On an unknown planet at an unknown UNSC base. There are two scientists outside of a cryopod. One scientist presses some buttons on the right side of the cryopod. As soon as the cryopod door opens. The two scientists look at the woman who is wearing a lab coat and that is missing her right arm. She says my name is Dr. Halsey and she asks "what year is it".
The male scientist says is the year 2577. The female scientist says "to the male scientist that there have been reports of a spartan on Alluvion". Dr. Halsey looks at the female for a moment then she says "Do you know the spartan's name by any chance"? The female holds up a datapad and says "that the spartan's name is Kate, but we don't know all the details about her like her spartan number". Then Dr. Halsey says "her spartan number is 290".
The two scientists look at her and say "how do you know that"? Because somethings are the best unknown for the time being. "Have you contacted Oni yet"? Dr. Halsey asked. They say no we haven't because you might want to be brought up to speed first before anything happens to you.
Then they go on how about all the spartans magical not here anymore. Dr. Halsey than says do you know what year what was the last spartan seen. The female scientist says "2561" she says. Dr. Halsey remembers the spartan on Alluvion then turns towards the female scientist, then says "hand me that datapad". The female scientist gives her the datapad.
Dr. Halsey just active a tracker on the spartan. The tracker shows the location of the spartan in which she is on the Alluvion colony it says. Dr. Halsey says "to one of them take me to the control room". One scientist says "follow me to the control room" Dr. Halsey and the scientist takes her to the control room. It takes a few minutes to get to their control room and after entering the room.
Dr. Halsey goes to the screen and inputs a code for transmission to Oni headquarters. The transmission goes threw and on the screen ever body in the room can see a black recon armor with a golden visor on the screen and he says "Dr. Halsey I have heard so much about you just call me Adam". Dr. Halsey says "sent an ODST squad and two Oni operators to get that spartan". Dr. Halsey says everyone leavesshe room". Then Dr. Halsey locks the door and turns off all sound so that if anyone is listening in they would not hear.
Dr. and Adam are staring at each other. Dr. Halsey breaks the silence with "have you heard of operation Black Fire". Adam said "no should I have heard of it," Dr. Halsey said, "no you probably would not even know about it ever existing if I didn't tell you, but I will tell you the details later". Long story short it was a spartan program that came right after the spartan II programs. Well, I and two other people only know of it existing. Captain Keys and Lord hood.
It took ten spartan five males and five females, but only two people survive the program. One male than one female. The male one name was Jameson - 280 then the female one is name Kate - 290. The rest have died because they couldn't take the experimental technology and they have AI molded with their brains. Making them think faster and move without command they hardly need any food or water. We had them eat something and gave them water on a daily basis they would either refuse to not eat or drink.
So we gave them more technology to plant into their bodies. Where they could go weeks without food or drink because there would be an experimental system where they can turn the air around them into nutrition and some other stuff that the Dr. said: "will not bother you with". Dr. Halsey then goes on how Kate is different from the other spartan she worked with. The only other one that she came close to was John - 117. The only other thing that Dr. Halsey said is that Kate can get energy back quickly making her go on for hours without taking a break.
"She thinks and processes like an AI Program with a human body". So Adam says. Dr. Halsey nods with a serious face. "Not only that she may be a ticking time bomb waiting to explode so you don't want to be near Kate when she goes off". Dr. Halsey said. "Kate may have been molded with an AI Program, but she is still a human being with feelings and she is very smart do not underestimate the power Kate has is scary," Dr. Halsey said. Kate could take down a covenant flagship without breaking a sweat.
Then Kate could still fight for a good bit. If you don't believe me go to my old lab and look for a file that says K-2900 read the file then tell me if you can believe it or not. Adam looks at Dr. Halsey then says "fine I will believe you for the time being". "ln the meantime I will sent the squad of ODST's and two Oni operators with them". "Oh and one more thing Dr. Halsey when we do capture the spartan make sure you keep a short leash on her".
Adam said. While that was happening back on the Alluvion colony Kate held up her weapon point at the leader and his bodyguards. Kate said, "I don't do deals with the covenant". Eza'Kovanee then said what a shame then I will take you by force then. Eza'Kovanee sent two of his bodyguards towards the spartan. Kate was more than ready she pulled the pin on a flashbang then Kate threw it towards the two honor guards.
One honor covers his eyes while the other one was looking away. Kate appears behind the one covering his eyes shoots him in the back with her Assault rifle and pulls her knife out of her sleeve on her left side of her chest. Kate takes the knife then she stabs the honor guard's neck killing the elite on the spot. However, the other elite recovered quickly. The other elite that just recovered rushed forward with his spear in hand stabbing the dead elite that the spartan was holding. The honor guard took his spear out of the elite. Kate picks up the spear on the ground that the dead honor guard dropped.
Kate jumped back then she threw the spear towards the honor guard that just stabbed the honor guard she was holding. The honor guard just barely blocked the spear she threw then before the honor guard could launch a counter-attack. Kate appeared so quickly in front of the honor guard that she hit the elite with the butt of her gun then unloaded half of the mag into the honor guard. Kate then stabs the elite on the knee with her combat knife while she threw her Assault rifle down on the ground then takes the shotgun off her back. Kate pulls the trigger on her shotgun blasted the honor guard heads off.
Kate took a quick look at Eza'Kovanee and she noticed the 3rd honor guard was missing. Kate quickly did a front flip as an energy sword tried to cut her in half. Kate turns around to see the 3rd honor guard trying to ambush me while I just killed the second honor guard. Eza'Kovanee just looks at the spartan with a deadpan expression on his face. Eza'Kovanee takes out a golden energy sword. After Kate shot the shotgun twice at the 3rd honor guard killing him on the spot.
Kate makes sure that her shotgun is fully loaded then she turns around to look at Eza'Kovanee they both look at each other than start to move into a circle walking at the same pace sizing up each other as a worthy enemy. After a second passed they both started walking to each other, then started running. The next thing you know is that Kate and Eza'Kovanee are locked into a battle if one mistake could end one's life. Kate shot her shotgun twice. Eza'Kovanee dogged both shots. Eza'Kovanee jump into the air. Kate rolled out of the way of his energy sword.
Kate remembers where she left her knife was in one of the honor guards'' knees. Kate ran towards the honor guard's body where she left her knife and right behind Kate was Eza'Kovanee. Kate slid at the honor guard's dead body while her shotgun was on her back. Kate picks up the knife and a spear that one of the honor guards had. Kate threw the spear towards Eza'Kovanee he cut it clean in half.
Kate takes a magnum on her left side on her leg. Kate shoots Eza'Kovanee he just blocked it with his energy sword while moving forward and Kate went for the other spear while still shooting Eza'Kovanee. He finally just Dodge justing to get closer to Kate before she reached the spear. Kate was a lucky one because she managed to get the spear before Eza'Kovanee, but a second later Kate would have been cut clean in half. Kate managed to dodge the energy sword by a slip second.
Kate had to reload her magnum. Eza'Kovanee saw an opening for a second and he took it. Eza'Kovanee rush towards Kate while not blocking bullets. Kate threw her magnum up into the air while she threw the spear at Eza'Kovanee he dodges it. Kate threw her knife at Eza'Kovanee with full force speed it hit his right side of his body trying to dodge it, but he saw the combat knife last second.
Just as she threw the knife. Kate had a magazine as the magnum in the air was coming down. Kate slides the magazine into the magnum as she caught it in midair she puts her magnum back on her left leg. Kate takes her shotgun off her back, then she rushes forward showing no signs of fear of slowing down. Kate fires two shotgun shells as she was very close to Eza'Kovanee he just blocked one, then he dodges the second shot. Kate takes her magnum on her right side of her leg while holding her shotgun in her left hand.
Kate fires her magnum and her shotgun at Eza'Kovanee while a few hit him he managed to block most of the shots that were fired. Kate then pulled a pen out of an M9 frag grenade and a flash-bang grenade. Kate threw the flash-bang grenade first, then Kate threw the M9 frag grenade at Eza'Kovanee he jumps back a few feet while covering his eyes then he remembers what happened to his honor guards that fell for that trick. Kate knew what was he thinking. After the flash-bang grenade went off (BANG) then the M9 frag grenade went off. (BOOM) Eza'Kovanee was expecting the spartan to appear behind him so he tried to guess where the spartan would appear next and Eza'Kovanee uses his energy sword to cut behind him.
Something was off as soon as Eza'Kovanee didn't see a spartan behind him. Kate shot a shotgun at point-blank range behind Eza'Kovanee after he turned around. Kate shot her shotgun again one in the head and the other was in the back killing Eza'Kovanee on the spot as he was falling on the ground knee's first. Then Eza'Kovanee hit his face-first on the ground.