Grand Celebration I

"You're here. You sure took your time," Said Henry. His eyes were fixed on the mirror, fixing his tie. Then turned his back only to be stunned by her appearance. His mouth slightly opened, blinking a few times, and said, "I take my word back. The wait is worth it."

Henry walked towards Emelia and felt something was missing from her. Her dress looked breathtaking, but her neck was missing a necklace. He asked, "Where is the necklace I bought you? Why aren't you wearing it?"

"I didn't like it, so I threw it away," Answered Emelia, turning her back as she took a few steps away from Henry.

"Threw it? Don't you know how much that necklace costs?" He glared at her. Knowing Henry is a money lover. Emelia didn't care about wasting his money on something she didn't ask for. 

"Then what necklace do you want? I can buy it for you," Said Henry, calling his assistant to note it down.