[Present Day]
"Marvelous!" Adelaide enunciates in her best imitation of a British accent, which isn't very good. Elise's almost lost track of why she's speaking like this—but oh right, historical town, something about British colonial life, yadda yadda. It's getting somewhat annoying, but she also smiles a little, seeing how much fun Adelaide is having.
The girls have ventured out from Silverstone for the day and are on an outing to Brunswick, a nearby town, along with Aiden and Ethan, of course. Adelaide is going off about the quaint 17th century-style dresses and language and who knows what else she's been jabbering about for the past hour. Aiden is more subdued in his enthusiasm, but Elise can tell that he's clearly enjoying this trip as well, especially as they passed by an exhibit of colonial music during the period. He's looking forward to a fiddling performance that starts in the next half hour.
History doesn't rank as high as astrophysics on Elise's list, but she finds it fairly interesting. She marvels at how people got by with such primitive technology and a lack of understanding of the universe. That is, until—
"Toy store!"
They've reached one exit of the historical site, which connects to a downtown area. Where there is, indeed, a toy shop, the one that's caught Kathryn and Ethan's attention. It's a large chain store, with two stories and bright, vibrant displays of Legos and giant stuffed animals: Ethan and Kathryn could easily spend hours here.
"Can't we go to the toy store?"
Adelaide's adamant. "We still have the New England farmhouse…and the dress display…and the writer's museum!" she lists, scanning the map they'd gotten when they entered. "We won't have enough time to go to the toy store and all the other places before it closes."
"Can't we split up? Go by ourselves?" Kathryn asks, on the verge of whining. Ethan pleads too, puppy dog eyes expressing his undying desire to explore the toy store.
"No, it's not safe. There are lots of people, and you haven't been here before," Aiden chides. "I can take you guys, and Elise and Adelaide can continue with the historical sector."
Elise smiles at his protective big-brother-ness, but she knows he's been looking forward to listening to the violins. "No, you go on with Addie. I'll take them."
"Really?" Kathryn's surprised at this turn of events. It's not often that Elise offers to go with them like this; she certainly has no interest in toy stores.
"Yes, really. Now run along," she teases, tousling Kathryn's hair before her sister ducks away and out of her grip to heed her command, racing with Ethan toward the toy store.
Elise glances at Aiden and Adelaide. "What are you waiting for? Go have fun!" She smiles, before turning to follow the kids.