The afternoon sunlight casts its cheerful rays as Jennifer Carter sits at the kitchen table in the beach house, papers strewn haphazardly on the surface as she types away. She's a bit of a workaholic, and even though she took time off for the vacation, she still brought some work to do during the spare time. But she enjoys it.
She's fixing up a part of the latest paper she's writing when—
"Mrs. Carter!" Elise bursts into the room, out of breath from running, her eyes bright with evident excitement.
"Yes, Elise, dear? Did something happen?"
"The Lyrid meteor shower will be visible from the Northern Hemisphere in two weeks! Just in time before we leave Silverstone, too. We have to go watch it."
"Oh, that is exciting! Too bad I didn't think to bring any of my telescopes here," Mrs. Carter says wistfully.
"I did some research and there's an area within an half hour's drive from here that has elevation high enough to have an excellent view of the meteors; we can definitely see it well from there." Elise says this all very fast.
"That sounds great. It doesn't conflict with any of the other plans. does it?"
"Nope, the trip to Cumberland is a few days from now, which is well ahead of the meteor shower. Other than that, I think we're just hanging out on the beach, nothing special."
"Excellent. I'll talk to Mr. Carter; the rest of them should be able to spare us for the evening." Mrs. Carter winks at her, a gesture that warms Elise.