The Council

Another day spent doing nothing but walk aimlessly around the garden and read book after book. Even if hateful comments about Emelia were still circulating in the palace, she ignored them and continued to do what she wanted to do.

Emelia was sitting on a chair located under the pergola that was located in the middle of the garden maze. The sun was up with bits of clouds moving slowly, covering parts of the sun. She got the book that was laying on the table, picked it up, and began to read it.

As she turned to the next page, a palace guard approached her and greeted her but in an unfriendly tone. "His Imperial Majesty is calling for you. Please follow me," he said then immediately turned his back, not waiting for Emelia to catch up with him. "What a rude person," Vanessa shot a glare at the palace guard whose face changed into a smile after the palace guard turned his back to check at Emelia.

Emelia stood up and followed the palace guard to another building that she has not entered before. It wasn't the main palace but then it still looked as extravagant as the main palace. Gold paint was used to paint in the corners of the walls and most of the decorations were also in gold.

The palace guard stopped walking and stood beside the door stayed silent, which confused Emelia, and left her to think about what she should do. Was she supposed to stand still and do nothing? 'At least give some instructions on what to do.' she rolled her eyes.

Then suddenly, her name was announced out loud, and the door opened slowly. When the door was fully opened, Emelia sees different people and that included the stomping old man she saw the other day. Those people who were sitting down and looking shocked must be nobles who holds a huge amount of power.

"Princess Emelia, please take your seat," Elliot said as he pointed at the chair that was beside him. "No, it's alright. It looks like I'm an unwanted guest to the other nobles," Emelia said as she entered the room and stayed standing instead of being seated.

These people are called the high nobles. They are the nobles who hold the highest power over the others. Even someone who is titled as a baron could still be part, that is if they hold a power that benefits the empire. Status is just a title and Emelia preferred having the intelligence to defeat those unruly nobles than having some high status.

"How can you be so rude?" asked one of the high nobles who clearly didn't like Emelia's attitude. "You are beautiful in appearance but your personality is like garbage," someone huffed out loud and rolled his eyes.

"Now don't be so rude Count Domain. Let Princess Emelia do what she wants. Now, what is it you want to talk about Your Imperial Majesty?" asked the black-haired man who was sitting across the empty chair.

He looked a bit like Elliot but the aura that he sets off was much friendlier and energetic. Another kind of person Emelia tries to avoid. "The paper set on the table clearly shows whose seat that is. Now, who is not in favor of this proposal?" Elliot asked, counting the hands of those who would choose to object.

Out of nine people, seven people raised their hands and one of them was the old weird man. Emelia didn't know what they were talking about and so she didn't care about whether they agreed or not.

"Either way if you reject. I have the last word," Elliot said making the old man stand out of anger. He slammed his hands onto the table and asked, "Then what makes my daughter?" Elliot ignored the old man and continued, "As you know Princess Emelia is the princess of the Redodel Empire. If these two empires were to combine we would become much powerful. But, of course, we will still be called the Vivan Empire."

"Your Imperial Majesty! Don't ignore my question," the old man said as he continued to stand in frustration. "Chief Malzan, what is that you prefer? The Vivan Empire not to expand their territories and let others conquer us because of our small population?"

The Vivan Empire doesn't have that big f a population, which concerns Elliot about the upcoming events that may happen. Combining with the neighboring empire which is the Redodel Empire would make their forces grow stronger and their population much larger as well.

"That…" Chief Malzan was left speechless and he retreated back by sitting back into his chair. But still, he felt like he couldn't allow the fact that Elliot would make Emelia into an Empress instead of his daughter, Lady Malith.

"Princess Emelia is an intelligent woman. Not only intelligent but she could wield the sword. I could say that she might be stronger than my loyal servants," Elliot said making the high nobles murmur to one another. The black-haired man raised his hand then asked, "I do not have any problems with this. I trust His Imperial Majesty with his decisions."

The high nobles murmured to one another and one by one they accepted it. But still, three of them still opposed to this proposal. Since the hands of people in favor of this proposal were more than those who opposed it. The decision was made by the majority.

Emelia didn't know what they were talking about not until she was left alone in the council room with Elliot and the black-haired man. "So this is Princess Emelia," He said while rubbing his chin and walked closer to her. He held his hand out to touch her hair. Instead, he felt a hand around his wrist, pulled towards Emelia. She then twisted his arm and using her knee she pushed him down.

"Don't touch me," Emelia said and releases the man after. Elliot laughed at the black-haired man then said, "I warned you about her, Archduke Yves."

Archduke Yves of Melody, the closest cousin of Elliot and is well respected by the nobles because of his achievements. Black hair, green eyes, but not as tall as Elliot. Not to mention he was quite good looking.

"May I know what this proposal is?" Emelia asked as patience was running out of her. "Even if you don't want to do this you will do it," Elliot took a small pause and with a smirk, he continued, "You're going to rule this land with me."