2 Years have passed after their date, a week from that is Christmas Vacation. On the last two years Drei wasn't slacking off, him and Seth were working on a transmutation device. A device that converts electricity into matter, they succeeded but the problem is that they need a lot of power. So the next thing they built is a part of a Dyson Sphere, some factory droids and a big power cell. It took them 1 year and 5 months to build everything. After launching the part of the Dyson sphere, it beamed the energy to venus where the main power cell and the factory drones are. After only 10 days they managed to build 100 transmutation devices and cover the sun by 0.1, it might not seem large but it is. Now that they had the materials and energy, they decided to first work on nanobots because it's versatile, useful and easy to produce. After 20 days of working on the nanobots they were successful, now that they had the versatility to make infrastructures easily their next plan is to make their own artificial country and food supplements so eating will be more convenient. But that's a story for another time.
At a mall a boy and a girl can be seen walking together with their while each others hands. It's Drei and Nat, they decided to shop for Christmas. It's been 2 weeks since they last saw each other and they wanted to spend some time together. After shopping for gifts and buying groceries they decided to go home. Thanks to the nanobots, they don't need the motorcycle anymore. Each of them have a nanobot bracelet that contains billions of nanobots that they control with a chip implanted in their head. So Drei made a motorcycle so that they could go home. As he was driving he suddenly remembered his promise to them when they first became a group. "I will always make sure we are free. I will always make sure we are happy. I will always make sure that no one will look down on us. And I will make sure we will never leave behind anyone." he then smiled, even though it hasn't been that long he can say that he's upholding his promise. As they arrived home, he put the groceries at the fridge and started cooking. Being a jack of all trades over the years he learned how to do anything so that he wouldn't rely on anyone. But in the end he learned that he'll be more happy if he isn't alone. After cooking glazed stake and brocolli soup. He called over Nat and Maya. They ate dinner and talked about some stuff, mostly the government projects that Drei suggested. Over the years, with Drei's help Maya rose through the ranks and is now a senator. Of course with his attitude he wanted to improve the state of his country, his first suggestion is making the prisoners be tought how to farm and raise animals. Because he realised that people only do crime because they don't have money so with his suggestion not only does he gives the prisoners a steady income for them to feed their families, it also solve an important problem, food shortage. These food will be sold at the lowest price available by the government. It was approve just a few days of drafting. His next suggestion is for the to develop more efficient housing like apartments. Not only does this help save space, it also helps by giving more security. Drei then proceeded to release the blueprints for water powered vehicles. This helped in pollution control by a lot. Eventually oil powered machinery were banned from the country and was replaced by water powered machinery. Because of this the country was hailed as the first country to be runned by water. Many of his suggestions helped out a lot, from waste disposal to better education system which helped the country be the most advanced country in the world. As they were done talking Nat and Drei decided to just go and watch a movie together. They went to the living room and laid on the couch, Nat hugged Drei and Drei did the same. Eventually they fell asleep like that. Although it isn't official yet, they are getting to the point of having a real and concrete relationship.