Party In The Mansion III

Duke Zed stood in silence, scolding himself, but at the same time, he didn't know it was a sensitive topic for Elliot. But to think he really loves her this much impressed him. Since from what he knows, the Emperor of the Vivan Empire doesn't involve himself with women. Not only that, but also the same for Emelia. 

"I trust you will keep this discrete. For the people you care the commoners," said Elliot, but his gaze threatened Duke Zed. 

If this is for the people and to make this place into a better one. It's normal to follow the leader that will bring the world into peace and safety. 

Duke Zed kneeled onto one knee, reciting, "I, Zed Neutron am at Princess Emelia's service. If I were to betray the Princess. Death awaits me." He stood back up, and Elliot offered his hand, smiling. Duke Zed shook his hand with Elliot and had forgotten about his suit.