Grand Celebration II

Someone? Who in the world wants to see her? Judging the smile on his face, he didn't look like he was kidding around. But it didn't mean she was going to trust a stranger who came from the Vivan Empire.

"Doesn't sound exciting at all," Muttered Emelia, turning her back to only be stopped when she felt a hand around her wrist. She turned her neck, looking at Enoch, and asked, "Is there anything else you want from me?"

Enoch looked at his hand, holding Emelia's, and immediately released her hand. He rubbed his nape, "I apologize. I didn't mean to grab your hand." 

'Doesn't she recognize me?' Enoch asked himself, watching her back. Emelia's eyes looked like when she first came to the camp. It used to be brighter, but now it's not even shining. Just what happened during the mission?