
Neco's Chapter 241 - Godspeed

Hmm... that was... unfair. He's fast. Faster than me. How did he do it. Those fluid sword movements, his attack speed, his movement speed...

Its faster than me using a light armor with a dagger.

How did he do it... Was it like this... or this... or this..?

It moves with an unimaginable speed and as soon as it comes into contact, it just cuts through cleanly.

"Everyone, there's been movement of the other armies like this in the kingdoms that you all captured. Saving the kingdom is a priority, move out!" Zieglind then interrupted my concentration.

I then ran up to the nearest kingdom I could find and I got there within a single minute. But its still not enough. Zieglind could've been here within seconds.

How do I attain that power... I'm an assassin... I shouldn't lose a battle of speed against a swordsman.

I need to eliminate these monsters faster... and better than he did.