Overtaken I

The refreshing walk helped clear her mind. She certainly didn't want to think about what happened earlier any longer. If her mother were still alive, the treatment of the servants might have been worse. But what's lost is now in the past. There is no need to reminiscence the past because she will keep walking forward even if that means to walk to the unknown future.

Emelia walked side to side on the paved path and hummed softly, not until she heard footsteps running towards her direction. She turned her back to see a knight, pushing himself up with his knees as he catches his breath. He straightened his back as he greeted her and in a rush, he said, "Your Highness, it is not safe in this Empire now. Please leave with the other knights."

She furrowed her brow, making the knight shudder, then she said, "And you are telling me to run away? Why won't you protect the Crowned Prince instead?" the knight took a step back, taken aback by her words, but he didn't seem the type to stand back, and he continued to persist. "I beg you, Your Highness. If you were to be killed, then the Empire will be lost forever."

Blood of the royal? Is that the only reason why they're asking her to flee the Empire? If she flees away from this Empire, then what? When she comes back to reclaim her position, will the people even accept her as the Empress? She let out a small laugh then spoke, "I'm not running away. I don't fear dying. In fact, I'm stepping onto the battlefield."

The knight panicked when Emelia turned her back to change into her suit. Despite her brave facade, her hands were trembling, but she stopped it when she clenched her fist. There is no point running away from your enemies. The ones that will be victorious will need to earn that title. Accepting defeat is the only way to not die, and despite saying that she didn't fear it, she still didn't want to die.

Stepping into her room in a rush, she called for a maid and quickly changed into her suit. She tied her hair in a ponytail, using a blue ribbon. She looks at herself in the mirror while tying her hair. 'It will be alright', she told herself because she will not run away. It's okay if she dies, as long as it's not in vain.

"Your Highness, where are you going? You're supposed to be leaving with the knights!!" panicked the Chancellor as he watched Emelia walking past him and out of the door, not answering his question. From her attire, he should've known by now that she had set her mind to step into the battlefield.

"Someone stop her!" ordered the Chancellor. But it was stopped when a loud voice echoed the hallway, "Don't stop me!" it was Emelia. Her voice continued to echo till the end of the long hallway. While the other servants shivered and didn't dare to meet her eyes.

The Chancellor broke into cold sweats on his forehead. Before he could continue, he gulped then said, "But the blood of the royal family! If the Crowned Prince were to get killed, you are the only hope of this Empire!" his words didn't sound real, but the desperation in his tone was clear.

It was clear that she was nothing but a Princess who had no power unless there was no more of the Royal Family alive. And that made her decide there was no way she would be stopped from what she had decided to do.

"Sir Chancellor, who I do not know the name of. Don't command me as you wish," Emelia glared at him and continued her way.

Saving the Empire? The Empire doesn't have any equality? The Empire where the officials are all corrupted? The Empire where they don't respect the Princess? Then why is there a need for her to help? It was too much. She would rather become a war slave rather than to run away and revere this corrupted Empire.

As Emelia was about to set foot out of the palace, an arrow drifted past to her side, scratching the side of her cheek. She looked around to find the source of the marksman, and in a bush not so far away from her, she saw something shining.

Another arrow was released by the marksman and was reflected by Emelia's sword. She wiped the blood that slowly dripped onto the ground. Seeing the blood, she cursed and charged towards the hiding marksman. With one strike from her sword, the marksman was gone. She pulled her sword out of the marksman's body and swished her sword to remove the excess blood on her sword.

When she shot her sword into the scabbard, out of nowhere, she suddenly felt a sharp object by her neck, which made her freeze on stop. Slowly, other footsteps gathered around her. She turned to the side to see a blue flag and crown emblem. It was none other than the Vivan Empire's flag. Not to mention they were wearing blue armor, which represents the Emperor's knights. They are called the Lion's Knight.

"Drop your sword onto the ground," ordered one of the blue armored men. Not retaliating, she dropped her scabbard onto the ground and raised her hands up in the air. Just when they thought she surrendered. Emelia kicked one of the knights in the face and made her escape.

Not yet. She didn't want to face death. She wanted a bit more time.

Her eyes weren't set on the road. And as she ran, she didn't notice a figure in front of her and bumped into someone. Just when she thought it was one of her knights, she turned her head to see the exact opposite of what she wanted. Her eyes widen as she recognizes the man in front of her.

Golden eyes like the sun, jet black hair like it could consume into the darkness. Emelia immediately took a step back and was about to run away. Not until she was stopped as she felt someone pulling her hand roughly towards their side. She looked up at the tall well fit guy who smirked then said, "Good night, Princess of Redodel Empire."

After hearing his words, Emelia's world turned dark, just like his hair color. What could she expect? That man is none other than Elliot Louis Renaud. The current Emperor of the Vivan Empire.