New home

Three weeks later


Kryta looked down to see the long gray dress fall to her knees. She blushed as she tried to pull it lower, she couldn't believe people actually wore these type of things in public, oh wait, she could.

She buttoned up her coat and sat up straight and held her hands together, and watched the moving scenery outside the window.

The buildings stood tall and proud, the plants look so lively today, busy people walking across the streets on devices, and right above all was a huge glass dome.

Kryta was amazed by it all. Even though she knew about the huge difference between her home and this place, she just couldn't help but still be amazed at how advanced this world is and yet jealous.

She put a hand on the car window.

"What is this place?" Kryta mumbled to herself.

"Deaor! Better known as The City of Law!" Reinhardt proudly said.

"You heard me?"





"Why is it called City of Law?"

"Why? it's because the city is really strict. Haven't you noticed the cameras everywhere?"

Kryta looked outside carefully and she finally noticed them. There were indeed these screens of black everywhere. So unatural, so artificial.

"What about the dome?" Kryta asked.

"The dome?"

Kryta nodded.

"Hmm, I'm not exactly sure" Reinhardt honestly answered.

Kryta huffed at her response, annoyed.

"We're almost home"

'Home.....home...I want to go home, this place isn't home, I really don't want to go home' Kryta thought 'I..I..I...I will go back home, no matter what' but even then she still couldn't help but feel blue.

She just can't decided whether she wants to go back to her world.


Salem rushed as she ran around the apartment as she hurried to get the living space cleaned. Right then, was a door heard creaking open. And from the walls two voices can be heard, one of an adult and another being that of a very raspy tone.

Salem sighed, 'Just in time' she thought.

"Emily, take off your shoes and go sit with Salem" Reinhardt said, taking off her black coat "I'll make dinner"

"Ms.Reinhardt" Kryta called out.

" Hmm?"

"I-I, forget it, I didn't mean to speak" Kryta just wasn't sure what she wished to say, perhaps it was to say her name wasn't Emily? Can she even sure of that fact?

Reinhardt just looked at her with concerned look on her face before saying, "You don't need to call me Ms if you don't like it. Just Reinhardt would be good!"

Kryta didn't say anything, instead she took a seat next to salem on the sofa. This would usually be time where she would demand Salem off the sofa, but this wasn't home.




"Tell me about your self" Kryta said, though it came out more like a threat than a question.

"W-Well I like the color red though I barely own anything red But I LIke It! Umm, I like strawberry cake and apples. I enjoy collecting pens? and and and and enjoy thriller"

Though this may be just Kryta being harsh but this girl was an absolute mess. She stuttered over a few words, she spoke to quietly and at times she would speak to loud, her words were just all over the place, she didn't say things right, and she's clearly unconfident with her self! Kryta could go on for ages.

"Hm....let's see. I suppose my name is Emily, Emily Thomas? But I really perfer my nickname 'Kryta' so if you will call me by that" Kryta spoke with quite the noticable uncertainty, "And for what I like? I really enjoy many interperations of music, especially those that play in white"

"Oh..okay then" Was all Salem replied.

And even more silence followed about.


Kryta isn't use to talking to people and Salem is just straight up shy, so it's no surprise neither spoke to eachother after that. How would one break a silence to thick? What ever the case, the two were swiftly saved by their guardian.

"DINNER'S READY~" Reinhardt sang. Neither of two were amused.

The three all sat down, Kryta looked down at her dinner plate.

'Let's see...We have carrots, broccoli, some steak, and some liquid' Kryta thought 'I guess I can live with this?'

"So 'Kryta', do remember anything before, you know, the incident" Reinhardt said.

"No, I don't remember quite yet...." was all Kryta said. To persume the idenity of someone else you know nothing about, it's best to also not remember much.

Reinhardt broke eye contact as she poked through her food, 'must be the trauma', she thought.




"I've been wondering...How do you and the girl know eachother to be exact?" Kryta asked in attempt to start a conversation and with a hint of curiosity.

"Be more specific" Reinhardt replied.

"Salem has rather dark skin and you have white skin. She has black hair and you're a blonde. The only similarity I see is your eyes but even then, they're different. So how are you related?" Kryta pegged.

Salem stayed quiet so Reinhardt answered for the two.

"Well, we're not related, I'm just her guardian. I met her around nine years ago in some unfortunate situation in Necromore City, better known as the Lawless City" Reinhardt answered.

Salem still remained quiet and quickly ate.

"Huh? Where do you think you're going?" Reinhardt tried speaking out, but the person she spoke to quickly left the kitchen and ventured back to her room.

Salem didn't respond.


This wasn't at all what the files had written.

In the files it states all known imformation on Emily and that also includes her internet history and personal preferences, and none of that matches to what 'Kryta' claims. Based on data from Emily's devices revealed she never once used an alias, she would always use her real name. This just doesn't make sense! Then again, a murder in Deaor also doesn't make sense.

Salem dropped onto her maroon colored bedsheets.

She groaned and rolled around.

Kryta should also just stop prodding through other business or else she might find herself in some sensitive secrets.

Salem sighed.

Maybe she should Owen and ask for more details on the case as Reinhardt won't be able to get them anymore, and by ask, she means steal.

She forciablly got up and grabbed her phone to make a phone call. She scrolled through her contacts til she found the one she was looking for.

She clicked it and the phone ringed, once, twice, and a third time and after that, it went silent.

He answered.

"Salem? what are you up to?"