Where are we truly safe? Safe zone!

"Nooo! Shelley!!!" Misa shouted as she saw Shelley disappear into the zombie crowd.

"Stop Misa, we have to go. Shelley bought time for us and we can't disregard that by dieing" Their leader, Matt, said pulling Misa.

Misa snapped back into reality and blinked her tears away as she looked towards the zombie crowd one more time before following Matt.


"We are exhausted Matt, let's rest for some time" One of the group members said tiredly.

Matt looked at the drained group and decided to settle for a temporary shelter to rest.

They all settled down and took out small rations of food to eat.

When the zombie apocalypse had started, people were not sure if it was real, but after a zombie attacked someone and that person turned into a zombie, they immediately believed.

The group had formed after they met each other trying to survive, they joined hands to kill the zombies and get to the safe zone that the government had made.

The group were heading towards the safe zone when they encountered a crowd of zombies, Shelley had offered to distract the zombies while they continued on. But she is probably dead or a zombie by now.


Misa ate her food with slight sadness in her blue eyes and her red hair tyed into a short ponytail.

"You should cheer up, Shelley won't be happy to see you like this" Matt said patting her shoulder.

"I know she wouldn't. After all, she is the clown of the group most times. Why did she have to sacrifice herself?" She asked, sadness present in her tone.

Misa was usually a tough girl so Matt knew this really hurt her. After all, Shelley was her bestfriend.

"I know it hurts but you can't be certain she is dead. There is still a possibility that she is alive since she was... is one of our best fighters" Matt said, uncertainty in his brown eyes as he raked his black hair.

"How could she still be alive when she walked directly into the zombie crowd. The zombies would have tore her into pieces by now!" She was almost shouting by now as her shoulders shivered in anger.

Matt just pursed his lips as he remained silent.

"Sorry, I am just in a really bad mood now" She muttered as she finally calmed down.

"No, it's my fault. It isn't easy to deal with the death of a loved one" He apologised before leaving.

"Was I too hard on him? He did lose his parents on the day of the apocalypse" She muttered before she made her way to him.

"I am sorry I was acting so rude. You were only trying to comfort me" She said feeling slightly awkward

"It is ok. You did lose your bestfriend so it would affect you negatively" He said with a smile.

She smiled back before leaving to check their weapons they collected on the way.


They resumed their journey and they had it easy so far.

"Everyone, we only have 1 more day before we make it to the safe zone" Matt said raising everyone's hope.

"Yes, we will finally have a comfortable bed and blanket to sleep in!!!"

"And good food to eat!!!"

"With lots of water to drink!!!"

"And most of all, we would be safe from those zombies!!!"

They all cheered happily as Misa's face darkened a bit.

"Be quiet, you will attract zombies with all your shouting" She said coldly facing them.

"They won't come here. Can't you see the journey has been so peaceful so far?" One of the men said with an haughty tone

"Calm down, you don't want to jinx it" A shy girl said fearfully.

"No way, I said it won't happen" The man said confidently before laughing loudly

And like Misa predicted, some zombies appeared and made their way towards them.

"You see what I was telling you?!" Misa said angrily before picking her gun and firing at some zombies' head.

The group started killing the zombies and succeeded in killing most of them, luckily, the zombies weren't much the area.


A gun shoot was heard as a zombie trying to ambush Misa dropped to the ground.

"You know you can't have a party without me~" A cheerful voice called out.

'No way! It can't be' Misa thought as she turned towards the sound of the voice

"Shelley, you are alive?!!" Misa exclaimed happily as she immediately dashed towards Shelley

"Of course I am alive, what did you expect? I am one of the best after all, did you ever doubt me?" Shelley chuckled as she hugged Misa after shooting down another zombie.

"I didn't doubt you, I was just worried..." Misa said softly before trailing off as Matt joined them with a smile.

"See, I told you she might be alive yet you didn't believe me" Matt said with a grin.

"Didn't you say you didn't doubt me?" Shelley asked teasingly as she shot more zombies.

"Well, even Matt wasn't sure, I mean you went directly into the zombie crowd, what did you expect me to think?" Misa asked angrily as she shot down some zombies.

"Well, I wanted to look more awesome. Imagine, I went into a zombie crowd and came back alive. Awesome right?" She asked smiling happily.

Misa shot her a glare as Shelley sweatdropped.

"Ok ok, I won't be so dramatic next time" She relented as they finished killing all the zombies.

"Better" Misa said while Matt chuckled.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side Misa, you can be scary when you want to" Misa laughed nervously before they resumed their journey.


They stood in front of the safe zone and sighed in relief.

After going through some tests to confirm that they aren't zombies, they were allowed inside and had their room.

"Thank goodness, now we are safe from those zombies and don't have to be so alert even if I will miss it a little" Shelley said stretching her body.

"Maybe, but something doesn't feel right. I just can't place my finger on it" Misa said furrowing her brows.

"Just relax, there is no need to be on the edge. We are finally safe after all" Matt said smiling.

"Yeah, we should be safe" Misa said not entirely convinced.


*Underground in the safe zone*

A man entered and watched the scientists working.

"Have you almost gotten the formula" The man asked gruffly.

"Not yet, the people you brought as experiments usually turn to mindless zombies and are not retaining enough brain cells to follow your order. We are even almost running out of people for experiments" One of the scientists reported slightly scared.

"Don't we have newcomers at the base? You can use them too, after all, they are just commoners. You will make the perfect weapon mankind as ever seen and it will be under my control" The man said maliciously as he turned to leave.

"I pity those new comers, since they don't really have anything to offer to him, he is going to use them as experiments without their consent. It would have been better for them if they were outside with zombies than inside with this heartless man" Another scientist said sympathetically once the man had left.

The other scientists nodded their head before going back to work.


"I don't know why, but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen" Misa said before pausing and looking back.

"I thought I heard something." She looked around before shrugging it off and entering her room.

A man came out of the shadow looking at her room door before smiling maliciously.

"You really shouldn't have come here, but at least now I can use you"

Laughter echoed in the hall before fading away and a loud thud was heard.

Misa stood over the person's collapsed body and sneered.

"I knew something was wrong with this safe zone" She muttered staring at the body.