23. Used

As Connor attended to the hard hit to his lower regions, Will jumped on top of him and started a flurry of hits. I honestly can't figure out who I want to win this fight. I mean, they're both my friends; am I supposed to pick one or the other? Connor sat up with a large scowl and a bloody nose, and the two continued to brawl harshly. I fidgeted around with my hands, and Ariel had to grab me many, many times to stop me from interfering with the fight. What can I say? I'm a protective person of my friends. I don't like to see anyone get hurt.

Blood coated both boy's fists, and I could see the fight becoming deadly. My body was tense, and I hugged myself with my arms to hide my fear and confusion. I heard a loud gasp off to my left, and I turned to look at Devon as he stood with a hand over his mouth. I turned back to see Will with a handful of Connor's hair, and the opposite boy scratching at his face. I saw a pile of black go flying through the air, and Connor's scream rang over and over again in the back of my mind. It was one of pure agony and annoyance; a fierce cry that told me he wouldn't tolerate another hit. His hand came up and hit Will's face with enough force that he went flying backwards, and Connor climbed on top of him with a loud growl.

"When do they stop?" I whispered nervously to Ariel, and she tore her eyes from the fight to look at me.

"When one either yields or is... Unable to continue."


"Sever injury or passed out, yes."

"Oh God."

Connor bit deeply into Will's shoulder, and a chunk of flesh flew through the air. I gagged at the sight, and I couldn't even figure out why I was still watching the fight. My stomach was flipping around in circles, but I couldn't look away. I had to make sure they were both safe. Connor's foot slammed up into Will's stomach, and the latter coughed up some blood onto the floor. His groan was loud, but it barely compared to the roaring in my ears.

"Do you yield!?" Connor prompted angrily while pushing a hand on his head. He had his opponent pinned onto the floor by his stomach, and all of Will's limbs were stuck to the floor.

"Yes! Yes I yield!" Will's voice was thoroughly traumatized, and it was a few seconds before Connor stood up and wiped his cheek. The air held a lot of tension still, and Connor stumbled away with a heavy limp in his step. Will just laid without moving on the floor, but none of us made a move to help him. Devon grabbed onto his son as soon as the boy got close, and he helped him down the hallway. I took one look at Will before going after them, and it was easy to find them by the trail of blood left on the hallway floors. Connor looked at me through hazy eyes, and I could see the confusion still lingering in his blue eyes.

"B-be-be-ben-n-nji-i," he stammered, and I smiled warmly at him.

"I'm here Conny."


"I will." I walked with them to the car, and Dev put down a towel in the back seat while saying something about not getting blood in his baby. Connor laid down on the towel weakly, and I walked around to sit in the front seat. The car was still warm as Dev started driving, and my exhaustion came back to me. I don't know why I'm so tired recently, but it isn't for no reason. I just don't know yet. It took nearly 30 minutes before we arrived at home, but Connor was holding on in the backseat by making conversation. His eyes drifted listlessly between me and Devon, and he almost fell off of the seat when his Papa slammed on the breaks.

We both helped carry him to the infirmary, and the doctors immediately took him into the room... I hope he's okay.


Jack's POV

I slowly turned in the man's grip, and I leaned my head against his chest once I had gotten all the way around. His warmth surrounded me in protection, and all of my previous apprehension was pulled away from me. I don't know why my fear melted away like ice cream on a warm summer day, but it did. I was defenseless in his hold, and that should be frightening to me. I shouldn't be able to remain calm in a murderer's arms, but I am. Stupid bond!

Kyle's hold on me was gentle yet reassuring, and I wanted to stay there forever. The warmth of hell was irrelevant when I was with him, and I was glad to have found someone to fill the void in my chest. "No one will ever hurt you again. Not even me. You'll be safe in my embrace forever, Jack."

"How do I know... How do I know that what you say is the truth? How do I know that I won't end up hurt?"

"Trust me."

"Are your words capable of being trusted?"

"Of course the are." Suddenly, slow clapping came from the doorway, and I spun around to face an unfamiliar man. He walked forward with a wide smirk on his face, and my body tensed up again.

"Kyle finally found another toy." The man looked me up and down with predatory eyes, but they weren't what disturbed me. Toy? Are there more people like me that fell into the trap of Kyle?

"He's not a toy, Seporian. He's my soulmate."

"How would your soulmate like to know about the little Kyle's running the earth?"

"I was stupid and 22. Please get out."

"No, no let him continue. I want someone to tell me the truth," I butted in, and Kyle cringed.

"So he didn't tell you about his multiple women and men alike that he impregnated then left to die on their own?"

"Yo-you did what?" I looked at Kyle with wide eyes, and his posture confirmed the accusation. My soulmate is a playboy!

"It was in the past–"

"I'll fall for that once, but not a second time. It's only been 2 minutes and you've demolished your second chance. Goodbye, Kyle."

"Jack, hear me out–" But I had already slammed the door on him. I pressed my ear against the door curiously, and I listened to the two men shout.

"Why do you have to ruin everything Seporian!?"

"He deserved to know that his soulmate was a fake."

"I would have told him when our relationship steadied out a bit more! I don't want to lose him; he was one one chance at being happy again."

"Well too bad, Kyle. Your relationship never would have steadied with that big of a secret. I just did you a favor and ended your suffering earlier."

"Get out... GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!" Kyle suddenly screeched, and I ran down the hallway before I could be caught peeping. Seporian was right; it was better for me to know the truth now... People like that never change. I'm just glad I got out before he could use me again.
