The next day...
The small dog yaps insistently at her ankles while Elise reclines on the couch on the lazy summer afternoon, reading the astrophysics book she brought. She shoos him off twice, but after he keeps coming back, she resigns.
"Fine, Cinnamon, you win!" She groans laughingly but gets up and grabs his leash from the hook by the door. Cinnamon follows, wagging his tail happily as she clips the leash onto his collar. He belongs to the Carters, but everyone staying in the house had been forewarned of his feistiness and was given permission to take him on a walk if he got too energetic.
Before she can reach for the door handle, it opens on its own. Aiden stands in the doorway, returned from his run.
"Hey, this naughty dog—" Cinnamon gives a few affirmative yaps "—won't shut up, so I figured I'd take him out. Wanna come with?"
"Sure." He leans down to pet him. "Aren't you a good boy?"
Cinnamon, already overexcited, starts running, and although Elise strains against the leash, he's pulling too hard and she starts running after him, Aiden in tow. The sounds of their laughs mixed with Cinnamon's happy barks fly through the sandy beach behind them.
"I'm…exhausted…" Elise pants after Cinnamon's finally calmed down.
"Someone's out of shape?" Aiden hasn't broken a sweat.
"Not my fault! Remember, I used to be able to beat you when we raced. It's just that I've been busy with school, so I haven't had as much time to work out lately."
"Well, isn't that unfortunate?"
She shoves him playfully. "How do you have time to exercise, when your head's all filled up with music?"
"The boys in the dorm at boarding school are always down for soccer on an afternoon off. And we have a nice gym."
Aiden's acting normal again, Elise observes. This morning, he'd seemed a little off, easily flustered around her. She doesn't know why, but found it a little disconcerting. She's glad he seems fine now.
She sticks out her tongue. "I'm gonna beat you this summer, just you wait."
"Well, then, I challenge you to a water duel."