A quick update on things

"So you know how I said I was going to take a break at the end of the month? Well change of plans, that doesn't really work with what's going on currently irl. So there will be days as you'd expect where I won't update and one's when I will.

The project I mentioned will be done very soon and I'm quite excited. Also I'm thinking of starting a new arch of sorts or something because I feel like things are becoming a bit bland.

Also also I know there are 172 of you people who have this in their library excluding me. I'm not forcing you to do anything but I would appreciate your thoughts ever once in a while. Even criticism would be appreciated though I would prefer constructive criticism rather than criticism just for the sake of criticism.

And if you do decide to put forth some of your criticism then I would appreciate it if you would point out the area in which I could improve. I do try to improve my writing as best I can and I'll take anything I can get.

Anyways I'll let you get back to the massacre I'm sure you're enjoying just as Shess is surely enjoying taking care of the disgusting creature that stared a bit too long.


Oh hey guys what's up? Huh? Who wrote all that? Wait it can't be. Dang it she got onto my phone again! Where do you think you're going!?

"Gyaaaaaa heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllp!!!!"

You won't get away this time!