
"Please understand we can never be together!" The noble woman said with tears running down her eyes.

Kryta sat straight up as she watched the romance drama with ever so slight amusement.

The people on the so-called "Television", the thing with the moving pictures. Right now Kryta is watching some ridiculous show called "Eternal Love", chessy name, I know. But kryta still enjoys it, it is still entertaining despite the many oddities.

The past few days were to say the least, uneventful. For the most part, Reinhardt spent most her time to get to know Kryta much better since they'll be living together. In the time they spent in eachother's presence, they never spoke much and Kryta liked to keep it that way. She knows her place and Reinhardt must know hers.

The two continually switched programs on the television, there just wasn't much to do. Finally, Kryta chose to settle on channel talking about 'OLD' music, perhaps it was the way it sounded familerir was why she chose it. The silence was peaceful between the two til Reinhardt had to ruin it.

"Hey," Reinhardt said to get Kryta's attention "are you sure you don't remember anything from before you arrived at the hospital, anything at all?"

Kryta's mood went down real fast as she heard this. She didn't want to be here, she doubts anyone wants her here. That being said, didn't she already say she didn't know a thing about Emily, she wasn't her.

"Why are you asking, do you think I'm not sure of my own memories? Do you not trust me?" Kryta said towards the older woman. Reinhardt didn't say anything.

They continued watching the show on television in silence.


Kryta never enjoyed being questioned or doubted, especially since she got here.

She missed her bed, the food she would be served, the maids she would torment, Nox, and even Alicia.

Kryta still is confused by what happened, it just doesn't make sense.


Kryta sat in silence as she listened to the lovely voices of those on television.

She loves everything about this world's music. It wasn't limited to those she hear out of her bedroom, no, it so much more electrical and engaging, music no one from home would dare listen to.


"Alright! This is your room! It was last minute decorating but we can alway go out and buy more stuff," Reinhardt exclaimed.

The room was smaller than she expected but then again both the kitchen and living room combined were still smaller than her original room. The walls are green, the drawers are all white, and the bed has grey sheets. Overall the room was plain.

Kryta didn't say anything to thank the adult.

"The bathroom is right across from your room and also take a shower! I'll pick your clothes," Reinhardt said as she went over to one the drawers "There isn't much clothes right now but we can buy more some other day"


"Reinhardt, I'm unable too," Kryta stated

"What do you mean?" Reinhardt askes, rummaging through the clothes.

"I can't bathe myself, what don't you understand?"

"Huh, you don't know how? Oh...." Reinhardt was confused, "I guess I'll help you…Well, what do you think of this!" Reinhardt pulled out an outfit to change the subject.

The outfit was was to revealing for her taste, sure it would look nice with her current appearance but,

"Why would I wear that?" Kryta asked, "It's too revealing, the colors are bright, don't I have any dresses I could wear! This dress I'm wearing right now is too short! I can't be seen wearing those provocative clothing!"

"Alright. I hear ya," Reinhardt said in response "Go choose your own clothes then, I have no idea what it is what you want"



"It hurts!"

"It's just water"

"My eyes burn!"

"Use the water"



"Are you alright kryta!?"

"What do you think?"



"Can I just take baths from now on?" Kryta grumbled as Reinhardt threw a towel over her head.

"No, I pay the water bill,"

"The water what?" Kryta asked.

"The water bill. I pay for the water,``Reinhardt answered.

"You pay for water?"


"I see…"

Kryta looked at the clothes she chose. A simple plain nightgown, not as fashionable as her old clothes, but hey, at least it covers up.

"Reinhardt? Where is Deaor to be exact?"

"Well, it's on Second, obviously, on the northern hemisphere"


Reinhardt looked at the girl, "You forgot that too?"

"I forgot a lot of things"

"Well, you know, Second, as in second domesticated, second of ten, second after First…."

Krya just grew even more puzzled, "What is the Second!" Kryta nearly shouted.

Despite her behavoir, Reinhardt paid no mind, "Second as in the second planet out of ten, I'm talking about literal planets, ten of them"

Second huh?