Overtaken II

"Your Imperial Majesty! We found the Princess."

In a calm manner but giving a cold expression, he pulled his white gloves down. He ignored the knights who reported to him and made his way to find the Redodel Emperor and Empress. He had one question in mind, and that was, 'This is what they call a palace?' Windows, floor, and the corners are covered with dust. No wonder their defense is as weak as the palace's security, they truly deserve to be called a rotten Empire.

"Wait!" a knight yelled while a platinum blonde woman ran in his direction and didn't notice him standing there. She bumped into him while her next action says it all. He barely used his strength to pull her and knocked her out at the back of her neck.

Platinum blonde beauty and green eyes. It interested him since it reminded him of someone who met in the past. But she looked hostile instead of gentle. A woman making him interested? That's a first.

"Tie her up and bring her to the throne room. Then wake her up once I've captured the rest. We will not spare the lives of the Cilia family," he commanded to his knights and pulled his sword out of his scabbard. The way he pulled his sword out send shivers down to the knights who were near him. It was some sort of warning to those who will try betraying him.

Who would dare to betray an Emperor like him? Ruthless, horrifying, and insouciant. He is a wonderful, wise Emperor, but he lacks sympathy. After all, he is raised differently from others. He, too, lived a life where he doesn't want to remember the pain he felt.

He stepped into the palace, and the rest of the knights followed, then they separated in groups to find the other royal members. His personal knight, Alan lowered his head then spoke, "Imperial Majesty, we found the Crowned Prince." Not a hint of amusement was written on Elliot's face. He thought it would take a while to find the Crowned Prince, but it was that easy to cut his head off?

Elliot let out a short pathetic laugh and made his way to the throne room. It's just like the rumors that spread in the Redodel town. The palace is an easy place to enter. Why had he not thought about this before? Their knights are weak, not to mention that girl might be stronger than them. But still too easy for him.

The door to the throne room was opened and there on the floor unconscious was the platinum blonde beauty. While on the floor, kneeling onto their knees was the Imperial family of the Redodel Empire. Another pathetic laugh slipped his mouth as he made his way to the throne decorated with gold on the corners and a soft red mattress.

One of the Lion knights splashed cold water onto Emelia's face, waking her up in a confused state. Though she may not look like it, she was not calm at all. Her eyes immediately met with the Vivan's Emperor, and she gave him a glare.

'A fierce one, interesting' was what Elliot thought. He then shifted his gaze towards the three people kneeling onto their knees in a frightened state. A smirk on his face was formed, then he spoke, "A welcoming sight isn't it?"

"You, how dare you sit on that throne! You are not the throne's worth!" impulsively yelled Hubert, who got smacked on the face by the knight who stood behind him. Death was falling upon him, and he still had the energy to talk. He is impulsive, unlike his sister. Maybe it's because they aren't from the same mother.

"I am not worthy? You are about to die. What do you think, Emperor?" asked Elliot, who rested his arms on the armrest. Then rested his cheek on his hand.

"What are you going to gain from this rotten Empire?" asked the Emperor, who suddenly laughed out loud like a crazy drunken man. The smell of liquor was still present around his body, and he didn't look sober at all.

"You do not need to know since you will watch me from above. A dead man should not speak, he then turned towards the knights and coldly said "cut his head off."

With his command, a knight stepped foot into the throne room, holding an ax. He gave a murderous look at the Emperor, who seems to suddenly wake up from his own world. He started to panic and tries running away but was pushed down by a knight.

A series of loud screams echoed in the throne room, and his head rolled around the cold marbled floor, facing the Empress who has been suppressing her cries since earlier. When she saw her husband's face rolling on the ground, she felt dizzy and started to cry out loud, begging Elliot to spare her life. While on the other hand, Hubert yelling at him, not scared that he was on the list of people to be killed.

"Kill me last. You can kill my mother and sister first. But kill me last," said Hubert, who looked scared after seeing the head of his father drenched in his own blood.

Elliot looked unamused and let out a sigh. His eyes shifted at Emelia, who didn't look afraid of dying and thought it would be interesting to keep her. Eyes like the emerald but aren't as illumine, not to mention she seems to be a strong woman.

"Hubert Cilia, is it?" Elliot asked as his eyes were still looking at Emelia. Hubert shuddered from his low husky voice then spoke, "What? Is there a problem with that?"

"Let me ask you a question. Is there anything you would like to offer to me?" not hesitating to find something, he glances at Emelia then answered, "How about Emelia Cilia?" Emelia glared at him. She would rather die than live as someone who would become a nobody.

Platinum blonde, cold green round eyes but fierce like a fox and slender body. She was a complete beauty package. It would be a waste to let go of this kind of woman. Making her a slave wouldn't be a bad idea. No, maybe making her as his personal maid might be even better.

"It's not Cilia but Beaumont. Emelia Beaumont. I don't care if you kill me because that is what I prefer. But do not stain my name with theirs. I will not take his name but my mother's."