The Unending Nightmare

Sheila got up, her peach hair fluttering around and confusion in her blue eyes.

"Why am I here? The last thing I remembered was going home and sleeping after a bad day at work" She muttered confused as she looked at her surroundings.

She was in the middle of a forest, it was dark and creepy. She couldn't see any road nearby and nobody was around.

"Ok, this is creepy. How am I supposed to get back home?" She mumbled annoyed.

Sheila was a brave woman most times and so wasn't easily spooked by this setting. She just wanted to go back home to her husband. Yes, she is married, she has been married for a year now with no kids.

"I hope Harry isn't too worried about me, did I prepare his dinner before sleeping? I don't think so. He is going to be very hungry when he gets home without me being there" She mumbled as she continued on a path through the forest.

The forest was filled with her mumblings and the night creatures howls and hoots.

She walked for a long time and still couldn't see the main road.

"Whoever did this will surely pay. Tsk! Now I might be late for work tomorrow and I am already lost in the middle of nowhere" She said angrily as she continued on.

"Well, I can only continue forward. I wonder how much time as passed?" She said checking her watch that seemed to have miraculously appeared.

"Did I have my wrist watch before?... Whatever, I don't have time to worry about that. Hmm... The time is already 11:30pm and I arrived home at 9:00pm, so roughly 2 hours should have passed since I started walking" She said confidently as she finally spotted a road.

"Oh Thank Goodness!" She exclaimed happily walking towards the road she hadn't noticed before.

She stepped into the road and wondered which direction she should go.

"Oh please let someone pass, especially a vehicle" She prayed not wanting to be stranded here.

And to her delight, a vehicle pulled over beside her.

She rushed to the window and tapped on it.

"Hey woman, what are you doing here at this time of the day?" The driver asked after rolling down his window.

"I am not exactly sure but may I ask which direction you are going?" She asked hoping he was heading in the direction of her home.

"I am heading to RST city now, you want to hitch a ride?" He asked

"Oh Thank you. I am heading there too" She said as she hopped into the back seat of the car.

The ride was calm and peaceful and she soon fell asleep.

"Huh?!" She mumbled rubbing her eyes as she woke up.

She looked around and noticed she was already in the city and was close to her street.

"Thank you so much sir. You have been a great help-" She paused as she noticed the man wasn't in the car again and she was alone.

She furrowed her brows and got down from the car as she walked towards her street.

"If he didn't want to wake me up, he still shouldn't have left his car, what if someone steals it? No, that couldn't happen, this place is usually guarded by the police. Maybe he went to get something? Probably. Wait! Why is this place deserted?" She questioned as she paused.

She know this street like the back of her hand since this was the direction she takes from home to work. One thing she is absolutely certain of, is that the street is always filled with at least four people and the convenience stores are always open 24/7, but now, this place looks like a horror movie with how quiet it was, the stores were all closed and there was no one, not even the police officers, was around.

"Weird" She mumbled before shrugging it off.

She continued walking and felt a hand tap on her shoulder.

She tensed cause she was sure she didn't see anyone here.

She quickly turned around and saw a man hanging his face down.

"Yes, what is it?" She asked politely

It remained silent as the man didn't answer. She was starting to get impatient and turned to leave when he rose his head and grabbed her hand.

She gasped as she faced him. He was wearing a crazed smile as insanity shined in his eyes.

"Kill, kill, kill, I will kill you." He muttered as he moved closer to her.

"Why would you want to kill me, I didn't do anything" She said slightly angry and unhinged now.

"You wanted to walk away from me, so of course I will kill you" He said now having a knife in his hand.

She knew he was serious and quickly hit him in the stomach with her high-heel and twisted her hands to get free from his hold before running away.

Yes, she can run on heels cause she has been wearing it since she was born.

"Tsk! Now crazy people want to kill me. Can this day get worse" She said angrily moving towards her street.

She finally got to her street and her house was just 3 blocks away.

"Don't worry Harry, I will make sure you don't die of hunger or food poisoning. You can't cook food to save your life, you better don't kill yourself with your poison you call food before I come. Tsk! Those people who did this are seriously annoying" She muttered as she continued walking.

She then saw a big dog? coming towards her.

"Wait! That isn't a dog, it's a lion. How is that possible?" She whispered looking at the lion walking towards her.

"Oh no, you aren't stopping me from going home" She said before picking a steak and throwing it towards an alley to distract it.

It immediately ran towards it and she sighed in relief.

"Well, I don't know where that came from but I am glad it was there" She whispered before running to her house.

"Finally!" She said happily as she opened the door and entered her house.

"Harry, I had the strangest night. Don't worry though, I am alright and will cook you a meal" She shouted before moving towards the kitchen

"You are still alive?" Harry asked confused as he looked at her.

"Duh, what did you expect?" She asked with a small chuckle.

"Tsk! Those people couldn't complete a simple job. Like the saying goes, if you want something done, you have to do it yourself" He muttered before picking up a butcher knife and moving towards Sheila.

"Hmm... What do you mean?"

"I sent those things to kill you and they failed. How disappointing, Now I have to kill you myself" He said still advancing towards her.

'This isn't possible' She thought before closing her eyes and wishing she could wake up.

She gasped as she sat up. She was back in her room, turns out it was all a dream, well more like a nightmare.

'Thank Goodness!" She thought as she calmed her erratic breathing.

The thought that her husband, Harry, wanted to kill her scared her more than anything else.

She turned to see Harry sitting with his back towards her and furrowed her brows.

"Why aren't you sleeping Harry?" She asked concerned.

It was silent and eerily as he turned to face her before titling his head.

"Did you really think you could escape?" He asked smiling creepily.