22. Brawl

"W-what?" I whispered breathlessly, and I could see the guilt written all over his face.

"Please understand that I didn't want to! I was forced to hurt a lot of people, and I regret it deeply. I couldn't let my family be hurt, though."

"But why him?"

"I wasn't trying to kill him; I was aiming for his brother."

"That's just as bad!" I had backed away from him considerably now, and my hand rested on the doorknob. My posture was flighty, and I was ready to sprint away with a single red flag. I could see hurt and regret glistening in his eyes, but I didn't care. It didn't change that he had murdered my first chance at love; even if that chance wasn't super amazing, I didn't appreciate it being taken. In front of me was a man that could kill without even thinking about the consequences. I wasn't as safe as Oliver made it out to be, and it was because of my own soulmate. It hurts my chest to be unable to trust him; I have to reject him.

"Please hear me out. I was young and stupid, and I didn't realize how much my actions hurt people!"

"Shut up shut up shut up!" I shouted, and my emotions spiraled around and around faster than they ever had before. In two seconds, everything had shifted from white to gray... My mind was zooming through space, and there was no telling when it would stop its movement.

"Please just listen! I don't like the mistakes past me made, but I don't deny that I did them. I did kill him, but I'm asking you for a second chance! I want to get to know you... If you still don't like me after that, I'll let you go. Please don't let my past mistakes dictate the now."

"How do I know you won't kill me too?"

"I couldn't kill you; we have a bond."

"I've seen it happen before."

"You have?"

"Yes. To my kid's great grandparents."

"Oh... I'm sorry, I-"

"I just don't trust you. How could I trust a cold hearted murderer!"

"Jack please–"

"No! Leave me alone."

Tears swelled up in my eyes, and I turned away from him. The tension in the room was high, and I wanted to leave right then and there. However, I felt a hesitant grip on my shoulders, and I recognized it as a hug... A last ditch attempt to reconcile our already broken relationship. My tense shoulders relaxed on their own, and I willed them back up. I don't want to let my guard down around him; I may end up hurt. "Your body wants me, Jack. Please don't fight it."

"I want to fight it... To keep myself safe."

"I will not hurt you."

"I don't know that for sure."

"Give me a chance."

With his scent in my nose, it was hard for me to say no. His warmth made it difficult to resist, and I found myself leaning back into his embrace. My mouth was open to inhale the scent through there as well, and I felt him calm down as well behind me. This is very, horribly wrong, but is it really? So many different lights were flashing in my mind, but the most prevalent was green. Green means go... But what about Dan? Am I disrespecting his memory by being with Kyle? No, he would want me to be happy. "One chance, and I mean it. No third or fourth chances!"

"I understand... I'll show you that I've changed. I'll let you know that I can do something good. Thank you."

"Don't take it for granted."

"I won't."


Benji's POV

I hauled my tired self to stand in front of my friends, and I had to rub my eyes harshly to see only one Connor. "I'm just saying that your idea is bad!" I don't think that I've ever heard Will talk like that to someone else, and I had to check my ears too to make sure that I had heard correctly.

"It's a no brainier, Will. When you have border issues, you use more guards."

"Then you let them know you've noticed! You have to take them by surprise."

"That's not a good idea. What if they get in during a patrol gap and invade the pack house? We would be overrun."

"Well obviously you would take them before they did that!"

"I don't like your tone lately, Will."

"Do I look like I care!?" When I looked up at the pair, Connor grabbed a hold of our friends shirt and pulled him right up to his face.

"I don't care if you've run away from your home, I am still your alpha, and you will speak in line or face the consequences," he snarled, but William clapped back with words just as malicious.

"If you're such a good alpha, you would come up with ideas that aren't trash! I'm tired of listening to an incompetent fool!"

"What is wrong with you!? Ever since yesterday you've had a humongous stick up your ass! I accept that you had a bad day, but I won't respect you treating me like another omega. Now you listen here, and you'd better stop complaining like you can do anything about it. Keep your mouth shut, or we will have a very serious issue."

"I just don't think that I should have to follow someone so unfit to lead." Suddenly, I saw Connor's fist fly right into Will's gut. If I blinked, I would have missed the contact, but my eyes were wide open at the two men fighting. Will responded with a hit to Connor's cheek, and I was pulled back by Ariel when they started to fist fight at my feet. Connor was definitively winning until Will bit deeply into his arm, and the older boy's scream of pain extended far into the hallways. Why are they fighting like this in school? Are they stupid?

Connor revealed claws for a matter of seconds so that he could bring them down over Will's right eye. Blood was drawn from the wound, and Will immediately tended to his eye forgetting that he was in the middle of a fight. His body was officially quivering, and Connor leaned close to his ear. "Who's your alpha," he breathed quietly enough that the audience of humans couldn't hear.

"N-no-n-not y-y-yo-yo-you!" Will shouted even though he was bleeding down the side of his face. It was a courageously stupid move, and he paid for it when Connor positioned himself to literally bite his throat out.

"We aren't going to stop them?" I frantically whispered to Ariel.

"Will wordlessly challenged him. He won't stop even if we try."

"I don't understand."

"Wolf custom."


"Do you yield," Con demanded while holding a claw against his heart.

"Aren't the humans going to see them?"

"I casted a spell that will make them see a normal human fight."

"That's cool I guess."


I thought that Will was going to yield, but he struck Connor right between his legs... This fight is going to go on for awhile.