Party In The Mansion II

From the reactions of the noblewomen, it seems things went well for Emelia. Thankfully no one recognized her because she doesn't show herself much to the public. When a servant passed him, he placed the glass cup and walked to where he is supposed to be. Seeing Emelia succeed mean he had to better than her. 

"Duke Ze- I mean Cereus, It's great to see you again," greeted a nobleman wearing a lazuli-colored mask. From his attire, he looks like someone important, maybe a council member?

The man wearing a red mask and a white suit who is Duke Zed asked, "Who are you? I don't recognize you." 

"It's me, you know…Warren," He whispered his name out loud. Duke Zed stares at Warren and walks away from him. Why bother talking that man he said to himself.