
Precia's Chapter 243 - Soul Collector

Argh, cleaning this up will take a long time. We were called to protect the nearby kingdoms from falling down due to the armies attacking everywhere. It was a pretty tall order seeing how we all split up.

I haven't found alone for a long time so this is a nice change of pace.

I was scouting the whole area first trying to figure out certain points here and there. I saw some mages gathering some energy. I was just trying to figure out how to approach this.

I then remembered Zieglind's performance earlier which I'm not that surprised. He did grow strong. Extremely powerful. But I wasn't surprised in the least.

It just made more... have more goals to achieve. I just don't want to fall behind. In all of the battles, I haven't been successfully doing the work that I was intended to do in the first place. That's why I will take pride in what I do and further hone it.

I won't be left behind again.