Elise looks up from where she's sitting on the wooden dock, legs dangling over the side, just skimming the surface of the water. It's Aiden. "Hey," she responds. It's been a few days since her resolution to ignore him, which has been successful to some degree. But apparently not, anymore.
"Can I join you?"
She hesitates for the briefest moment before she nods, and Aiden sits down next to her.
"Pretty view," he says, nodding at the horizon streaked with a pink and orange blush by the setting sun.
"Mm," she answers, for lack of a better response.
Elise draws a circle in the water as she swirls her feet around.
"So." Aiden pauses, as if he's not quite sure what to say.
"Did I do something to make you hate me?"
"What? Dear Neil deGrasse Tyson, no. I…I could never hate you."
"Glad to know."
"Why would you possibly think that?"
"Well, you've been avoiding me."
"Have I?" Elise mentally reprimands herself for being so obvious.
"Are you really asking that?"
Silence again. It's a long pause.
Then Aiden bursts out: "Look, Elise, I'm sorry if I've done anything wrong! But please don't be mad at me. I miss...my best friend."
Elise involuntarily flinches, just in the slightest, as a reflex. She isn't sure why.
"No, I'm sorry. You haven't done anything to make me mad, and I'm not mad at you at all. I just…"
Aiden waits, but she trails off and returns to studying the water.
"I really am sorry, though. For acting like I was mad at you. And if that hurt you."
"No worries. Are we good then? Back to normal?"
Elise bits her lip and nods. "I've missed my best friend, too."
"Cool." Aiden grins. It's so infectious that Elise can't help but smile as well.