A friendly fight


Looking at her acting all scared made Ell laugh; he was also hugging her, so he said in her ear, "You asked why I took you away, right? That's because I'm kidnapping you," he said cheerfully, but, contrary to what he expected, Jessica exclaimed in a loud, angry tone, "FOOL, WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" as she realised they weren't far from colliding with the trees, prompting her to tighten her grip.

But to her surprise, just when she was praying to God to give her a less painful death, the guy in her arms turned into his beast form and took off just before they were about to touch the trees.

His sudden action made Jessica take a deep, relieving breath after facing the fear of death from this close. When she noticed that Ell had already landed on a high spot and transformed back, he instantly started saying, "Sorry, sorry... "I won't do that again."

Jessica, who was trying her best to calm her sped-up heartbeat by taking a fast and long breath, said in an enthusiastic voice, "That was so thrilling! "Let's do it again some other time," she said, because it was indeed a memorable experience for her.

Since she had always been an adventurer, she had already tried scuba diving, trekking, mountaineering, and always wanted to try sky diving but never got the chance, so for Jessica, it was like completing one of the tasks on her bucket list, so how can she act angry with Ell? She was angry at first because he hadn't warned her ahead of time, but now that she knows he has a lot up his sleeves, she became even more curious.

Ell was surprised, but more than happy because of her words, because it was like having a partner in doing fun things, which would have been impossible if she was one of their world's females because none of them are this brave-hearted, and if he doesn't recall it incorrectly, there was a case when a male of the Phoenix clan tried diving in the sky with his female on just to show his skills, but ended up having his contract broken and losing his life.

Thankfully, Jessica was like his ideal type, so he instantly took her in his arms, holding her tightly. When Jessica said, "At least give me water before trying to choke me," in a joking tone, and as she expected, Ell released her and gave her water, the tumbler filled with warm water.

After drinking the water she started looking around to find that they were probably on a plateu like structure with many trees on it, she was just about to go and explore the surrounding more when Ell grabbed her hand and pulled her, looking into her eyes, pulling her waist toward himself while his one hand was cupping her face and his thumb was brushing against her plump lips.

Jessica knew where this was going, and this fact suddenly brought that shy blush on her face, so she instantly lowered her gaze because she knew that if she kept on looking, she would definitely start smiling like a fool.

Ell moved forward, closing the space between both of them, Jessica's hand on his chest could feel how loudly his heart was beating, not only his, but even hers was making such a loud sound when she realised that they both started synchronizing, which made her blush even more because she recalled reading that when a person is in love, then his heartbeat synchronises with that of his lover.

Ell looked at her blushing face while Jessica's gaze was fixed on his chest, making him feel proud, but he still said, "At least look at my face..." in a deep voice that was unusually charming and that made Jessica look at him. "Do that with me too... " he said after he kissed her on the lips.

"It's called a kiss," she said, while her face was decorated with a beautiful shy smile.

"Then give me a kiss too…" he said as he licked her lips, which had dried after their rough flight, to moisten them. Taking the chance, Jessica slid her hands from his chest to his neck, entrapping him as she tiptoed to make it easy for him to kiss her.

Jessica herself had a height of one hundred and seventy-eight centimetres, which was definitely above the average height for a woman in her world, making her a perfect model figure. She clearly recalls that the guys whom she met as partner prospects were usually the same height as her or taller with a difference of just four to five centimeters, but Ell, Blaze, and Levi were definitely on the extremely tall side with heights greater than two metres that made her tip-toe.

Just when she was kissing Ell, he lifted her up while holding her thighs, making her sit in his arms as he supported himself by leaning his back against a tree. Jessica was lifted very easily, which even surprised her, but now that she was on a higher level, it made it very easy for her to kiss him, so instead of letting her mind wander anywhere else, she took the lead in making the kiss even more passionate.

Both kissed each other for a while, forgetting the world, as if they both were trying to engrave themselves in the mind and soul of each other; in between, they parted to take short breath breaks, but whenever they looked at each other's sensual expression with those lewd threads of saliva still connecting them with each other, it worked as fuel to the fire burning in them.

"We caught you, Finally!" Ell and Jessica both stopped and looked when they heard a loud voice, only to discover that it was Blaze and Levi, and that the voice was unmistakably Blaze's.

"Ell, now you are caught. "Return her right this moment," said Levi as he flipped his hair back, looking at the surroundings.

Ell buried his face in Jessica's chest as he took a deep sigh and carefully put her down as he said, "Fine, fine, but you surely took much longer" while giving them a belittling smile.

"You! Just wait-" suddenly blurted Blaze as he moved forward but was held back by Levi, who said, "Jessica, let's go!"

Jessica looked at all of them with confusion, so she asked, "Can someone explain what you guys are talking about?"

"It's nothing too much, just our old habit. "We usually play this game where one of us runs away with the prey and all the left ones chase that one person together, but he made you the target of kidnapping," Levi said as he approached her and led her toward Blaze.

Jessica was just about to tell him that it was an interesting game when Levi said in continuation, "And after getting our target back, we usually have a fight," as he lifted her in his arms in a hug like a child and suddenly made a very high jump because of which they both were on a high tree instantly.

"Sit here carefully and please cheer for me," he said as he kissed her on her cheek and made her sit on a thick branch, then instantly jumped down himself.

"Huh?" Jessica looked down in her startled state to see that Levi and Blaze already turned into their beast forms whereas on the other side Ell stretched his arms and took a power stance as he enclosed his hands and concentrated fire in his hands and created a big fireball that he threw toward the two guys which they dodged very easily, but the very next movement a wave of many fire balls were attacked which made Jessica to tightly grab the tree as her glimmering eyes were stuck on watching them fight.

Blaze instantly turned back into his beastman form and accumulated green shining light in his hands, from which he created a repulsive shield around him, whereas Levi was moving with such lightning speed dodging all the attacks that it was hard to locate his location in the fight as his figure appeared as a shadow, which would stay at a place for only a few miliseconds.

Soon that black figure crossed the blazing fire wave that kept on increasing in intensity with time and was standing beside Ell, his golden feral eyes glimmered for a second as he hissed showing his big sharp deadly fangs and made a powerful slash toward Ell by his tail, thankfully Ell transformed into his beast form at the right time or else he would have been smashed quite hard, because when Levi's tail thrashed the ground it created such a strong shock wave that made the ground to get an earthquake which even made Jessica jump from her spot but since she was holding the tree she was saved from falling.

For Jessica, instead of fight it was more like watching an action sci-fi movie and that too in 3D? No, more like in 4D because it was real yet felt unreal. Earlier when she saw the fireballs that they all dodged were coming toward her that it made her question about the fact that did Levi made her seated as a spectator, in the middle of their BATTLE FIELD?

But surprisingly, those fires didn't even reach her as she saw an invisible shield protecting her, which made her relieved yet even more excited because now she could enjoy the fight without worrying about anything.

Ell instantly soared higher to avoid getting attacked by the big python when he felt his wings getting stuck and restricting his movement. He looked down to see that it was Blaze who created two strong vines that were wrapping his wings. "I'm not letting you fly away," said Blaze as he tightened his grip and pulled the vines, flexing the raised veins on his biceps, which were showing that it wasn't easy to win the tug of war, but the game changed the moment Levi stepped in and took one of the vines and helped him bring down the majestic Phoenix.

The moment Ell got on the ground, Blaze rushed to pin him down, but the Phoenix turned into a man and said, as he ran away toward Jessica, "You are not allowed to touch me, stinky tiger," showing clear disgust on his face, which indeed made Blaze halt.

"Jazz!" he said as he made a jump toward her but was held back, and when he looked down, he saw the big python tail wrapped around him.

"Since you've been taken down by me, I'm taking Jessica with me," said Levi after he turned away from Ell, whom he threw away and walked toward Jessica with a victorious smile. He looked up at her and extended his arms in waiting for her.

Jessica looked at him with an irked face because he was asking her to jump down, JUMP DOWN? She was sitting at a height of more than fifteen meters, and he was asking her to jump down, SERIOUSLY?

"What are you waiting for, Jessica?" "Jump down," Levi urged softly as he displayed his arms.

"I will break myself if I jump from here," she replied, tightening her grip on the tree.

"That won't happen; I will catch you."

"And what if you missed?"

"You don't believe in me?"

"We are talking about life and death here, how is this a matter of believing or not?"

"Try believing just once; I promise on the name of Lord Beast God that I won't let you fall down," Levi pleaded when he saw that no matter what he said, she wasn't convinced.

Jessica felt herself in turmoil because she did want to believe, but her human instincts and fears were not allowing her, and the guy in front of her just swore in the name of God, and she knew how important the Beast God was for all the beastmen because Levi himself told her about this.

She looked at his expectant eyes and took a deep breath. "Fine, I'm jumping then," she said, and finally jumped with her eyes closed as she took God's name.

For a moment she felt herself under the free fall but was caught into strong sturdy arms and when she opened her eyes, Levi was looking at her with a look saying "Look? "I told you so."

Jessica hugged his neck as she said, "Earlier, I thought I was going to die...," which made Levi and even herself laugh.

"Jazz, next time I'll win for sure," Ell said as he came running beside them both.

"What's with that name "Jazz"?" She questioned it because it was confusing for herself.

"Oh! " That's the short name I decided to call you from now on, I'm not saying your name is not good; it's just that it's very long. Don't you find it cute?" He replied enthusiastically, which somehow made Jessica's forehead twitch with irritation, because isn't he acting quite hypocritically? Because it was he who asked to be called by his full name, but now he himself is trying to break her name, and since Jessica wasn't in a mood to bicker with anyone, she just said, "Do as it suits you."

Jessica got out of Levi's arms and told them that they should be get going back to their cave as she yawned, Blaze came beside her and tuned back into the big tiger for her to sit, Jessica looked at her bare feet and got on him with a smile, and buried herself in his fur that was surprisingly nothing like cat-fur because it was extremely soft and the most important fact that it never shed out no matter how much you rub it.