Let's take Time

Jessica was just thinking about the whole thing when she was suddenly pulled into a tight embrace, and she looked up in surprise to see Levi. He kept on holding her as he caressed her back, and when he felt her body relax a bit, he loosened his hand from her waist and suddenly gave a deep kiss to the unguarded Jessica.

He carefully held her head as he slowly bit her lips, and his thin, long tongue broke into her mouth, entangling her tongue with his, which made her shudder as her grip on his shoulder tightened. He opened his eyes to look at her flushed face with closed eyes when he noticed the other two guys behind her, who were looking at him with their eyes wide and jaws on the verge of dropping.

He smirked as he ended the kiss. He looked at Jessica's face, who was looking at him with her hazy, wet eyes and lips that looked swollen and much redder because he bit them quite hard, which made him amused from deep inside and made him give her a peck on her lips.

He cupped her face and said, "Jessica, I love you, and that's why I wanted to be your mate. It doesn't have to make a difference whether you give birth or not." while looking directly into her eyes.

Jessica couldn't help but be stunned when she heard those words, accompanied by the determination she saw in his eyes, because she couldn't believe she got to hear those words because it's not like she was a person who loved wallowing in grief, and that's why she was quick to move on, even in this situation, but Levi's words definitely got her touched because somewhere she had always wanted to hear them when she was suddenly pulled into a back hug by Blaze.

Blaze placed his head in her neck crook, exhaling his hot breath, and said while intertwining her one hand in his, "Jessica, we beastmen can only have one mate for our whole lives, and for me it cannot be anyone else other than you. Beastmen are eager to have a litter of cubs for themselves just so their females don't forget them or ignore them because females usually have a soft side for the father of their cubs."

He then moved his head and bit her earlobe softly, which made her flinch. She was about to push him when he whispered in her ear, "I love you a lot too, so do that with me too," which made Jessica's mind blow for a second. Before she could have replied, Blaze had already turned her toward himself, and his lips were already on hers.

He gave her a lick and took her lower lip in his mouth, with which he tried to imitate what Levi was doing, which he could see from his angle. Looking at him acting like this, Jessica couldn't help but giggle.

Now that she could call herself a little bit experienced in kissing, she knew from what he was doing that he was a complete noob, so she decided to take the lead as she pulled him toward herself from his neck while her hand moved up from his face to his tiger ear, and the moment she rubbed it with her finger and thumb, she felt the guy in front of her get a very intense shiver that made him perk all of a sudden and gave Jessica a chance to infiltrate his mouth.

Blaze's grip tightened around her, and as he felt her soft tongue trying to explore his mouth, he could feel his body starting to heat up, and his mind that had been clear a moment ago wasn't able to process things calmly anymore as his beastly instincts started to take over, his feral eyes shining and looking at the female in his hands as if looking at his prey, he was about to push her down under him when a sound came that brought him and Jessica out of their world.

"Jessica!" exclaimed Ell, which reminded Jessica of the most important thing: she wasn't alone when she was acting like the most perverted person in the world (according to her), because while kissing Blaze she realised she wouldn't hate it if he decided to go all the way with her; instead, she would love to cooperate with him.

Jessica instantly released Blaze and wiped her mouth. She sat down with her back straight, trying to hide her face full of embarrassment with her hands. Blaze, who was once again disturbed when he was just about to take over, was about to grab her and pounce on her when he felt Levi's hiss and saw that he was looking at him with a warning look.

Ell took Jessica's hands and placed them on his face. He licked them and kissed her palm, making her tremble. He looked at her while her finger was in his mouth, brushing against his teeth, as he said, "Jazz, I love you the most, and I'll be the first one to become your male, so complete the ceremony with me first."

A sudden laugh broke out of Jessica's mouth after listening to her new pet name, but she still asked, while controlling herself, "What kind of ceremony?"

"Mating ceremony!" replied Ell with a bright smile, which made Jessica think even more because earlier she thought that the ceremony for becoming mates might be something like taking an oath just like marriage vows, so she asked them to explain.

Ell told her how they can form a lifetime contract with their mates just by mating, and they will be bound to her for a lifetime until they die, looking at her confused face.

The explanation was definitely shocking for Jessica, because doesn't that mean that they can't have sex with anyone casually? Because if they do, they will be bound to that person even if they do not want to; this realisation made her realise the deed she was about to do; what she was taking so casually was something so important to them that it made her feel guilty.

She looked at Ell's eyes, which were looking a bit swollen because he had cried earlier, and saw a lot of expectations in them. She knew that he was being serious, but was she? She met them not too long ago, and her affection indeed started because they surely were handsome with their conduct, but was that enough?

Instead of herself, what bothered her more was them because they still didn't know her that well. So what if, at some point, they start regretting their decision? because, according to them, it was something irreversible.

Jessica took a long breath and said, "I would definitely love that if you guys want to become my mates but I think doing things in this haste will not be good for any one of us since I need time to get to know more about you and get used to this place, and you guys should also get to know me more."

Her words made the three of them speechless for a moment when Blaze said while showing his impatience, "But Jessica, your He- Periods just gets over; it's the best time to mate!"

"But I get my periods every month," she replied bluntly, which made all of them shocked as they asked her, "How is that possible?" To which she replied with a small laugh, "This is why I said that we should take time to try to know each other more."

Somehow, they all three realised that what she said does make sense, so they all agreed to wait a little bit longer, but for how long?

"Umm… A month, I believe?" she said while acting as if she was thinking very seriously, which made Ell to suddenly say in a shocking voice, "That long?"

"Who knows? I mean… it can be shorter than that too," she said while teasing Ell, who was already looking as if he was sulking.

When Ell looked at her laughing once again, he couldn't help but get an unconscious grin on his face. He got up from his place, and since he was already holding her hand, it wasn't hard for him to pull Jessica into his arms.

Jessica was startled, and before she could have said anything, she realised that Ell had already lifted her in his arms and started running away from the cave. When she saw behind him while holding his neck, she saw the shocked faces of Levi and Blaze as they also instantly got up from their places and rushed to catch them.

Jessica who was still in shock to understand the whole situation heard Ell saying "Jazz, I'm going to turn into my beast form so hold me tight" and without waiting more than two seconds he pushed Jessica from his arms to his back while running at a very fast pace and instantly turned into a majestic Phoenix, thanks to Jessica's instant response and good reflexives she was steadily sitting on his back as he took off.

Jessica looked down to see a large black python and a white tiger staring at them as they soar higher into the sky. After a while, Ell started flying slowly, so Jessica took advantage of the opportunity and leaned forward and asked, "Why did you suddenly run away while carrying me?"

In reply, Ell made a long, happy screech as he took dives in the sky, but when he didn't receive any reply, he suddenly turned into his beastman form in midair, more than two thousand metres above the ground.

Jessica, who was carefully seated, suddenly felt that the seat under her suddenly disappeared whereas her arms were in the air because of his sudden transformation. Not only that, she started falling down, so she instantly wrapped the guy in front of herself with her arms and legs as she screamed "ELEANOR!"