Being Official

As days pass it soon became the day before Christmas, Drei was busy designing a better Drainage system while Nat was just watching him. Drei couldn't work properly because he keeps getting distracted by Nat. Seeing this, Nat decided to go take a bath. After Nat left to take a bath, Drei immediately finished his work. This is an important one because it usually flood on low class areas and neighborhoods, making the road useless and sometimes dangerous.

After finishing his work, he called Maya to inform her. "Aunt Maya, the plans have been made. I'll just deliver you the blueprints later." said Drei. "No, just leave it in the house. Oh By the way I won't be back until tomorrow so take care of Nat." said Maya. "W-what do you mean!?" Drei embarrassingly replied. "Nothing, I'm hanging up now, still got work to do. Bye." said Maya. "Yeah, bye" said Drei then he hanged up the call. As he was resting he suddenly got the urge to pee, so he went to the bathroom and started peeing. Then suddenly the shower curtains open revealing Nat, who is taking a shower. They just stared at each other for good minute. After recovering from shock they both blushed. and covered up their private part. Drei apologized for not noticing someone was there and Nat forgave her. After that Nat quickly finished her shower and Drei quickly took one. After Drei finished, he dried himself and put some clothes on. As he was walking to the living room he saw that Nat was sitting on the couch doing nothing.

He then had an idea and said, "Nat, wanna go outside? " . Nat became visibly excited and quickly agreed. So they went outside, Drei made a motorcycle from nanobots so that they could travel faster. As they were just strolling around the city Nat hugged Drei's back tightly. Drei lost composure a bit and blushed, although he was embarrassed he was happy to have someone that cares about him so much. He then stopped and retracted the nanobots. After retracting the nanobots he grabbed Nat's hand and went inside a cafe. They ordered some hot choco and cake. As they were eating, talking and generally enjoying being together. They decided to go to the amusement park. After eating they went to the amusement park and rode some rides. They enjoyed the rollercoaster, teacups, jet skiing. As the sun was setting down they decided to ride the ferris wheel before going home. As they did, slowly arriving at the top. Enjoying their embrace, Drei spoke and said "Nat, I love you so much. I hope that we can be together forever so I'm asking you, would you be my girlfriend?". Hearing what he said, she was visibly emotional and happy. She started crying and hugged him. After calming down she said, "Yes! I'd be happy to!" . As they arrived at the top of the ferris wheel, the light of the setting sun can be seen as they slowly come closer to each other and enjoy their first ever kiss.

After getting off the ferris wheel while holding each others hand, they decided to go home. Drei started cooking quickly after they got home, Nat helped as she could. They heard a knock on the door. Nat proceeded to open the door and she saw his grandpa Buck( sorry for not revealing earlier.) She was excited to see him. After Drei finished cooking he went to see who was at the door and when he saw it was grandpa Buck he quickly ran towards him and hugged him. After his parent's death, grandpa Buck became his father figure. He guided him in not doing anything bad or taking revenge. So Drei was thankful to him and he didn't hide his appreciation to the grandpa. As they greeted each other and prepared for dinner, another knock was heard from the door. As Nat answered she was visibly shocked of who it was. It was Maya! "Mom! I thought you wouldn't come back until tomorrow!" said Nat. "Well I heard your grandpa is coming over so I decided why not spend my time with my family from Christmas till new year." Maya replied. So they hugged for a while then sat down to eat dinner. As they were eating, Maya and grandpa Buck noticed that Drei and Nat are more close than usual. So Maya decided to ask"Did something happen?". Both Nat and Drei became red, red as a tomato. After a few moments Drei got out of his embarrassed state and said "I finally asked Nat to be my girlfriend!". Both Maya and grandpa Buck was shocked but you could see how happy they were. Then Maya said "So you're gonna start calling me mom right?" . Again Both Drei and Nat blushed, then Drei said meekly "Yes... mom" after that they enjoyed dinner while talking and laughing. They mostly talked about the ongoing city projects and development. After eating dinner Nat and Drei went to the living room, they laid down on the couch while cuddling. Slowly but surely they fell asleep while holding each other in a tender loving embrace.