Memories and Sacrifice then Cortana takes Kate's from Dr.Halsey

After the Oni cruisers stop firing at the pelican after it hit jumped to slip space. Dr. Halsey looks at the captain with a disappointed face. Dr. Halsey says "You know Kate's not in her right mind at the moment as you can see for yourself". As Dr. Halsey plays the recorded message for the captain. The captain says " just called me Blake Dr. Halsey". Blake says "I don't give a da** if she is human or machine we need to get rid of her or keep her on a short leash".

"Ohh and one more thing Dr. Halsey if the chance comes into my hand I will kill that thing myself". Dr. Halsey walks out of the room thinking of a way to stabilize Kate in the condition that she is. Dr. Halsey says" I need to find her body and quick before anyone else or anything finds her". Thinking what happened to Cortana could happen to Kate and what if Cortana found Kate tell her what happened. No, No two many things are under certain as of now.

Dr. Halsey manages to get the last known coordinates that the pelican Kate was on. Dr. Halsey takes one other scientist in which Dr. Halsey trust this one and two pilots to come with Dr. Halsey as the entered a pelican. A crew member reported this to Captain Blake. Blake noted this. Let them proceed as he thought Dr. Halsey was not going anywhere important at the moment he thought. As the door to the pelican opens the two pilots get in the pilot seats while the two scientists take a seat, but before Dr. Halsey sat down she hands one of the two the coordinates to Kate's last known location of the pelican before it went dark. They just jumped into slip space and after a few minutes, they see what's left of Kate's pelican as it looks like it was cut in half.

The only thing Dr. Halsey thought who could tear a pelican clean in half would be something very strong and not of human origin. Then Dr. Halsey wonders where is Kate's body now. Just as she thought that. A ship jumped from slip space. Which side does that ship belong to? One of the hangers opens up to reveal small fighters crafted come out of a hanger on the ship. The people on board the pelican saw one of the fighters pulling a 7foot tall blue armor humanoid as that figure being pulled by one of the fighters.

Dr. Halsey says "contact Blake right now" "Yes Ma, am". One of the pilots manages to get hold of Blake. "Sir we found something you might want to see". (puts a video of the blue spartan being pulled by a small aircraft) Captain Blake says" stay put we are on our way as of this moment".

(Unknown Ship's Point of View)

"Ma, am it looks like we found something floating in space next to the debris of a destroy pelican". "Find where the signal is coming from at once," says an AI voice. A few minutes have pasted and we manage to get a lock on the signal. The AI voice says "bring it on board at once before anyone sees us we can not be out in the open for much longer. The hanger door opens to let out a few small fighters craft to get whatever is making that signal.

One of the fighter craft response with " we have found the signal and it appears to be blue armor. The AI voice says "quickly to bring it to me on board the ship". "Ma, am ships coming out of slip space". The fighter craft comes on board with the blue armor and as the craft enters the hanger a loud noise could be heard as the blue armor hits the ground. (thud) The AI voice says " This one is different from the others and has a fragmented mind with signs of a meltdown".

The voice says "take her to the technology lab at one I will be there in a few minutes. I have to tell the captain". "Start the experiment at once the" AI voice said. The people in the room lay Kate down on a table and plug her up with plugs that go into her head and the rest of her body. The AI voice said I will give her some of my AI tissue because she is an AI Sparta she can handle it". The other people in the room heard this and we're very surprised because they have never heard of this type of spartan.

The AI voice said, " I will explain more later as of now I need to help her because she is like a sister to me in a way". As the AI entered Kate's mind she saw Kate's memories and all the experiments that happen to her. The AI saw the part where her parents left her to die a horrible and useless death. Then all the memories jump into the air and came together to show her how Kate became an AI in the first place. The AI says "This is unreal she sacrifice part of her memories to and merged with an AI with human tissue/traits, but has AI weakness". Then it Showed Kate had to lose some humanity in her to become an AI spartan along with so much experimental technology to merge with her very bones.

Then Next it shows her organs turning more machine than human organs she had, but her organs can still intake food if Kate needs to eat or she can just run on energy. While the AI was watching this Kate never stopped scream or crying even after she got to put so many drugs into her. The people around holding her down as one of them put a needle into her neck making her fall asleep. Kate didn't stop screaming or crying even in her dream she never stops. At one point Kate thought death would have been a better outcome than so much pain and she was a little girl around the age of 6-7 years old.

The AI added some of the human tissue and her AI data steams into Kate's mind. If this didn't work the AI has a backup plan. On the outside of Kate's body, Kate was subconsciously Kicking, screaming, punching, crying, yelling out " STOP NO MORE KILL ME ALREADY MAKE IT STOP LET ME DIE"!!!!! Everyone was shocked at that sudden outburst they all forgot that they were holding down spartan. They need two more people to help hold her down. The ship jumped to slip space.

The Oni ships came in too late and Dr. Halsey looked at the two pilots and said "they were in a pretty big hurry huh"?" Well anyway let's head toward them for now and talk about what will happen next time we see them". As the pelican enters into the hanger. Captain Blake greeted Dr. Halsey and says how did you manage to get your hands on those coordinators. When me the Captain of three Oni cruisers couldn't do it. "Wow, you really are a dumb as***," Dr. Halsey said. "I am not going to tell you," said Halsey.

Then Dr.Halsey goes to her office. Shuts the door behind her.

In a room on an unknown ship, Kate's screams could be heard threw out the ship. The people start to take off Kate's armor piece by piece to fully connect to the Plugs into the unconscious spartan laying on the table. The AI is still in Kate's mind while the people who were holding her down had to switch with more people and they finally managed to strap Kate to the table with metallic straps because normal straps would not work. Everybody decides that they should stay and watch in case she starts getting out of control. After a few hours, the screaming calm down, and Kate still didn't wake up at all. Kate's body tried to toss then turn.

The AI in Kate's mind feels like they have been together forever after going threw Kate's memories for hours upon hours. The AI realizes that this human/machine sacrifices her humanity to get rid of those painful memories to become a machine with human emotions, but Kate doesn't need to eat or drink like a human just so every once in a Blue Moon. The AI learned everything about Kate from Kate's memories. What are Kate's strengths and weaknesses which are

Strengths Superhuman mostly Machine with humans emotions and thoughts

Weaknesses have AI weakness with aging

The AI pulled out of Kate's mind and saw the people standing around the AI say "tell me when she will wake up so have a person always on standby. The people in the room all nodded at her and said " YES MA, AM"!!! On the bridge of the unknown ship "Inform the head AI about our new guess" says another AI. A hologram of Cortana is shown on the screen and says "what have you found in sector 18". "Ma, am we have found a spartan ma, am," one of the AI's said.

Cortana says "Bring that spartan to my location at once"

AI 1 says "what about her situation"?

AI 2 says "one of us is going threw her memories at the moment".

Cortana says"what do you mean by her situation"?

AI 3 says " The spartan is a half-machine with an AI built-in into her tissue and her brain"

Cortana says "If what you said is true then this may be a turning point".

AI 1 says " also her mind is stuck inside of a simulation that her subconscious created".

Cortana says " really now that is something bring the subject to my location in three hours and we are on a timer".

(Three Hours Later)

The ship is above a forerunner planet of some kind. The people around Kate's body began to move her with her armor next to her. Four AI females are transporting Kate's body to a more secure area. As they enter the hanger a small transport ship is here to pick up the Spartan and the four-guards. As a blue figure is seen as the transport doors open. Cortana walks over to the AI spartan strapped to the table places her hand on Kate's face while moving her hand down towards her legs.

Then a small simile appears on Cortana's face and says "Looks like we got a sister in the flesh. Also, make sure she enjoys her stay after all she is one of us". They all nodded in the union. Cortana gets back on board with the package and four-guards. Cortana whispers into Kate's ear saying " I will show you the light sister". Kate's face twitched at that. Cortana says "It looks like she heard me well this is going to be very interesting".