Those Left in Deaor



"Big brother! Big brother! Can we go to the park!"

"Yeah! I want to play hide and seek! MAYBE TAG!!!"

The two little children continued yapping, thinking about all the things they could do at the park. Marshal looked at his two younger siblings and laughed at their excitement. It wasn't often that the two siblings would be able to spend time with their elder brothers.

"Now, now, you two, we have to clean first before we can go," he reminded them.

After the whole 'incident', their mother had a difficult time coping and had to pick up more hours in a futile attempt to forget about the fact that her first born vanished. Because of these sudden changes, Marshal had to step up and take care of his two younger siblings, cook breakfast and dinner for the two, clean the house daily, entertain them, get the twins to study as the schools were out, take them out to exercise, doctor appointments, and so much more.

The two were six years of age and if you know, six year olds are very tiresome to take care of. No matter how annoying or bother they pose on their older brother, he would always love the two, even if the world around is slowly burning he would love his family, even if they aren't here.

Speaking of said siblings, they were currently whining and throwing a tantrum about not wanting to clean.

Marshal sighed, and kneeled down and held the two, "Noah, Nia" he stared the two down as they sniffled and glared at dear big brother, "We need to take care of the house so when our big brother Andrew comes back home, so we can surprise with a nice clean house and with two little healthy terrors!!!"

Noah and Nia ran away laughing as their brother began chasing them around.

Marshal eventually got the two to help with little things around the house and off they went to the park.

He often found himself lost in thought, and even more so after the Vanishing. A lot of cities around have economically suffered with a giant loss of people in the working class. The only reason Deaor and the other five neighboring city-states managed to get through this was because of the support they had from the First.

How were the others? How were the Fourth and Fifth? The Third? When was the investigation going to end? It's already been-

Marshal's train of thought was broken by a childish scream, or rather, two, childish screams.



As much as he is kind and helpful, people like him also have a priority and in Marshal's case, he had two little priorities and two little troubles.


Sirius and Shia


"So Shia, how's your sis-"

Sirius was hit on his back with a lamp. He fell off the bed and over onto the wooden floor as he wheezed in pain. He coughed before slowly standing up holding his back.

"I-I deserved that, sorry love" Sirius said and apologized before being hit again, much softer this time.

Shia glared at him with yellow piercing eyes before placing the lamp back and laying back down on her bed.

Silence followed after as Sirius sat onto the bed.

"You really shouldn't be talking about my sister, you know I don't like talking about it…." Shia said with dismay, facing away from Sirius.

Sirius looked at Shia with a worried look, "Is the reason you're sad because you got told new information about your sister from the First?"

Shia nodded, "My sister isn't among those vanished"

Sirius just sat there next to Shia, thinking what to say next.

"You know Shia…" He said placing a hand over her head, "The Shia I know doesn't get cooped up in her room cuddled in blankets. The Shia I know always finds the solutions to all her problems, straight A's, gets first place in all athletic competitions she enters, and she most importantly stands above all destroying anyone that dare cross her" and just as he says that, he begins picking her up and throws himself onto the floor, taking Shia with him.

Squirming, Shia kicked him in the stomach as Sirius held on to her.

"The Shia I know- Na, Na, Never lets her problems or sorrow get the better of herRRRR!!!! I'M SORRY!!" Sirius cried out.

Shia is very "mean" to say the least.


Lost Friend 1 and 2


"How much longer till we find her?" Lost Friend 2 asked a bit agitated, "It's about to be three months already and we still haven't found her!"

Lost Friend 1 sighed in frustration, "I don't know, I really don't think we'll be able to find her at all. I don't know what happened to Mr and Mrs Thomas, where they are, or if they're even alive! What do you want me to do? Just walk into Deaor's Core and ask them why Emily was taken and most importantly, why can't we be near her?"

Lost Friend 2 stayed silent.

"Look, I'm sorry that I blew up at you. I'm just, I'm just worried for Emi is all", Lost Friend 1 apolagized as they went over to hold both of Lost Friend 1's hands.

Lost Friend 2 hesitated before speaking up, "I-It's fine, really! I'm also worried for Emily, we all are!" Lost Friend 2 embraced their dear friend close, "You don't need to carry this burden alone. We all want to bring her back home safe!"

"I know! I know! It's just that she's been taken so suddenly and the fact her parents are missing and that no one seems to notice!" Lost Friend 1 exclaims, "Deaor definitely had something to do with it! You know what her parents were doing and what they were trying to do, of course Deaor was going to take action!"

"Just please calm down... For her"


"For her"