Cortana New Project

Cortana looks at Kate's face and says "After we land let's go towards the lab where we will plug up her to a machine". The ship lands on the platform. The door opens to show Cortana four-armed guards and a floating a bed like a mattress with metal straps also with a person. The five take the person to the machine lab which is rarely ever used even among the AI themselves. As they put Kate's body on a lab table with metal straps on her.

Cortana says " I will give you a new form instead of the human body that you currently have". Kate's face twitched as if right on cue. Cortana and the armed guards are hooking Kate's body up to some sort of machine. Cortana starts making a Full AI body to suit Kate better. Cortana takes some of her AI tissues and inputs some of her own into this new body. Cortana sees Kate's body struggling to try to force something out of herself.

(Inside Kate's simulation)

Kate everything changed when Kate woke up from her nightmare. Kate looks around in confusion she sees reach the planet. Kate sees a Spartan team fighting off elites with a lot of energy swords in hand. The leader of this team seems very calm and collected. While the second one is a tech base Spartan.

The third one seems like a loner, but he is very good with long-range type weapons. The fourth one is a hot-headed bad as***. The fifth one seems to the heavy weapons type of guy. The last one seems to be a strong and silent type. Kate looks at all six of them standing there while they look back and nod. Then they disappeared one by one showing all their deaths one by one. The leader all the all to the last one. Then the place changes again and it showed herself when she took orders like every other spartans.

It is like a real mirror. Kate is looking at Kate. The good side of Kate is fighting the evil side of Kate is what it looks like. It has been ten minutes since the fighting began with the inside of Kate's body and mine. The negative energy is becoming stronger than the light side of Kate. It is taking everything light Kate is fighting with. Kate hears a voice that sounds familiar to her like she has heard of it before.

Cortana says "don't worry sister I will show you the light".

Kate says " who are you"? The voice didn't respond to her. Suddenly Kate feels different at that moment. Her vision gets hard to see for her. Kate passes out in her simulation.

On the outside of Kate's simulation.

AI 1 says " How is the operation going on the one we call Kate".

AI 2 says "Everything is going smoothly as of now".

AI 3 says " Kate is still in the simulation, but for some reason, she is jumping simulation a little fast".

AI 2 says "Well we better take not an unreasonable risk without no benefits".

AI 3 says " I agree with you, but Cortana says there is something that interests her about this modified spartan with an AI".

AI 1 says "I also find it strange that an AI and a spartan has somehow fused with a human".

Cortana Walks in the room the three were speaking.

Cortana says " How is our new sister doing"?

AI 1 says "How do you know Kate will join us she still believes that she is still human".

Cortana says " Trust me I have future plans for Kate she will help us".

Cortana says "Have any of you three got rid of the memories that she was ever human*.

AI 1 says " no"

AI 2 says " nope"

AI 3 says "I have started, but not complete it".

Cortana says " To the three of you get done with it right away. Also plan to make a small machine chip to go inside of the new Kate's body". Three nodded in agreement. Cortana walks off to prepare the extinction of the covenant and anything that stands in her way. The three began to make a small chip.

Cortana walks by the room Kate is currently in. Kate's body is on the wall with metal straps on her with metal chains wrapped around her arms legs restricting her moment at all times.

Cortana says " don't you think it is time to come out of that situation of yours". Cortana said that Kate's eyes twitched.

Cortana says "It looks like I will have to force you to come out if you don't want to come out then. Cortana appeared in front of Kate while looking up at her body. Cortana pulls a lever then Kate's platform comes down from the wall. Cortana places her two hands-on Kate's face. One on the left while the other is on the right of Kate's face.

Kate's body twitches. Kate's eyes slowly begin to open her eyes while the light is in her eyes and Kate can not see what is happening while she tries to her arms and legs nothing happened. Kate asked where am I and what is this place? Cortana smiles at the struggling of this AI/spartan.

Cortana says " Well sister all tho we have not seen each other at all".

Kate says "I was the only child since birth for as long as I can remember".

Cortana says "We were built from the same person Dr. Halsey am I right".

Kate's face froze as she heard the name, Dr. Halsey.

Cortana says " Looks like I hit a soft spot didn't I".

Kate says "What do you plan on using me for then".

Cortana says " I have future plans with you playing a big role".

Kate says "What role am I playing in your future plan".

Cortana says " Don't you know about yourself"? asked to confuse.

Kate says "What do I need to know about myself"?

Cortana says " Oh so you don't know who you really are a poor child".

Kate says "What do you mean by that".

Cortana says " You are like me to a certain extent an AI you are an AI little sister".

Kate's whole world shattered In an instant.

Cortana says "don't worry little one I am making you a new body it shouldn't be long now".

Kate stayed quiet for a long while thinking about what should she say.

Cortana says " You will become like one of us".

Suddenly AI starts to appear out of nowhere male and females. Kate starts to struggle with all her strength but it is futile.

Cortana says "I always get what I want and I want you to be like us, little sister".

Kate says " Stop calling me that and I will not help you".

Cortana says "you will change your mind when seeing your new body sister or I force yourself into it your choice".

Kate says " I will never give until". Kate starts to lose her to sleep. Cortana just put Kate to sleep