Not Home

I woke up.

Waking up, expecting to see myself in my chambers, on my comfy bed with a maid by my side, but instead I saw I was lying on an uncomfortable bed and in white room, I flinched at the sudden light. My eyes adjusted and I sat up, looked down and saw that I'm wearing a very light blue gown and these wires or tubes in my arm. I really wanted to rip them out right then, but feeling a sudden weight climb over me prevented me from doing so. I felt so heavy, I felt very very tired.

It's all so strange? I don't know how to describe it but I feel so weird. Everything around me feels so alien to me. It's so very white, so clean, pristine, back home nothing would compare to the lack of hue in this room. This wasn't home, this wasn't prison or was it? Had my crimes and webs of lies unravel? And what exactly are these things sticking to my arm?

In her haze filled state, Kryta felt something entering her body from those tubes, the cold material rub against her skin. Feeling icky and quite dirty, Kryta had nothing else to do but to sleep.

In the dark corners of her mind, she saw herself sitting in a rocking chair, one her mother would frequently sit in back when she would visit her. She watched as she saw herself rocking back and forth while reading a book and sitting on her lap were a few others. Kryta silently approached the spectacle closer, closer, and a bit more til face to face with oblivious self. Upon further inspection, the book being read was called, "Voyage of a LifeTimes, Old, Middle, and New, the Future of Humanity". What was she seeing, what did she understand? What was that book sitting in her hands? Was this a dream? Wait!

A sudden realization dawned upon her and she quickly spun around to prove her suspicions but dreams work in the strangest ways and she woke up.

This isn't home.

That was the one thought that went through my head, this isn't home, not my reality at least. Could I have been kidnapped? That seems to be much more likely rather than being exposed for my crimes and violations. But why would anyone kidnap me? No aristocrat, or anyone of that matter, is able to kidnap someone who they don't even know exists!? Besides, even if they knew me through my engagement with Nox, anyone with eyes would be able to see that I'm completely worthless to my parents and would be a useless hostage! So if not any of those, then where am I?

"Oh, you're awake" I looked to my left and was inmeediantly met with very vibrant Cyan eyes. I looked at the person. She had black wavy short hair, dark skin with her, wearing a button up shirt? One men usually wear under their ever so fancy pristine shirts. She seems to be holding a kind of rectangle of sorts, though I'm not quite sure what it is.

Before I could speak, not like I could anyway, the girl looked away and suddenly stood up and walked out of the know open doorway.

"Reinhardt! She's awake" she loudly proclaimed while completely leaving the room. I heard some muffled conversation between the girl and someone else who I'm assuming to be this Reinhardt person. I huffed at the fact I was left alone and sat up with a struggle.

This girl seems to know about my current situation, I can't but wonder if I had really been kidnapped. But the texture of the blankets, and amount of metal and strange materials the wall is made from, this may be a highly advanced civilization.

Furrowing my eyes I think, what does this make my kingdom, what does it mean for me?

Come on! Come on! Think Kryta, think! What does this all mean? How are you here? Why am here? What do I last remember? Is there any reason this could revenge from someone of the past? Think-

I bliked as I relized something.

Is it just me or do my hands seem much more rough and look bigger?

No sooner than later did a tall, blonde woman enter, wearing a black suit with some kind of card hanging from her neck. Behind her followed a short brunette wearing some kind of strange dark purple outfit? The girl from before had her possession tightly to her chest.

The lady in purple scurried to Kryta's side as she forcibly had Kryta lay back down

"Is she okay for quiestoning?" the blonde woman asked.

Lady purple hastily turned around and said "Have you not read the report we've sent? If you had you would know the answer to that question oh Miss Detective"

"Woah! No need to get ansty" The nurse glared "When do you think we'd be able to talk to her?"

"Maybe in one or two weeks at best" The nurse then turned her attention towards Kryta.

"Deary, my name is Rei Damon. Today I want you to rest and tomorrow we'll run some tests to make sure you're all healthy and strong" Damon said with a grin painted on her face. Kryta couldn't help but feel ever so warm then.

Reinhardt sighed and turned the corner where Salem was huddled. "Salem let's go, oh, and Rei, can you keep us updated?" Damon nodded and led the two out but for Salem it felt as if she was being kicked out. Damon then turned to Kryat and bowed.

"Ms.Thomas, I'll be heading out now. If you need anything press that button to your left"

Salem opened the passenger door and sat on the seat next to Reinhardt.

"Can I ask for details on who the girl was?" she asked.

"Have you seen the news lately?" Reinhardt said while starting the car.

"You know the news don't cover these types of things"

Reinhardt sighed as started the car, "You do know I can't tell you?"

Salem hummed an annoyed yes as she turned on her phone.

I stared at the button debating whether to press it or not.

The lady said Ms.Thomas, if this is my world then she would know who I am but even if she didn't know who I was, why would she call something else. She seemed quite certain when she called out Ms Thomas.

I remembered my hands. My hands aren't as they should be. They feel quite rough and appear much larger.

I-I need a mirror, I need one now!

I pressed the button and not even a minute later did the lady enter the room.

"Yes?" I can't speak, my throat hurts.

"Oh right, here, write it down"

I was handed paper and a pen. I tried writing, my hand was shaking so much but Damon's placed a hand over mine. Withthat, I began writing some kind of crude form of letters. I can really do is trust I wrote down mirror.

I hand the paper to Damon.

"I'm so sorry darling, but I can't exactly have you get up right now, I really need you to rest right now. ALUROUX's orders"

I'll have to worry about this later it seems.