at this rate that the war was going on Alluvion it was never going to end. She saw a lot of pelicans land in the direction towards the landing point of alpha. Then Kate looked up in the sky and saw three covenant cruisers jump out of slip space. Kate then knew it would be a while before more UNSC ships could come to help us. (Kate's point of view end)

Kate stood on a hill with dead elites laying on the ground all over the place as she reloads her shotgun with six more shells. Kate took off running in the middle of the battlefield shooting her magnum instead of her shotgun shells. Kate is saving those shells for elites. Kate looks around the battlefield for the leader of the ground forces so she can end this battle can quickly. (The saying goes why cut off a piece of the monster when you can just kill it by cutting its head off) she thought to herself.

She saw an elite standing next to three other elites the eye-catching one was in the middle of the three. This elite had golden and black armor with gold eyes. The other three looked like honor guards with flags on their backs. The middle one looked at me like he was looking at his prey and he is a hungry predator. Kate ready herself for the fight that was to come.

Kate took the first move towards the elite then his honor guards held spears pointing at Kate. The one in the middle said hold your weapons at the moment. Kate had a look of I don't trust you. The leader said "we can do a deal if you're interested" said the leader elite. Kate then asked what's your name then? Eza'Kovamee the Sangheili said.