Forced To Agree

Emelia clearly heard what he said but she couldn't understand why he chose her. He can choose to merge the two empires like it's nothing and there's nothing wrong. But to bring her into this, making her into an empress, 'he must be delusional' she thought. She strongly believes that she is not fit to be one.

"I do not agree with this. If you had told me earlier about this I might have considered it. But then you decided on things on your own and so I wouldn't accept it even if you force me," said Emelia who turned her back and was about to walk away but was stopped by Elliot. "I recently noticed how close you and your maid is. I wonder what I should do to her?" Elliot threatened Emelia who didn't like it at all. He had to involve an innocent person in his plans just to get what he wants. How far is this heartless person willing to go just for his plans to go accordingly?

"Think wisely, Princess Emelia," Elliot hummed her name and gave her a smile. Emelia turned her back and met Elliot's eyes. "Is this how you deal with people? Threatening them with other people's lives. Is this your form of entertainment?" Emelia asked as she remembered how her family treated her before.

As she was growing as a child she strayed away from people because of one reason. If she gets attached to someone, that person would end up dying. Of course, she had to stay away and distance herself since she didn't want people dying because of her. Not only that but it was painful to see someone she loved die because of her disobedience.

"You're no different from the emperor of the Redodel Empire," said Emelia and made her way out of the council room.

"You made her angry," Archduke Yves said as he walked beside Elliot who didn't understand why Emelia was like that. If the two empires were to merge then her land would still be there. It would also benefit both of them and yet she didn't want it. For the first time, a person made Elliot feel troubled and confused.

Archduke Yves wrapped his arms around Elliot's neck then asked, "You want a drink?" He winked after. Elliot pushed his arms off his neck then asked, "You're that free to have a drink? I wish I were you."

"Is that an exaggeration?" Archduke Yves asked while pouting. "Of course I don't have time to drink. It's just now," He said as he walked towards the door. "Anyway, if you need anything just write me a letter. I can't let my precious ladies wait for me."

"Playboy, that's what you are called by the society," Elliot said as he watched Archduke Yves leave the room and didn't care what he said about him. Alone in the council room, Elliot rested his arms on the table and placed his head on his hand.

He felt his stomach sink, remembering the things he told Emelia. He didn't want to threaten Emelia but then he was left without a choice, because if he didn't do that then she would never agree to it. 'At least he got what he wanted.' he wanted to think. But deep inside, he didn't feel an ounce of satisfaction.

Emelia didn't seem like the type to get mad but she does get mad once in a while. She ranted in her head and started to get a headache, forcing her to stop thinking. She stopped walking midway to calm herself down. Just when she thought no one was going to disturb her she suddenly sees Chief Malzan as she looked to the side.

He walked closer to Emelia then asked, "Princess Emelia where are you headed?". This statement made her angrier as where she is headed is none of his business. "Why do I have to tell you?" Emelia asked with a cold expression and walked away from him but then he caught up to her. While rubbing his hands and with a smile, he answered, "Simply just curious."

"Then stop following me," she ordered but then he didn't stop and decided to grab her hand. Emelia slapped his hand away from her then snapped, "Refrain from touching me with your dirty hands."

The whole time Chief Malzan was holding his anger in, but at some point, he couldn't contain it and exploded. He laughed out loud like a drunken man. "You're the dirty one. Entertaining random men why won't you entertain me. I would be glad to be one of your customers." Emelia didn't look amused but rather she was beyond furious if that was even possible.

"And you heard those rumors from who?" Emelia glared at him. Those rumors are lies as she isn't the type of woman to go around sleep around with men. "You clearly know nothing, it is clear that you don't even know the truth," Emelia let out a mocking laugh.

Chief Malzan clenched his fist and bit his lip. "Truth? Is there a need to find truth in something that all the people already know about?" he asked, raising a brow and grabbed Emelia's wrist once again. Emelia let out a 'tch' and was about to kick him on the stomach when suddenly, someone went in between them.

"Is this how the Chief of the Honani Tribe should be acting?" Elliot asked and grabbed onto his neck. "I didn't do anything to you because of some negotiations. But it looks like you stepped out of the box." Chief Malzan struggled as he felt suffocated from being choked by Elliot. "You are not going to touch what is mine," Elliot said in a low tone making Emelia shudder from his intense presence.

Elliot then released his hands, dropping Chief Malzan onto the ground. He held his neck and was coughing out loud. He glared at Emelia but then it was broken when Elliot stared at him intensely. "Get out of here. Now."

Scared, Chief Malzan ran for his life and cursed out loud at Emelia. Emelia rubbed her arms and while looking away she said, "I didn't need you to lend a hand." this angered Elliot. He couldn't understand why Emelia couldn't accept someone's hand.

"At least be grateful that I came to help you. Take this as an apology from earlier," he said and before leaving he continued, "But I'm not backing out of what I said earlier. Once I have agreed to something. It is final."

It wasn't her intent to make him angry because this is what she had believed since before. It's just that she doesn't believe in some so-called trust. It's hard. She looked at her palms and closed them.

"It's better this way," Emelia muttered as she walked back to her room.