As captain Wallace ends the transmission to captain Andrew three covenant cruisers jump from slip space. Wallace then starts says on the intercom "All HANDS PREPARE FOR BATTLE"!!! Some long swords and a lot of UNSC fighters began to load up pilots. As two of the covenant cruisers on each side of the battlecruiser in the middle, they both started firing at the two cruisers. While the middle covenant flagship did nothing and just waiting for something. Both of the UNSC cruisers start releasing fighters, then the covenant cruisers were already head of them released more than hundreds of fighters. The UNSC cruiser saw this and prepare AAT guns and the second UNSC cruiser follows suit.
Half of the covenant fighters were already on top of them. A hundred fighters launched torpedoes at cruiser 2. Then a lot of dog fights began to break out between the UNSC and the covenant. Fires started to spread threw hanger bays, then it was to only get worst all the crewmen were giving it all with the fire extinguishers. Some of them manage to get caught on fire and others put them out with their own extinguisher. The fires kept spreading non-stop and finally, the water sprinklers turned on. Most of the fires were put out. Then a covenant fighter ramed into cruiser 1 and blow a hole into it.
The space battle rages on for an hour or two. The two UNSC cruisers are on the death door right now. Captain Wallace says"ALL HANDS ABANDONED SHIP" The crewmen ran towards the escape pods as fast as their legs could carry them. Then Captain Wallace says "A Captain always goes down with his ship". Then Wallace sits down on the captain's chair brings up a captain's log, then starts to do one final entry. He then closed the captain's log. Wallace then starts to use his ship to ram the covenant flagship.
The second cruiser follows suit and rams one of the covenant cruisers. While the two UNSC cruisers manage to take one of the covenant cruisers out by using the two UNSC cruisers to focus fire on that one. All the ground forces looked up to see the battle taking place above them in the obit of Alluvion. Somewhere on the surface on Alluvion, there is a heavily damaged squad. Only a few of the Marines are left of Alpha squad four to be left of what's left of Alpha squad. The Marines are looking up into the sky and see the destroyed cruisers of both sides.
One Marine says" that mother**". The Marine slams his fist on to the ground. The four Marines have different weapons sniper rifles, assault rifle, shotgun, and rocket launcher. A female marine says "we need to regroup with the spartan and other Marines that we find spread threw out the area". "That would the idea if we knew where they were at," another Marine said. Most of our squad got killed during our fall back location.
"We might as well tell each other our names," a female Marine said trying to light up the dark mood. The female says "I will go first". "My name's is Ruby".Next Ruby points to the guy with the shotgun. "My name is Alex".
He says. Then hee points thee guy with the rocket launcher. "My name is Anthony".He said. Then lastly he points at the guy with the assault. "My name is Aaron".He said.
"Now that we all know each other's name let's keep moving and avoid any covenant contracts," Ruby said. They all nod in agreement with that statement. After a few hours of walking, they come across a warthog and a crashed pelican. The warthog is in great shape as the search the pelican for gear and other Marines just like them. Three Oni ships come out of slip space above Alluvion Colony.
They sawsshipsboth sides of ships. UNSC and the covenant ship all laying across only they looked outside of the window they can see floating escape pods. The captain says get those escape pods on board the ship. As the pilot of a pelican goes into space to get the escape pods.
The captain on the Oni ships said to prepare for drop landing OSDT's they all said "YES SIR".
As each OSDT got into a drop pod they locked and loaded their weapons.
"DROP," the leader of the ODST said. As the leader said "DROP" the pod's launch from the ship into the sky of Alluvion. The remaining marines looked into the sky looking at the incoming drop pods. While the Marines are standing over dead covenant body's. As the ODST's land on the ground, the door on their drop pods flew open in front of the pod.
As the ODST's got out of their pods. The leader of the ODST's is called White Scar. His armor has a while steak on his helmet on the right side of his helmet with all black armor expect two other white streaks going down both of his arms. He contacts the Oni operatives saying "what's the meeting location after we have the package". Operative One says "go to meeting point beta". (closes the comlink)
White Scar gets his silenced SMG and a magnum. As White Scar gets an incoming comlink call from one of his squad members he then says "SIR we are north from where you drop we will head over to your location now". White Scar says " be here in ten minutes". (closes comlink) Ten minutes later eight ODST's line up in front of him four female four males. White Scar starts giving details of the information that the Oni operatives sent us.
White Scar says "Our mission is two bring a spartan into Oni hands". A female ODSTs says "Didn't all the spartans go into hiding or something". White Scar looks at the ODST that just spoke. White Scar shakes his head and says "they disappear for some unknown reason and now we can't find any more of them, but now we have a spartan within reach". White Scar says "find the nearest marines outpost and get in touch with them at all costs". Scar then looks at the map he was given by the Oni operatives.
(Few minutes before the ODST's drop pods hit the ground)
Kate is standing over the dead covenant leader. Kate then looks at the remaining covenant forces in disarray not knowing what to do. Most of them are starting to retreat while being fired upon by the marines that are in cover. Just as Kate was about to go on a massacre she looks up in the sky to see drop pods. As Kate thought about it is was ODST's drop pods. "Why would they be here now of all times".
Kate looks around for a warthog and lady luck so happens to drop by. Because a marine with a warthog drives next to her saying "Do you need a lift"? Kate says "yes I do". (she pulls out the marine with her hands and knocks him out) Kate takes the warthog drives to the nearest landing pelican. After she reaches the pelican that just landed.
Kate gets out of the driver seat of the warthog, then
Kate waits outside as the doors of the pelican open up.
She walks over to the pilot seat knocks out the pilot and the co-pilot Kate carries the two UNSC pilots she puts them outside as Kate walks back in the pelican. Kate's AI suddenly gave her a set of coordinates to a planet of some kind. The pelican slowly starts to lift in the air. Soon enough Kate starts to fly into space then she puts in the coordinates.
As one of the Oni ships tires to get in contact with the pelican that is flying towards them. The captain says "pelican D68-TC what are you doing here so early you? where to go to the meeting point ". An officer says "no response sir from pelican D68-TC. As soon as the captain was about to say something the pelican jump into slip space. The captain was surprised that the pelican didn't respond to the calls and its jumps to slip space.
The captain says "find out who was flying that ship right now also contact the ODST'S on the ground, then tell them we may have a slight change in plans".