Gosh, how did Elise manage this? Aiden wonders as he studies the obstacle, a young oak, in front of him. Well, nothing much to do other than go for it. He shrugs, grabs onto a branch, and starts pulling himself up.
At least he's figured out where Elise is. As he was approaching the park, he confirmed his suspicion when he caught a glimpse of her perched atop the roof of a building, the one adjacent to the tree he's currently climbing. Even with her back facing him, he recognized the casual T-shirt and signature ponytail she usually sports.
He slips for a moment, although he manages to catch himself and grip onto another foothold before he falls. But the noise of the scuffle catches Elise's attention, and she glances down from the rooftop.
"Aiden, what are you doing here? Go away."
Yet she sounds more miserable than forceful.
During this time, Aiden's finally been able to climb high enough to reach the roof, and he cautiously hoists himself onto the building. Looking down, he's quite glad he isn't scared of heights.
"I came here to find you." His voice softens. "Are you… okay?"
It's a stupid question, really, when up close he can see the remnants of tears streaking her face. She seems to realize this as well, and she quickly turns away from him. "You know what happened?"
Oh. Was he not supposed to? "Yeah," he admits. "Your mom told me. She's worried about you."
"I'm fine. Don't bother." But again, the harshness of the words is masked by the exhaustion that coats them. She's evidently already been up here for a long while, by herself.
"Hey. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But, Elsie, you don't have to pretend." Elsie. It's been a while since they've used the nicknames (especially with Elise's insistence that "There's not much point in a nickname if it's not any shorter!"), but something prompts Aiden to right now.
"You don't understand."
"I probably don't," he agrees. "So, like I said, you don't have to talk about it. But I'll stay here. Until you decide you want to go back."
Elise stays quiet for a while. He's afraid she's going to tell him to leave, but then— "Thanks, Ace," she murmurs. It's barely a whisper.
Ace. He's warmed, a bit, by the goofy little nickname that Elise had come up with for him all those years ago, on a brighter day, in a happier moment. Laughing, as she insisted on a counterpart for "Elsie."
But if Elise remembers that, then maybe there'll be a day when they can call each other and smile again.
They sit on the roof until daylight fades, and Elise wordlessly rises. Aiden follows her as they climb back to the ground, the sunset behind them streaked with a brilliant pink-orange.